Source code for rubin_sim.skybrightness.sky_model

__all__ = ("just_return", "SkyModel")

import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, SkyCoord, get_body, get_sun
from astropy.time import Time
from rubin_scheduler.utils import Site, _approx_alt_az2_ra_dec, _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az, haversine

from rubin_sim.phot_utils import Sed

from .interp_components import (
from .utils import wrap_ra

[docs] def just_return(inval): """ Really, just return the input. Parameters ---------- input : anything Returns ------- input : anything Just return whatever you sent in. """ return inval
def inrange(inval, minimum=-1.0, maximum=1.0): """ Make sure values are within min/max """ inval = np.array(inval) below = np.where(inval < minimum) inval[below] = minimum above = np.where(inval > maximum) inval[above] = maximum return inval def calc_az_rel_moon(azs, moon_az): az_rel_moon = wrap_ra(azs - moon_az) if isinstance(azs, np.ndarray): over = np.where(az_rel_moon > np.pi) az_rel_moon[over] = 2.0 * np.pi - az_rel_moon[over] else: if az_rel_moon > np.pi: az_rel_moon = 2.0 * np.pi - az_rel_moon return az_rel_moon class SkyModel: def __init__( self, observatory=None, twilight=True, zodiacal=True, moon=True, airglow=True, lower_atm=False, upper_atm=False, scattered_star=False, merged_spec=True, mags=False, precise_alt_az=False, airmass_limit=3.0, ): """A model of the sky, including all of the required template spectra or magnitudes needed to interpolate the sky spectrum or magnitudes during twilight or night time at any point on the sky. Parameters ---------- observatory : `rubin_scheduler.site_models.Site`, optional Default of None loads the LSST site. twilight : `bool`, optional Include twilight component (True) zodiacal : `bool`, optional Include zodiacal light component (True) moon : `bool`, optional Include scattered moonlight component (True) airglow : `bool`, optional Include airglow component lower_atm : `bool`, optional Include lower atmosphere component. This component is part of `merged_spec`. upper_atm : `bool`, optional Include upper atmosphere component. This component is part of `merged_spec`. scattered_star : `bool`, optional Include scattered starlight component. This component is part of `merged_spec`. merged_spec : `bool`, optional Compute the lower_atm, upper_atm, and scattered_star simultaneously since they are all functions of only airmass. mags : `bool`, optional By default, the sky model computes a 17,001 element spectrum. If `mags` is True, the model will return the LSST ugrizy magnitudes (in that order). precise_alt_az : `bool`, optional If False, use the fast alt, az to ra, dec coordinate transformations that do not take aberation, diffraction, etc into account. Results in errors up to ~1.5 degrees, but an order of magnitude faster than the precise coordinate transformations available in rubin_scheduler.utils. airmass_limit : `float`, optional Most of the models are only accurate to airmass 3.0. If set higher, airmass values higher than 3.0 are set to 3.0. """ self.moon = moon self.lower_atm = lower_atm self.twilight = twilight self.zodiacal = zodiacal self.upper_atm = upper_atm self.airglow = airglow self.scattered_star = scattered_star self.merged_spec = merged_spec self.mags = mags self.precise_alt_az = precise_alt_az # set this as a way to track if coords have been set self.azs = None # Airmass limit. self.airmass_limit = airmass_limit if self.mags: self.npix = 6 else: self.npix = 11001 self.components = { "moon": self.moon, "lower_atm": self.lower_atm, "twilight": self.twilight, "upper_atm": self.upper_atm, "airglow": self.airglow, "zodiacal": self.zodiacal, "scattered_star": self.scattered_star, "merged_spec": self.merged_spec, } # Check that the merged component isn't being run with other components merged_comps = [self.lower_atm, self.upper_atm, self.scattered_star] for comp in merged_comps: if comp & self.merged_spec: warnings.warn("Adding component multiple times to the final output spectra.") interpolators = { "scattered_star": ScatteredStar, "airglow": Airglow, "lower_atm": LowerAtm, "upper_atm": UpperAtm, "merged_spec": MergedSpec, "moon": MoonInterp, "zodiacal": ZodiacalInterp, "twilight": TwilightInterp, } # Load up the interpolation objects for each component self.interp_objs = {} for key in self.components: if self.components[key]: self.interp_objs[key] = interpolators[key](mags=self.mags) if observatory is None: self.telescope = Site("LSST") else: self.telescope = observatory self.location = EarthLocation( lat=self.telescope.latitude_rad * u.rad, lon=self.telescope.longitude_rad * u.rad, height=self.telescope.height * u.m, ) # Note that observing conditions have not been set self.params_set = False def _init_points(self): """ Set up an array for all the interpolation points """ names = [ "airmass", "nightTimes", "alt", "az", "azRelMoon", "moonSunSep", "moonAltitude", "altEclip", "azEclipRelSun", "sunAlt", "azRelSun", "solar_flux", ] types = [float] * len(names) self.points = np.zeros(self.npts, list(zip(names, types))) def set_ra_dec_mjd( self, lon, lat, mjd, degrees=False, az_alt=False, solar_flux=130.0, filter_names=["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], ): """ Set the sky parameters by computing the sky conditions on a given MJD and sky location. Parameters ---------- lon : `float` or `np.ndarray`, (N,) Longitude-like (RA or Azimuth). Can be single number, list, or numpy array lat: `float` or `np.ndarray`, (N,) Latitude-like (Dec or Altitude) mjd: `float` Modified Julian Date for the calculation. Must be single number. degrees: `bool`, optional If True, lon/lat are in degrees. If False, lon/lat in radians. az_alt: `bool`, optional Assume lon, lat are RA, Dec unless az_alt=True solar_flux: `float` Solar flux in SFU Between 50 and 310. Default=130. 1 SFU=10^4 Jy. filter_names: `list` [`str`] List of filter for which to return magnitudes (if initialized with mags=True). """ self.filter_names = filter_names if self.mags: self.npix = len(self.filter_names) # Wrap in array just in case single points were passed if np.size(lon) == 1: lon = np.array([lon]).ravel() lat = np.array([lat]).ravel() else: lon = np.array(lon) lat = np.array(lat) if degrees: self.ra = np.radians(lon) self.dec = np.radians(lat) else: self.ra = lon self.dec = lat if np.size(mjd) > 1: raise ValueError("mjd must be single value.") self.mjd = mjd if az_alt: self.azs = self.ra.copy() self.alts = self.dec.copy() if self.precise_alt_az: raise ValueError("Need to swap in astropy") # self.ra, self.dec = _ra_dec_from_alt_az( # self.alts, # self.azs, # ObservationMetaData(mjd=self.mjd, site=self.telescope), # ) else: self.ra, self.dec = _approx_alt_az2_ra_dec( self.alts, self.azs, self.telescope.latitude_rad, self.telescope.longitude_rad, mjd, ) else: if self.precise_alt_az: raise ValueError("Need to swap in astropy") # self.alts, self.azs, pa = _alt_az_pa_from_ra_dec( # self.ra, # self.dec, # ObservationMetaData(mjd=self.mjd, site=self.telescope), # ) else: self.alts, self.azs = _approx_ra_dec2_alt_az( self.ra, self.dec, self.telescope.latitude_rad, self.telescope.longitude_rad, mjd, ) self.npts = self.ra.size self._init_points() self.solar_flux = solar_flux self.points["solar_flux"] = self.solar_flux self._setup_point_grid() self.params_set = True # Interpolate the templates to the set Parameters self.good_pix = np.where((self.airmass <= self.airmass_limit) & (self.airmass >= 1.0))[0] if self.good_pix.size <= 0: raise ValueError( "No valid points. Airmass limit=%.1f, min airmass of requested points=%.1f" % (self.airmass_limit, np.min(self.airmass)) ) else: self._interp_sky() def set_ra_dec_alt_az_mjd( self, ra, dec, alt, az, mjd, degrees=False, solar_flux=130.0, filter_names=["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], ): """ Set the sky parameters by computing the sky conditions on a given MJD and sky location. Use if you already have alt az coordinates so you can skip the coordinate conversion. """ self.filter_names = filter_names if self.mags: self.npix = len(self.filter_names) # Wrap in array just in case single points were passed if not type(ra).__module__ == np.