Source code for rubin_sim.maf.plots.nd_plotters

__all__ = ("TwoDSubsetData", "OneDSubsetData")

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors

from .perceptual_rainbow import make_pr_cmap
from .plot_handler import BasePlotter

perceptual_rainbow = make_pr_cmap()

[docs] class TwoDSubsetData(BasePlotter): """ Plot 2 axes from the slicer.sliceColList, identified by plot_dict['xaxis']/['yaxis'], given the metric_values at all slicepoints [sums over non-visible axes]. """ def __init__(self): self.plot_type = "2DBinnedData" self.object_plotter = False self.default_plot_dict = { "title": None, "xlabel": None, "ylable": None, "units": None, "log_scale": False, "clims": None, "cmap": perceptual_rainbow, "cbar_format": None, "figsize": None, }
[docs] def __call__(self, metric_values, slicer, user_plot_dict, fig=None): """ Parameters ---------- metric_value : `` The metric values from the bundle. slicer : `rubin_sim.maf.slicers.TwoDSlicer` The slicer. user_plot_dict: `dict` Dictionary of plot parameters set by user (overrides default values). fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Matplotlib figure number to use. Default = None, starts new figure. Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure with the plot. """ if slicer.slicer_name != "NDSlicer": raise ValueError("TwoDSubsetData plots ndSlicer metric values") plot_dict = {} plot_dict.update(self.default_plot_dict) plot_dict.update(user_plot_dict) if "xaxis" not in plot_dict or "yaxis" not in plot_dict: raise ValueError("xaxis and yaxis must be specified in plot_dict") xaxis = plot_dict["xaxis"] yaxis = plot_dict["yaxis"] if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=plot_dict["figsize"]) # Reshape the metric data so we can isolate the values to plot # (just new view of data, not copy). newshape = [] for b in slicer.bins: newshape.append(len(b) - 1) newshape.reverse() md = metric_values.reshape(newshape) # Sum over other dimensions. # Note that masked values are not included in sum. sumaxes = list(range(slicer.nD)) sumaxes.remove(xaxis) sumaxes.remove(yaxis) sumaxes = tuple(sumaxes) md = md.sum(sumaxes) # Plot the histogrammed data. # Plot data. x, y = np.meshgrid(slicer.bins[xaxis][:-1], slicer.bins[yaxis][:-1]) if plot_dict["log_scale"]: norm = colors.LogNorm() else: norm = None if plot_dict["clims"] is None: im = plt.contourf(x, y, md, 250, norm=norm, extend="both", cmap=plot_dict["cmap"]) else: im = plt.contourf( x, y, md, 250, norm=norm, extend="both", cmap=plot_dict["cmap"], vmin=plot_dict["clims"][0], vmax=plot_dict["clims"][1], ) xlabel = plot_dict["xlabel"] if xlabel is None: xlabel = slicer.sliceColList[xaxis] plt.xlabel(xlabel) ylabel = plot_dict["ylabel"] if ylabel is None: ylabel = slicer.sliceColList[yaxis] plt.ylabel(ylabel) cb = plt.colorbar( im, aspect=25, extend="both", orientation="horizontal", format=plot_dict["cbar_format"], ) cb.set_label(plot_dict["units"]) plt.title(plot_dict["title"]) return fig
[docs] class OneDSubsetData(BasePlotter): """ Plot a single axes from the sliceColList, identified by plot_dict['axis'], given the metric_values at all slicepoints [sums over non-visible axes]. """ def __init__(self): self.plot_type = "1DBinnedData" self.object_plotter = False self.default_plot_dict = { "title": None, "xlabel": None, "ylabel": None, "label": None, "units": None, "log_scale": False, "histRange": None, "filled": False, "alpha": 0.5, "cmap": perceptual_rainbow, "cbar_format": None, "figsize": None, }
[docs] def __call__(self, metric_values, slicer, user_plot_dict, fig=None): """ Parameters ---------- metric_value : `` The metric values from the bundle. slicer : `rubin_sim.maf.slicers.TwoDSlicer` The slicer. user_plot_dict: `dict` Dictionary of plot parameters set by user (overrides default values). fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Matplotlib figure number to use. Default = None, starts new figure. Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure with the plot. """ if slicer.slicer_name != "NDSlicer": raise ValueError("TwoDSubsetData plots ndSlicer metric values") plot_dict = {} plot_dict.update(self.default_plot_dict) plot_dict.update(user_plot_dict) if "axis" not in plot_dict: raise ValueError("axis for 1-d plot must be specified in plot_dict") if fig is None: fig = plt.Figure(figsize=plot_dict["figsize"]) # Reshape the metric data so we can isolate the values to plot # (just new view of data, not copy). axis = plot_dict["axis"] newshape = [] for b in slicer.bins: newshape.append(len(b) - 1) newshape.reverse() md = metric_values.reshape(newshape) # Sum over other dimensions. # Note that masked values are not included in sum. sumaxes = list(range(slicer.nD)) sumaxes.remove(axis) sumaxes = tuple(sumaxes) md = md.sum(sumaxes) # Plot the histogrammed data. leftedge = slicer.bins[axis][:-1] width = np.diff(slicer.bins[axis]) if plot_dict["filled"]: leftedge, md, width, label=plot_dict["label"], linewidth=0, alpha=plot_dict["alpha"], log=plot_dict["log_scale"], ) else: x = np.ravel(list(zip(leftedge, leftedge + width))) y = np.ravel(list(zip(md, md))) if plot_dict["log_scale"]: plt.semilogy(x, y, label=plot_dict["label"]) else: plt.plot(x, y, label=plot_dict["label"]) plt.ylabel(plot_dict["ylabel"]) xlabel = plot_dict["xlabel"] if xlabel is None: xlabel = slicer.sliceColName[axis] if plot_dict["units"] is not None: xlabel += " (" + plot_dict["units"] + ")" plt.xlabel(xlabel) if plot_dict["histRange"] is not None: plt.xlim(plot_dict["histRange"]) plt.title(plot_dict["title"]) return fig