Source code for rubin_sim.maf.maps.galactic_plane_priority_maps

__all__ = (

import os
import warnings

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from import fits
from import get_data_dir

from rubin_sim.maf.maps import BaseMap
from rubin_sim.maf.utils import radec2pix

[docs] def gp_priority_map_components_to_keys(filtername, science_map): """A convenience function to help keep the map key formats in sync in various places""" return f"galplane_priority_{science_map}:{filtername}"
def gp_priority_map_keys_to_components(mapname): s, f = mapname.replace("galplane_priority_", "").split(":") return f, s
[docs] def galplane_priority_map( nside=64, get_keys=False, ra=None, dec=None, pixels=None, interp=False, map_path=None, use_alt_maps=False, ): """Reads and saves the galactic plane priority maps. Parameters ---------- nside : `int` Healpixel resolution (2^x). At present, this must be 64. get_keys : `bool`, opt Set this to True to retrieve *only* the keys (such as the science map names) for the maps. Default False. ra : `np.ndarray` or `float`, opt RA (can take numpy array). Default None sets up healpix array of nside. Radians. dec : `np.ndarray` or `float`, opt Dec (can take numpy array). Default None set up healpix array of nside. Radians. pixels : `np.ndarray`, opt Healpixel IDs, to sub-select particular healpix points. Default uses all points. Easiest way to access healpix values. Note that the pixels in the healpix array MUST come from a healpix grid with the same nside as the galactic plane priority map. Using different nsides can potentially fail silently. interp : `bool`, opt Should returned values be interpolated (True) or just nearest neighbor (False). Default False. map_path : `str`, opt Path to directory containing dust map files. Default None, uses $RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR/maps. use_alt_maps : `bool`, opt Use the priority_GalPlane_footprint_alt_map_data_{ugrizysum}.fits files instead of the default priority_galPlane_footprint_map_data_{ugrizysum}.fits files. Default False. """ # This is a function that will read the galactic plane priority map data # and hold onto it indefinitely # this also lets us use a range of slicers, as it will set the slice_point # data appropriately. # This function's primary goal is to return this information to the map, # to use for the slicer. # So you MUST specify ra/dec or pixels -- or only retireve the keys if get_keys is False: if (ra is None) & (dec is None) & (pixels is None): raise RuntimeError("Need to set ra,dec or pixels.") # This reads and stores the galactic plane priority maps # The galactic plane priority maps are only available in nside 64 # There are several different versions of the map - # but we will almost always run all of the galactic plane metrics # together, so we'll just read them all at once here if nside != 64: raise RuntimeError("Currently only available with nside=64") # Do we need to read from disk? if not hasattr(galplane_priority_map, "maps"): galplane_priority_map.nside = 64 galplane_priority_map.filterlist = ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y", "sum"] if map_path is not None: data_dir = map_path else: data_dir = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "maps", "GalacticPlanePriorityMaps") galplane_priority_map.maps = {} science_maps = [] for f in galplane_priority_map.filterlist: if use_alt_maps: filename = f"priority_GalPlane_footprint_alt_map_data_{f}.fits" else: filename = f"priority_GalPlane_footprint_map_data_{f}.fits" mapfile = os.path.join(data_dir, filename) with as hdul: galplane_priority_map.maps[f] = hdul[1].data print(f"Read galplane priority map from {mapfile}") science_maps += list(galplane_priority_map.maps[f].dtype.names) science_maps = list(set(science_maps)) galplane_priority_map.science_maps = science_maps galplane_priority_map.keys = [ gp_priority_map_components_to_keys(f, s) for f in galplane_priority_map.filterlist for s in galplane_priority_map.science_maps ] if get_keys: return galplane_priority_map.keys if pixels is not None: # Assume if pixels is set, then interp is irrelevant maps = {} for k in galplane_priority_map.keys: f, s = gp_priority_map_keys_to_components(k) maps[k] = galplane_priority_map.maps[f][s][pixels] # BUT, if we were provided ra/dec then have to see if we should interpolate else: if interp: # find interpolated values at given ra/dec maps = {} for k in galplane_priority_map.keys: f, s = gp_priority_map_keys_to_components(k) maps[k] = hp.get_interp_val(galplane_priority_map.maps[f][s], np.pi / 2.0 - dec, ra) else: # just find nearest neighbor pixel value and return those pixels = radec2pix(nside, ra, dec) maps = {} for k in galplane_priority_map.keys: f, s = gp_priority_map_keys_to_components(k) maps[k] = galplane_priority_map.maps[f][s][pixels] return maps
[docs] class GalacticPlanePriorityMap(BaseMap): """Add the galactic plane priority map data to the slice points. This calls galactic_plane_priority_map to read the map data, and then assigns the appropriate values to each slice_point. If the slicer is an nside=64 healpix slicer, this is trivial. (other use-cases currently experimental and not supported). Add keys corresponding to each of the galplane priority map elements. Parameters ---------- interp : `bool`, opt Interpolate the dust map at each slice_point (True) or just use the nearest value (False). Default is False. nside : `int`, opt Default nside value to read the dust map from disk. Primarily useful if the slicer is not a healpix slicer. Default 64. map_path : `str`, opt Define a path to the directory holding the dust map files. Default None, which uses RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR. """ def __init__(self, interp=False, nside=64, map_path=None): self.keynames = galplane_priority_map(get_keys=True) self.interp = interp self.nside = nside self.map_path = map_path
[docs] def run(self, slice_points): # If the slicer has nside, # it's a healpix slicer so we can read the map directly if "nside" in slice_points: if slice_points["nside"] != self.nside: warnings.warn( f"Slicer value of nside {slice_points['nside']} different " f"from map value {self.nside}, using slicer value" ) maps = galplane_priority_map( slice_points["nside"], pixels=slice_points["sid"], map_path=self.map_path, ) for key in self.keynames: slice_points[key] = maps[key] # Not a healpix slicer, look up values based on RA,dec # with possible interpolation else: maps = galplane_priority_map( self.nside, ra=slice_points["ra"], dec=slice_points["dec"], interp=self.interp, map_path=self.map_path, ) for key in self.keynames: slice_points[key] = maps[key] return slice_points