Source code for rubin_sim.maf.stackers.mo_stackers

__all__ = (

import warnings

import numpy as np

from .base_stacker import BaseStacker
from .mo_phase import phase__halley_marcus

# Willmer 2018, ApJS 236, 47
# VEGA V mag and AB mag of sun (LSST-equivalent bandpasses)
VMAG_SUN = -26.76  # Vega mag
AB_SUN = {"u": -25.30, "g": -26.52, "r": -26.93, "i": -27.05, "z": -27.07, "y": -27.07}
KM_PER_AU = 149597870.7

[docs] class BaseMoStacker(BaseStacker): """Base class for moving object (SSobject) stackers. Relevant for MoSlicer ssObs (pd.dataframe). Provided to add moving-object specific API for 'run' method of moving object stackers. """
[docs] def run(self, sso_obs, href, hval=None): # Redefine this here, as the API does not match BaseStacker. if hval is None: hval = href if len(sso_obs) == 0: return sso_obs # Add the columns. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") sso_obs, cols_present = self._add_stacker_cols(sso_obs) # Here we don't really care about cols_present, because almost # every time we will be readding # columns anymore (for different H values). return self._run(sso_obs, href, hval)
[docs] class MoMagStacker(BaseMoStacker): """Add columns relevant to SSobject apparent magnitudes and visibility to the slicer ssoObs dataframe, given a particular Href and current h_val. Specifically, this stacker adds magLimit, appMag, SNR, and vis. magLimit indicates the appropriate limiting magnitude to consider for a particular object in a particular observation, when combined with the losses due to detection (dmag_detect) or trailing (dmagTrail). appMag adds the apparent magnitude in the filter of the current object, at the current h_val. SNR adds the SNR of this object, given the magLimit. vis adds a flag (0/1) indicating whether an object was visible (assuming a 5sigma threshhold including some probabilistic determination of visibility). Parameters ---------- m5Col : `str`, optional Name of the column describing the 5 sigma depth of each visit. Default fiveSigmaDepth. lossCol : `str`, optional Name of the column describing the magnitude losses, due to trailing (dmagTrail) or detection (dmag_detect). Default dmag_detect. gamma : `float`, optional The 'gamma' value for calculating SNR. Default 0.038. LSST range under normal conditions is about 0.037 to 0.039. sigma : `float`, optional The 'sigma' value for probabilistic prediction of whether or not an object is visible at 5sigma. Default 0.12. The probabilistic prediction of visibility is based on Fermi-Dirac completeness formula (see SDSS, eqn 24, Stripe82 analysis: randomSeed: `int` or None, optional If set, then used as the random seed for the numpy random number generation for the dither offsets. Default: None. """ cols_added = ["appMag", "SNR", "vis"] def __init__( self, magtype="asteroid", v_mag_col="magV", color_col="dmag_color", loss_col="dmag_detect", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", seeing_col="seeingFwhmGeom", filter_col="filter", gamma=0.038, sigma=0.12, random_seed=None, ): if magtype == "asteroid": self.mag_stacker = AppMagStacker(v_mag_col=v_mag_col, color_col=color_col, loss_col=loss_col) self.cols_req = [m5_col, v_mag_col, color_col, loss_col] elif magtype.startswith("comet"): # magtype should be = comet_oort comet_short or comet_mbc comet_type = magtype.split(magtype, "_")[-1] self.mag_stacker = CometAppMagStacker( comet_type=comet_type, ap=0.04, rh_col="helio_dist", delta_col="geo_dist", phase_col="phase", seeing_col=seeing_col, ap_scale=1, filter_col=filter_col, v_mag_col=v_mag_col, color_col=color_col, loss_col=loss_col, ) self.cols_req = [ m5_col, v_mag_col, color_col, loss_col, "helio_dist", "geo_dist", "phase", seeing_col, filter_col, ] else: self.mag_stacker = AppMagNullStacker() self.snr_stacker = SNRStacker( app_mag_col="appMag", m5_col=m5_col, gamma=gamma, sigma=sigma, random_seed=random_seed, ) self.units = ["mag", "mag", "SNR", ""] def _run(self, sso_obs, href, hval): # hval = current H value (useful if cloning over H range), # href = reference H value from orbit. # Without cloning, href = hval. # add apparent magnitude self.mag_stacker._run(sso_obs, href, hval) # add snr self.snr_stacker._run(sso_obs, href, hval) return sso_obs
