Source code for rubin_sim.moving_objects.direct_obs

__all__ = ("DirectObs",)

import datetime
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
from rubin_scheduler.utils import angular_separation

from .base_obs import BaseObs

[docs] class DirectObs(BaseObs): """ Generate observations of a set of moving objects: exact ephemeris at the times of each observation. First generates observations on a rough grid and looks for observations within a specified tolerance of the actual observations; for the observations which pass this cut, generates a precise ephemeris and checks if the object is within the FOV. Parameters ---------- footprint : `str`, optional Specify the footprint for the FOV. Options include "camera", "circle", "rectangle". 'Camera' means use the actual LSST camera footprint (following a rough cut with a circular FOV). Default is circular FOV. r_fov : `float`, optional If footprint is "circular", this is the radius of the fov (in degrees). Default 1.75 degrees. x_tol : `float`, optional If footprint is "rectangular", this is half of the width of the (on-sky) fov in the RA direction (in degrees). Default 5 degrees. y_tol : `float`, optional If footprint is "rectangular", this is half of the width of the fov in Declination (in degrees). Default is 3 degrees eph_mode: `str`, optional Mode for ephemeris generation - nbody or 2body. Default is nbody. prelim_eph_mode: str, optional Mode for preliminary ephemeris generation, if any is done. Default is 2body. eph_type: `str`, optional Type of ephemerides to generate - full or basic. Full includes all values calculated by openorb; Basic includes a more basic set. Default is Basic. (this includes enough information for most standard MAF metrics). eph_file: `str` or None, optional The name of the planetary ephemerides file to use in ephemeris generation. Default (None) will use the default for PyOrbEphemerides. obs_code: `str`, optional Observatory code for ephemeris generation. Default is "I11" - Cerro Pachon. obs_time_col: `str`, optional Name of the time column in the obsData. Default 'observationStartMJD'. obs_time_scale: `str`, optional Type of timescale for MJD (TAI or UTC currently). Default TAI. seeing_col: `str`, optional Name of the seeing column in the obsData. Default 'seeingFwhmGeom'. This should be the geometric/physical seeing as it is used for the trailing loss calculation. visit_exp_time_col: `str`, optional Name of the visit exposure time column in the obsData. Default 'visitExposureTime'. obs_ra: `str`, optional Name of the RA column in the obsData. Default 'fieldRA'. obs_dec: `str`, optional Name of the Dec column in the obsData. Default 'fieldDec'. obs_rot_sky_pos: `str`, optional Name of the Rotator column in the obsData. Default 'rotSkyPos'. obs_degrees: `bool`, optional Whether the observational data is in degrees or radians. Default True (degrees). outfile_name : `str`, optional The output file name. Default is 'lsst_obs.dat'. obs_info : `str`, optional A string that captures provenance information about the observations. For example: 'baseline_v2.0_10yrs, MJD 59853-61677' or 'baseline2018a minus NES' Default ''. tstep: `float`, optional The time between initial (rough) ephemeris generation points, in days. Default 1 day. rough_tol: `float`, optional The initial rough tolerance value for positions, used as a first cut to identify potential observations (in degrees). Default 10 degrees. pre_comp_tol : float (2.08) The radial tolerance to add when using pre-computed orbits. Should be larger than the full field of view extent. """ def __init__( self, footprint="camera", r_fov=1.75, x_tol=5, y_tol=3, eph_mode="nbody", prelim_eph_mode="2body", eph_type="basic", obs_code="I11", eph_file=None, obs_time_col="observationStartMJD", obs_time_scale="TAI", seeing_col="seeingFwhmGeom", visit_exp_time_col="visitExposureTime", obs_ra="fieldRA", obs_dec="fieldDec", obs_rot_sky_pos="rotSkyPos", obs_degrees=True, outfile_name="lsst_obs.dat", obs_info="", tstep=1.0, rough_tol=10.0, verbose=False, night_col="night", filter_col="filter", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", obs_id_col="observationId", pre_comp_tol=2.08, ): super().