Source code for rubin_sim.skybrightness.utils
__all__ = ("wrap_ra", "robust_rms", "recalc_mags")
import glob
import os
import numpy as np
from import get_data_dir
from rubin_sim.phot_utils import Bandpass, Sed
def wrap_ra(ra):
Wrap only RA values into 0-2pi (using mod).
ra = ra % (2.0 * np.pi)
return ra
def robust_rms(array, missing=0.0):
Use the interquartile range to compute a robust approximation of the RMS.
if passed an array smaller than 2 elements, return missing value
if np.size(array) < 2:
rms = missing
iqr = np.percentile(array, 75) - np.percentile(array, 25)
rms = iqr / 1.349 # approximation
return rms
def spec2mags(spectra_list, wave):
"""Convert sky spectra to magnitudes"""
# Load LSST filters
through_path = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "throughputs/baseline")
keys = ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]
dtype = [("mags", "float", (6))]
result = np.zeros(len(spectra_list), dtype=dtype)
filters = {}
for filtername in keys:
bp = np.loadtxt(
os.path.join(through_path, "total_" + filtername + ".dat"),
dtype=list(zip(["wave", "trans"], [float] * 2)),
temp_b = Bandpass()
temp_b.set_bandpass(bp["wave"], bp["trans"])
filters[filtername] = temp_b
filterwave = np.array([filters[f].calc_eff_wavelen()[0] for f in keys])
for i, spectrum in enumerate(spectra_list):
tempSed = Sed()
tempSed.set_sed(wave, flambda=spectrum)
for j, filtName in enumerate(keys):
result["mags"][i][j] = tempSed.calc_mag(filters[filtName])
except ValueError:
return result, filterwave
def recalc_mags(data_dir=None):
"""Recalculate the magnitudes for sky brightness components.
DANGER: Overwrites data files in place. The rubin_sim_data/skybrightness
folder will need to be packaged and updated after running this to propagate
changes to other users.
dirs = ["Airglow", "MergedSpec", "ScatteredStarLight", "Zodiacal", "LowerAtm", "Moon", "UpperAtm"]
if data_dir is None:
data_dir = get_data_dir()
full_paths = [os.path.join(data_dir, "skybrightness/ESO_Spectra", dirname) for dirname in dirs]
for path in full_paths:
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.npz"))
for filename in files:
data = np.load(filename)
spec = data["spec"].copy()
wave = data["wave"].copy()
new_mags, filterwave = spec2mags(spec["spectra"], wave)
spec["mags"] = new_mags["mags"]
np.savez(filename, wave=wave, spec=spec, filterWave=filterwave)