
Quick Installation

Installation from PyPI:

pip install rubin-sim

Note: pip installation of rubin-sim will lack the JPL data (DE405, etc.) that is needed to actually run pyoorb, used in rubin_sim.moving_objects, as this is not currently available from PyPI. Please see the oorb installation instructions for more information.

or from conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge rubin-sim

The scheduler_download_data and rs_download_data commands will download data files to the default location of /rubin_sim_data. To store the data elsewhere, see instructions at Data Download.

For Developer Use

First, clone the rubin_sim repository:

git clone
cd rubin_sim
conda create --channel conda-forge --name rubin-sim --file requirements.txt python=3.12
conda activate rubin-sim
conda install -c conda-forge --file=test-requirements.txt # Optional test requirements
pip install -e . --no-deps

The scheduler_download_data and rs_download_data commands will download data files to the default location of /rubin_sim_data. To store the data elsewhere, see instructions at Data Download.

Note conda may override previous installs of rubin_scheduler, in which case one can uninstall the conda version and re-run pip install -e . --no-deps from the needed git repo directory.

Building Documentation

An online copy of the documentation is available at, however building a local copy can be done as follows:

pip install "documenteer[guide]"
cd docs
make html

The root of the local documentation will then be docs/_build/html/index.html.