__name__: if np.size(ra) == 1: ra = np.array([ra]).ravel() dec = np.array([dec]).ravel() alt = np.array(alt).ravel() az = np.array(az).ravel() else: ra = np.array(ra) dec = np.array(dec) alt = np.array(alt) az = np.array(az) if degrees: self.ra = np.radians(ra) self.dec = np.radians(dec) self.alts = np.radians(alt) self.azs = np.radians(az) else: self.ra = ra self.dec = dec self.azs = az self.alts = alt if np.size(mjd) > 1: raise ValueError("mjd must be single value.") self.mjd = mjd self.npts = self.ra.size self._init_points() self.solar_flux = solar_flux self.points["solar_flux"] = self.solar_flux self._setup_point_grid() self.params_set = True # Interpolate the templates to the set Parameters self.good_pix = np.where((self.airmass <= self.airmass_limit) & (self.airmass >= 1.0))[0] if self.good_pix.size <= 0: raise ValueError( "No valid points. Airmass limit=%.1f, min airmass of requested points=%.1f" % (self.airmass_limit, np.min(self.airmass)) ) else: self._interp_sky() def get_computed_vals(self): """ Return the intermediate values that are caluculated by set_ra_dec_mjd and used for interpolation. All of these values are also accessible as class attributes, this is a convenience method to grab them all at once and document the formats. Returns ------- out : `dict` Dictionary of all the intermediate calculated values that may be of use outside (the key:values in the output dict) ra : `np.ndarray`, (N,) RA of the interpolation points (radians) dec : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Dec of the interpolation points (radians) alts : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Altitude (radians) azs : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Azimuth of interpolation points (radians) airmass : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Airmass values for each point, computed via 1./np.cos(np.pi/2.-self.alts). solar_flux : `float` The solar flux used (SFU). sunAz : `float` Azimuth of the sun (radians) sunAlt : `float` Altitude of the sun (radians) sunRA : `float` RA of the sun (radians) sunDec : `float` Dec of the sun (radians) azRelSun : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Azimuth of each point relative to the sun (0=same direction as sun) (radians) moonAz : `float` Azimuth of the moon (radians) moonAlt : `float` Altitude of the moon (radians) moonRA : `float` RA of the moon (radians) moonDec : `float` Dec of the moon (radians). Note, if you want distances moon_phase : `float` Phase of the moon (0-100) moonSunSep : `float` Seperation of moon and sun (radians) azRelMoon : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Azimuth of each point relative to teh moon eclipLon : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Ecliptic longitude (radians) of each point eclipLat : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Ecliptic latitude (radians) of each point sunEclipLon: `np.ndarray`, (N,) Ecliptic longitude (radians) of each point with the sun at longitude zero Note that since the alt and az can be calculated using the fast approximation, if one wants to compute the distance between the points and the sun or moon, it is probably better to use the ra,dec positions rather than the alt,az positions. """ result = {} attributes = [ "ra", "dec", "alts", "azs", "airmass", "solar_flux", "moon_phase", "moon_az", "moon_alt", "sun_alt", "sun_az", "az_rel_sun", "moon_sun_sep", "az_rel_moon", "eclip_lon", "eclip_lat", "moon_ra", "moon_dec", "sun_ra", "sun_dec", "sun_eclip_lon", ] for attribute in attributes: if hasattr(self, attribute): result[attribute] = getattr(self, attribute) else: result[attribute] = None return result def _setup_point_grid(self): """ Setup the points for the interpolation functions. """ time = Time(self.mjd, format="mjd") aa = AltAz(location=self.location, obstime=time) sun_coords = get_sun(time) self.sun_ra = sun_coords.ra.rad self.sun_dec = sun_coords.dec.rad sun_coords = sun_coords.transform_to(aa) self.sun_alt = sun_coords.alt.rad self.sun_az = # Compute airmass the same way as ESO model self.airmass = 1.0 / np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 - self.alts) self.points["airmass"] = self.airmass self.points["nightTimes"] = 0 self.points["alt"] = self.alts self.points["az"] = self.azs if self.twilight: self.points["sunAlt"] = self.sun_alt self.az_rel_sun = wrap_ra(self.azs - self.sun_az) self.points["azRelSun"] = self.az_rel_sun if self.moon: moon_coords = get_body("moon", time) self.moon_ra = moon_coords.ra.rad self.moon_dec = moon_coords.dec.rad moon_coords = moon_coords.transform_to(aa) self.moon_alt = moon_coords.alt.rad self.moon_az = moon_coords = get_body("moon", time) sun_coords = get_sun(time) sep = sun_coords.separation(moon_coords) # looks like phase is 0-100 self.moon_phase = sep.deg * 100 / 180.0 # Calc azimuth relative to moon self.az_rel_moon = calc_az_rel_moon(self.azs, self.moon_az) self.moon_targ_sep = haversine(self.azs, self.alts, self.moon_az, self.moon_alt) # Oof, looks like some things were stored as degrees. self.points["moonAltitude"] += np.degrees(self.moon_alt) self.points["azRelMoon"] += self.az_rel_moon self.moon_sun_sep = sep.rad self.points["moonSunSep"] += np.degrees(self.moon_sun_sep) if self.zodiacal: self.eclip_lon = np.zeros(self.npts) self.eclip_lat = np.zeros(self.npts) coord = SkyCoord(ra=self.ra * u.rad, dec=self.dec * u.rad) coord_ecl = coord.geocentricmeanecliptic self.eclip_lon = coord_ecl.lon.rad self.eclip_lat = # Subtract off the sun ecliptic longitude sun_coords = get_sun(time) sun_eclip = sun_coords.geocentricmeanecliptic self.sun_eclip_lon = sun_eclip.lon.rad self.points["altEclip"] += self.eclip_lat self.points["azEclipRelSun"] += wrap_ra(self.eclip_lon - self.sun_eclip_lon) self.mask = np.where((self.airmass > self.airmass_limit) | (self.airmass < 1.0))[0] self.good_pix = np.where((self.airmass <= self.airmass_limit) & (self.airmass >= 1.0))[0] def set_params( self, airmass=1.0, azs=90.0, alts=None, moon_phase=31.67, moon_alt=45.0, moon_az=0.0, sun_alt=-12.0, sun_az=0.0, sun_eclip_lon=0.0, eclip_lon=135.0, eclip_lat=90.0, degrees=True, solar_flux=130.0, filter_names=["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"], ): """ Set parameters manually. Note, you can put in unphysical combinations of Parameters if you want to (e.g., put a full moon at zenith at sunset). If the alts kwarg is set it will override the airmass kwarg. MoonPhase is percent of moon illuminated (0-100) """ # Convert all values to radians for internal use. self.filter_names = filter_names if self.mags: self.npix = len(self.filter_names) if degrees: convert_func = np.radians else: convert_func = just_return self.solar_flux = solar_flux self.sun_alt = convert_func(sun_alt) self.moon_phase = moon_phase self.moon_alt = convert_func(moon_alt) self.moon_az = convert_func(moon_az) self.eclip_lon = convert_func(eclip_lon) self.eclip_lat = convert_func(eclip_lat) self.sun_eclip_lon = convert_func(sun_eclip_lon) self.azs = convert_func(azs) if alts is not None: self.airmass = 1.0 / np.cos(np.pi / 2.0 - convert_func(alts)) self.alts = convert_func(alts) else: self.airmass = airmass self.alts = np.pi / 2.0 - np.arccos(1.0 / airmass) self.moon_targ_sep = haversine(self.azs, self.alts, moon_az, self.moon_alt) self.npts = np.size(self.airmass) self._init_points() self.points["airmass"] = self.airmass self.points["nightTimes"] = 0 self.points["alt"] = self.alts self.points["az"] = self.azs self.az_rel_moon = calc_az_rel_moon(self.azs, self.moon_az) self.points["moonAltitude"] += np.degrees(self.moon_alt) self.points["azRelMoon"] = self.az_rel_moon self.moon_sun_sep = self.moon_phase / 100.0 * np.pi self.points["moonSunSep"] += self.moon_phase / 100.0 * 180.0 self.eclip_lon = convert_func(eclip_lon) self.eclip_lat = convert_func(eclip_lat) self.sun_eclip_lon = convert_func(sun_eclip_lon) self.points["altEclip"] += self.eclip_lat self.points["azEclipRelSun"] += wrap_ra(self.eclip_lon - self.sun_eclip_lon) self.sun_az = convert_func(sun_az) self.points["sunAlt"] = self.sun_alt self.points["azRelSun"] = wrap_ra(self.azs - self.sun_az) self.points["solar_flux"] = solar_flux self.params_set = True self.mask = np.where((self.airmass > self.airmass_limit) | (self.airmass < 1.0))[0] self.good_pix = np.where((self.airmass <= self.airmass_limit) & (self.airmass >= 1.0))[0] # Interpolate the templates to the set Parameters if self.good_pix.size > 0: self._interp_sky() else: warnings.warn("No points in interpolation range") def _interp_sky(self): """ Interpolate the template spectra to the set RA, Dec and MJD. the results are stored as attributes of the class: .wave = the wavelength in nm .spec = array of spectra with units of ergs/s/cm^2/nm """ if not self.params_set: raise ValueError( "No parameters have been set. Must run set_ra_dec_mjd or setParams before running interpSky." ) # set up array to hold the resulting spectra for each ra, dec point. self.spec = np.zeros((self.npts, self.npix), dtype=float) # Rebuild the components dict so things can be turned on/off self.components = { "moon": self.moon, "lower_atm": self.lower_atm, "twilight": self.twilight, "upper_atm": self.upper_atm, "airglow": self.airglow, "zodiacal": self.zodiacal, "scattered_star": self.scattered_star, "merged_spec": self.merged_spec, } # Loop over each component and add it to the result. mask = np.ones(self.npts) for key in self.components: if self.components[key]: result = self.interp_objs[key](self.points[self.good_pix], filter_names=self.filter_names) # Make sure the component has something if np.size(result["spec"]) == 0: self.spec[self.mask, :] = np.nan return if np.max(result["spec"]) > 0: mask[np.where(np.sum(result["spec"], axis=1) == 0)] = 0 self.spec[self.good_pix] += result["spec"] if not hasattr(self, "wave"): self.wave = result["wave"] else: if not np.allclose(result["wave"], self.wave, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4): warnings.warn("Wavelength arrays of components do not match.") if self.airmass_limit <= 2.5: self.spec[np.where(mask == 0), :] = 0 self.spec[self.mask, :] = np.nan def return_wave_spec(self): """ Return the wavelength and spectra. Wavelenth in nm spectra is flambda in ergs/cm^2/s/nm """ if self.azs is None: raise ValueError( "No coordinates set. Use set_ra_dec_mjd, setRaDecAltAzMjd, or " "setParams methods before calling returnWaveSpec." ) if self.mags: raise ValueError("SkyModel set to interpolate magnitudes. Initialize object with mags=False") # Mask out high airmass points # self.spec[self.mask] *= 0 return self.wave.copy(), self.spec.copy() def return_mags(self, bandpasses=None): """Return the skybrightness in magnitudes. Convert the computed spectra to a magnitude using the supplied bandpass, or, if self.mags=True, return the mags in the LSST filters. Parameters ---------- bandpasses : `dict` [`str`, `rubin_sim.phot_utils.Bandpass`], optional Dictionary with bandpass name as keys and `Bandpass` objects as values. If mags=True when initialized, return mags returns a structured array with dtype names u,g,r,i,z,y; the default LSST bandpasses are used. Returns ------- mags : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Sky brightness in AB mags/sq arcsec """ if self.azs is None: raise ValueError( "No coordinates set. Use set_ra_dec_mjd, setRaDecAltAzMjd, or " "setParams methods before calling return_mags." ) if self.mags: if bandpasses: warnings.warn("Ignoring set bandpasses and returning LSST ugrizy.") mags = -2.5 * np.log10(self.spec) + np.log10(3631.0) # Mask out high airmass mags[self.mask] *= np.nan mags = mags.swapaxes(0, 1) mags_back = {} for i, f in enumerate(self.filter_names): mags_back[f] = mags[i] else: mags_back = {} for key in bandpasses: mags = np.zeros(self.npts, dtype=float) - 666 temp_sed = Sed() is_through = np.where(bandpasses[key].sb > 0) min_wave = bandpasses[key].wavelen[is_through].min() max_wave = bandpasses[key].wavelen[is_through].max() in_band = np.where((self.wave >= min_wave) & (self.wave <= max_wave)) for i, ra in enumerate(self.ra): # Check that there is flux in the band, # otherwise calc_mag fails if np.max(self.spec[i, in_band]) > 0: temp_sed.set_sed(self.wave, flambda=self.spec[i, :]) mags[i] = temp_sed.calc_mag(bandpasses[key]) # Mask out high airmass mags[self.mask] *= np.nan mags_back[key] = mags return mags_back