__init__( footprint=footprint, r_fov=r_fov, x_tol=x_tol, y_tol=y_tol, eph_mode=eph_mode, eph_type=eph_type, obs_code=obs_code, eph_file=eph_file, obs_time_col=obs_time_col, obs_time_scale=obs_time_scale, seeing_col=seeing_col, visit_exp_time_col=visit_exp_time_col, obs_ra=obs_ra, obs_dec=obs_dec, obs_rot_sky_pos=obs_rot_sky_pos, obs_degrees=obs_degrees, outfile_name=outfile_name, obs_info=obs_info, ) self.verbose = verbose self.pre_comp_tol = pre_comp_tol self.filter_col = filter_col self.night_col = night_col self.m5_col = m5_col self.obs_id_col = obs_id_col self.tstep = tstep self.rough_tol = rough_tol if prelim_eph_mode not in ("2body", "nbody"): raise ValueError("Ephemeris generation must be 2body or nbody.") self.prelim_eph_mode = prelim_eph_mode
[docs] def run(self, orbits, obs_data, object_positions=None, object_mjds=None): """Find and write the observations of each object to disk. For each object, a rough grid of ephemeris points are either generated on the fly or read from a pre-calculated grid; If the rough grids indicate that an object may be present in an observation, then a more precise position is generated for the time of the observation. Parameters ---------- orbits : `rubin_sim.moving_objects.Orbits` The orbits for which to generate ephemerides. obs_data : `np.ndarray` The simulated pointing history data. object_positions : `np.ndarray` Pre-computed RA,dec positions for each object in orbits (degrees). object_mjds : `np.ndarray` MJD values for each pre-computed position. """ # If we are trying to use pre-computed positions, # check that the MJDs span the necessary time. if object_mjds is not None: if (obs_data[self.obs_time_col].min() < object_mjds.min()) | ( obs_data[self.obs_time_col].max() > object_mjds.max() ): warnings.warn( "Pre-computed position times do not cover MJD range of %i-%i." % (obs_data[self.obs_time_col].min(), obs_data[self.obs_time_col].max()) ) object_mjds = None # calculate angular motion for each object at each timestep # how much does it move going to time step forward move1 = angular_separation( object_positions["ra"][:, 0:-1], object_positions["dec"][:, 0:-1], object_positions["ra"][:, 1:], object_positions["dec"][:, 1:], ) # Need to take care of ends d1 = object_positions["ra"] * 0 d1[:, 0:-1] = move1 d2 = object_positions["ra"] * 0 d2[:, 1:] = move1 # Now we can use a small tolerance for objects when they are moving # slowly across the sky. object_tol = np.maximum(d1, d2) + self.pre_comp_tol # output dtype names = [ "obj_id", self.obs_id_col, "sedname", "time", "ra", "dec", "dradt", "ddecdt", "phase", "solarelon", "helio_dist", "geo_dist", "magV", "trueAnomaly", "velocity", "dmag_color", "dmag_trail", "dmag_detect", ] types = [int, int, "<U40"] + [float] * (len(names) - 3) # XXX--for now, copy over some observation info. In the future, # just index it to the observations and only transfer observationId transfer_cols = [ self.visit_exp_time_col, self.m5_col, self.seeing_col, self.obs_time_col, self.night_col, self.filter_col, ] transfer_types = [float] * (len(transfer_cols) - 2) transfer_types += [int, "<U40"] names += transfer_cols types += transfer_types output_dtype = list(zip(names, types)) # Set the times for the rough ephemeris grid. time_step = float(self.tstep) time_start = np.floor(obs_data[self.obs_time_col].min() + 0.16 - 0.5) - time_step time_end = np.ceil(obs_data[self.obs_time_col].max() + 0.16 + 0.5) + time_step rough_times = np.arange(time_start, time_end + time_step / 2.0, time_step) if self.verbose:"Generating preliminary ephemerides on a grid of %f day timesteps." % (time_step)) # list to hold results for each object result = [] # save