Source code for rubin_sim.skybrightness.allsky_db

__all__ = ("all_sky_db", "diode_sky_db")

import os

import numpy as np
import sqlalchemy as sqla
from import get_data_dir

# Tools for using an all-sky sqlite DB with cannon
# and photodiode data from the site.

[docs] def all_sky_db(date_id, sql_q=None, dtypes=None, db_address=None, filt="R"): """ Fetch star and sky magnitudes from a processed all-sky sqlite database. Parameters ---------- date_id : `float` Date (MJD) to fetch star observation information from the database. sql_q : `str` Sql query to use. None will use a default query to get all star info. dtypes : `list` [`str`, `dtype`] Data types expected from the database. None will use the defaults. db_address : `str` Database data path. Default uses db in $RUBIN_SIM_DATA/skybrightness. filt : `str` Filter in which to fetch stellar observation data. Returns ------- data : `np.ndarray`, (N,) Stellar observation data. mjd : `float` MJD of the observations. """ if db_address is None: data_path = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "skybrightness") db_address = "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(data_path, "photometry", "skydata.sqlite") if sql_q is None: sql_q = ( "select stars.ra, stars.dec, obs.alt, obs.starMag,, obs.filter from obs, " 'stars where obs.starID = stars.ID and obs.filter = "%s" and obs.dateID = %i;' % (filt, date_id) ) if dtypes is None: names = ["ra", "dec", "alt", "starMag", "sky", "filter"] types = [float, float, float, float, float, "|S1"] dtypes = list(zip(names, types)) engine = sqla.create_engine(db_address) connection = engine.raw_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_q) data = cursor.fetchall() data = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtypes) q2 = "select mjd from dates where ID = %i" % date_id cursor.execute(q2) mjd = cursor.fetchall() if len(mjd) == 0: mjd = None else: mjd = mjd[0][0] return data, mjd
[docs] def diode_sky_db(mid_mjd, sql_q=None, dtypes=None, db_address=None, clean=True): """Fetch diode measurements of skybrightness.""" if db_address is None: data_path = os.getenv("SIMS_SKYBRIGHTNESS_DATA_DIR") db_address = "sqlite:///" + os.path.join(data_path, "photometry", "skydata.sqlite") if sql_q is None: sql_q = "select mjd, R, Y, Z from photdiode where mjd > %f-1 and mjd < %f+1" % ( mid_mjd, mid_mjd, ) if dtypes is None: names = ["mjd", "r", "y", "z"] types = [float] * 4 dtypes = list(zip(names, types)) engine = sqla.create_engine(db_address) connection = engine.raw_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_q) data = cursor.fetchall() data = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtypes) if clean: data = data[np.where((data["r"] > 0) & (data["z"] > 0) & (data["y"] > 0))] return data