Source code for rubin_sim.phot_utils.physical_parameters

__all__ = ("PhysicalParameters",)

[docs] class PhysicalParameters: """ Stores physical constants and other immutable parameters used by the sims_phot_utils code. """ def __init__(self): self._lightspeed = 299792458.0 # speed of light, m/s self._planck = 6.626068e-27 # planck's constant, ergs*seconds self._nm2m = 1.00e-9 # nanometers to meters conversion m/nm self._ergsetc2jansky = 1.00e23 # erg/cm2/s/Hz to Jansky units (fnu) @property def lightspeed(self): """Speed of light in meters per second.""" return self._lightspeed @lightspeed.setter def lightspeed(self, value): raise RuntimeError("Cannot change the value of lightspeed " + "(Einstein does not approve)") @property def nm2m(self): """Conversion factor to go from nm to m.""" return self._nm2m @nm2m.setter def nm2m(self, value): raise RuntimeError("Cannot change the value of nm2m") @property def ergsetc2jansky(self): """Conversion factor to go from ergs/sec/cm^2 to Janskys.""" return self._ergsetc2jansky @ergsetc2jansky.setter def ergsetc2jansky(self, value): raise RuntimeError("Cannot change the value of ergsetc2Jansky") @property def planck(self): """Planck's constant in ergs*seconds.""" return self._planck @planck.setter def planck(self, value): raise RuntimeError("Cannot change the value of planck")