Source code for rubin_sim.maf.maps.stellar_density_map

__all__ = ("StellarDensityMap",)

import os

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from import get_data_dir

from rubin_sim.maf.utils import radec2pix

from . import BaseMap

[docs] class StellarDensityMap(BaseMap): """Read and hold the cumulative stellar luminosity function for each slice point. The underlying stellar luminosity function map is nside = 64, and contains stars per sq degree at a series of magnitudes (the map contains `starLumFunc_<filter>` and `starMapBins_<filter>`). For slice points which do not match nside=64, the map uses the nearest healpix point on the nside=64 grid. The stellar luminosity function comes from the GalFast model. Parameters ---------- startype : `str` ('allstars', 'wdstars') Load the luminosity function for all stars ('allstars'), which includes main-sequence stars white dwarfs, blue horozontal branch, RR Lyrae, and Cepheids. The 'wdstars' option only includes white dwarf stars. filtername : `str` Filter to use. Options of u,g,r,i,z,y """ def __init__(self, startype="allstars", filtername="r", map_dir=None): if map_dir is not None: self.map_dir = map_dir else: self.map_dir = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "maps", "StarMaps") self.filtername = filtername self.keynames = [ f"starLumFunc_{self.filtername}", f"starMapBins_{self.filtername}", ] if startype == "allstars": self.startype = "" else: self.startype = startype + "_" def _read_map(self): filename = "starDensity_%s_%snside_64.npz" % (self.filtername, self.startype) star_map = np.load(os.path.join(self.map_dir, filename)) self.star_map = star_map["starDensity"].copy() self.star_map_bins = star_map["bins"].copy() self.starmap_nside = hp.npix2nside(np.size(self.star_map[:, 0]))
[docs] def run(self, slice_points): self._read_map() nside_match = False if "nside" in slice_points: if slice_points["nside"] == self.starmap_nside: slice_points[f"starLumFunc_{self.filtername}"] = self.star_map nside_match = True if not nside_match: # Compute the healpix for each slice_point on the nside=64 grid indx = radec2pix(self.starmap_nside, slice_points["ra"], slice_points["dec"]) slice_points[f"starLumFunc_{self.filtername}"] = self.star_map[indx, :] slice_points[f"starMapBins_{self.filtername}"] = self.star_map_bins return slice_points