Source code for rubin_sim.maf.maps.trilegal_map
__all__ = ("TrilegalDensityMap",)
import os
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import get_data_dir
from rubin_scheduler.utils import _build_tree, _hpid2_ra_dec, _xyz_from_ra_dec
from . import BaseMap
class TrilegalDensityMap(BaseMap):
"""Read and hold the cumulative stellar luminosity function for
each slice point.
The stellar luminosity function comes from the TRILEGAL model.
filtername : `str`, opt
Filter to use. Options of u,g,r,i,z,y. Default r.
nside : `int`, opt
The HEALpix nside (can be 64 or 128). Default 64.
ext : `bool`, opt
Use the full sky maps. Default True.
The underlying stellar luminosity function map is available in a
variety of nsides, and contains
stars per sq degree at a series of magnitudes (the map contains
`starLumFunc_<filter>` and `starMapBins_<filter>`).
For slice points which do not match one of the native nside options,
the map uses the nearest healpix point on the specified nside grid.
def __init__(self, filtername="r", nside=64, ext=True):
self.map_dir = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "maps", "TriMaps")
self.filtername = filtername
self.keynames = [
self.nside = nside
self.ext = ext
def _read_map(self):
if self.ext:
filename = "TRIstarDensity_%s_nside_%i_ext.npz" % (
filename = "TRIstarDensity_%s_nside_%i.npz" % (self.filtername, self.nside)
star_map = np.load(os.path.join(self.map_dir, filename))
self.star_map = star_map["starDensity"].copy()
self.star_map_bins = star_map["bins"].copy()
self.starmap_nside = hp.npix2nside(np.size(self.star_map[:, 0]))
# note, the trilegal maps are in galactic coordinates
# and use nested healpix.
gal_l, gal_b = _hpid2_ra_dec(self.nside, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(self.nside)), nest=True)
# Convert that to RA,dec. Then do nearest neighbor lookup.
c = SkyCoord(l=gal_l * u.rad, b=gal_b * u.rad, frame="galactic").transform_to("icrs")
ra = c.ra.rad
dec = c.dec.rad
self.tree = _build_tree(ra, dec)
def run(self, slice_points):
x, y, z = _xyz_from_ra_dec(slice_points["ra"], slice_points["dec"])
dist, indices = self.tree.query(list(zip(x, y, z)))
slice_points["starLumFunc_%s" % self.filtername] = self.star_map[indices, :]
slice_points["starMapBins_%s" % self.filtername] = self.star_map_bins
return slice_points