indx to match observation indx to object indx indx_map_visit_to_object = [] # For each object, identify observations where the object is # within the FOV (or camera footprint). for i, sso in enumerate(orbits): objid = sso.orbits["obj_id"].iloc[0] sedname = sso.orbits["sed_filename"].iloc[0] # Generate ephemerides on the rough grid. if self.verbose: logging.debug( ("%d/%d id=%s : " % (i, len(orbits), objid)) +"Prelim start: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " nRoughTimes: %s" % len(rough_times) ) # Not using pre-computed positions if object_mjds is None: ephs = self.generate_ephemerides( sso, rough_times, eph_mode=self.prelim_eph_mode, eph_type=self.eph_type, )[0] mu = ephs["velocity"] if self.verbose: logging.debug( ("%d/%d id=%s : " % (i, len(orbits), objid)) +"Prelim end: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " π(median, max), min(geo_dist): %.2f, %.2f deg/day %.2f AU" % (np.median(mu), np.max(mu), np.min(ephs["geo_dist"])) ) # Find observations which come within roughTol of the fov. ephs_idxs = np.searchsorted(ephs["time"], obs_data[self.obs_time_col]) rough_idx_obs = self._sso_in_circle_fov(ephs[ephs_idxs], obs_data, self.rough_tol) else: # Nearest neighbor search for the object_mjd closest to # obs_data mjd pos = np.searchsorted(object_mjds, obs_data[self.obs_time_col], side="left") pos_right = pos - 1 object_indx = pos + 0 d_left = obs_data[self.obs_time_col] - object_mjds[pos] d_right = obs_data[self.obs_time_col] - object_mjds[pos_right] r_better = np.where(np.abs(d_right) < np.abs(d_left))[0] object_indx[r_better] = pos_right[r_better] rough_idx_obs = self._sso_in_circle_fov( object_positions[i][object_indx], obs_data, self.r_fov + object_tol[i][object_indx], ) if len(rough_idx_obs) > 0: # Generate exact ephemerides for these times. times = obs_data[self.obs_time_col][rough_idx_obs] if self.verbose: logging.debug( ("%d/%d id=%s : " % (i, len(orbits), objid)) +"Exact start: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " nExactTimes: %s" % len(times) ) ephs = self.generate_ephemerides(sso, times, eph_mode=self.eph_mode, eph_type=self.eph_type)[ 0 ] logging.debug( ("%d/%d id=%s : " % (i, len(orbits), objid)) +"Exact end: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ) # Identify the objects which fell within the footprint. idx_obs = self.sso_in_fov(ephs, obs_data[rough_idx_obs]) if self.verbose: ("%d/%d id=%s : " % (i, len(orbits), objid)) + "Object in %d out of %d potential fields (%.2f%% success rate)" % ( len(idx_obs), len(times), 100.0 * float(len(idx_obs)) / len(times), ) ) object_observations = np.zeros(idx_obs.size, dtype=output_dtype) object_observations["obj_id"] = objid object_observations[self.obs_id_col] = obs_data[rough_idx_obs][idx_obs][self.obs_id_col] object_observations["sedname"] = sedname for key in ephs.dtype.names: object_observations[key] = ephs[key][idx_obs].copy() result.append(object_observations) indx_map_visit_to_object.append(rough_idx_obs[idx_obs]) if len(result) > 0: result = np.concatenate(result) indx_map_visit_to_object = np.concatenate(indx_map_visit_to_object) # add on any additional info we want here, dmags, etc filterlist = np.unique(obs_data[self.filter_col][indx_map_visit_to_object]) for sname in np.unique(result["sedname"]): dmag_color_dict = self.calc_colors(sname) for f in filterlist: match = np.where( (obs_data[self.filter_col][indx_map_visit_to_object] == f) & (result["sedname"] == sname) )[0] if np.size(match) > 0: result["dmag_color"][match] = dmag_color_dict[f] # Calculate trailing and detection loses. result["dmag_trail"], result["dmag_detect"] = self.calc_trailing_losses( result["velocity"], obs_data[self.seeing_col][indx_map_visit_to_object], obs_data[self.visit_exp_time_col][indx_map_visit_to_object], ) # Transfer over info from pointing info array to result array for key in transfer_cols: result[key] = obs_data[key][indx_map_visit_to_object] return result