Source code for rubin_sim.maf.maps.dust_map

__all__ = ("DustMap",)

import warnings

from rubin_sim.maf.maps import BaseMap

from .ebv_hp import eb_vhp

[docs] class DustMap(BaseMap): """Add the E(B-V) values to the slice points. Primarily, this calls eb_vhp to read a healpix map of E(B-V) values over the sky, then assigns ebv values to each slice_point. If the slicer is a healpix slicer, this is trivial. Otherwise, it either uses the nearest healpix grid point or interpolates. The key added to the slice points is `ebv`. Parameters ---------- interp : `bool`, opt Interpolate the dust map at each slice_point (True) or just use the nearest value (False). Default is False. nside : `int`, opt Default nside value to read the dust map from disk. Primarily useful if the slicer is not a healpix slicer. Default 128. map_path : `str`, opt Define a path to the directory holding the dust map files. Default None, which uses RUBIN_SIM_DATA_DIR. """ def __init__(self, interp=False, nside=128, map_path=None): self.keynames = ["ebv"] self.interp = interp self.nside = nside self.map_path = map_path
[docs] def run(self, slice_points): # If the slicer has nside, # it's a healpix slicer so we can read the map directly if "nside" in slice_points: if slice_points["nside"] != self.nside: warnings.warn( f"Slicer value of nside {slice_points['nside']} different " f"from map value {self.nside}, using slicer value" ) slice_points["ebv"] = eb_vhp( slice_points["nside"], pixels=slice_points["sid"], map_path=self.map_path, ) # Not a healpix slicer, # look up values based on RA,dec with possible interpolation else: slice_points["ebv"] = eb_vhp( self.nside, ra=slice_points["ra"], dec=slice_points["dec"], interp=self.interp, map_path=self.map_path, ) return slice_points