class AppMagNullStacker(BaseMoStacker): """Do nothing to calculate an apparent magnitude. This assumes an apparent magnitude was part of the input data and does not need to be modified (no cloning, color terms, trailing losses, etc). Just return the appMag column. This would not be necessary in general, but appMag is treated as a special column (because we must have an apparent magnitude for most of the basic moving object metrics, and it must be calculated before SNR if that is also needed). """ cols_added = ["appMag"] def __init__(self, app_mag_col="appMag"): self.app_mag_col = app_mag_col self.units = [ "mag", ] self.cols_req = [self.app_mag_col] def _run(self, sso_obs, href, hval): sso_obs["appMag"] = sso_obs[self.app_mag_col] return sso_obs
[docs] class AppMagStacker(BaseMoStacker): """Add apparent magnitude of an object for the current h_val (compared to Href in the orbit file), incorporating the magnitude losses due to trailing/detection, as well as the color of the object. This is calculated from the reported mag_v in the input observation file (calculated assuming Href) as: .. codeblock::python ssoObs['appMag'] = ssoObs[self.vMagCol] + ssoObs[self.colorCol] + ssoObs[self.lossCol] + h_val - Href Using the vMag reported in the input observations implicitly uses the phase curve coded in at that point; for Oorb this is an H/G phase curve, with G=0.15 unless otherwise specified in the orbit file. See sims_movingObjects for more details on the color and loss quantities. Parameters ---------- v_mag_col : `str`, optional Name of the column containing the base V magnitude for the object at H=Href. loss_col : `str`, optional Name of the column describing the magnitude losses, due to trailing (dmagTrail) or detection (dmag_detect). Default dmag_detect. color_col : `str`, optional Name of the column describing the color correction (into the observation filter, from V). Default dmag_color. """ cols_added = ["appMag"] def __init__(self, v_mag_col="magV", color_col="dmag_color", loss_col="dmag_detect"): self.v_mag_col = v_mag_col self.color_col = color_col self.loss_col = loss_col self.cols_req = [self.v_mag_col, self.color_col, self.loss_col] self.units = [ "mag", ] def _run(self, sso_obs, href, hval): # hval = current H value (useful if cloning over H range), # href = reference H value from orbit. # Without cloning, href = hval. sso_obs["appMag"] = ( sso_obs[self.v_mag_col] + sso_obs[self.color_col] + sso_obs[self.loss_col] + hval - href ) return sso_obs
[docs] class CometAppMagStacker(BaseMoStacker): """Add a cometary apparent magnitude, including nucleus and coma, based on a calculation of Afrho (using the current h_val) and a Halley-Marcus phase curve for the coma brightness. Parameters ---------- cometType : `str`, optional Type of comet - short, oort, or mbc. This setting also sets the value of Afrho1 and k: short = Afrho1 / R^2 = 100 cm/km2, k = -4 oort = Afrho1 / R^2 = 1000 cm/km2, k = -2 mbc = Afrho1 / R^2 = 4000 cm/km2, k = -6. Default = 'oort'. It is also possible to pass this a dictionary instead: the dictionary should contain 'k' and 'afrho1_const' keys, which will be used to set these values directly. (e.g. cometType = {'k': -3.5, 'afrho1_const': 1500}). ap : `float`, optional The albedo for calculating the object's size. Default 0.04 rh_col : `str`, optional The column name for the heliocentric distance (in AU). Default 'helio_dist'. delta_col : `str`, optional The column name for the geocentric distance (in AU). Default 'geo_dist'. phase_col : `str`, optional The column name for the phase value (in degrees). Default 'phase'. """ cols_added = ["appMag"] def __init__( self, comet_type="oort", ap=0.04, rh_col="helio_dist", delta_col="geo_dist", phase_col="phase", seeing_col="FWHMgeom", ap_scale=1, filter_col="filter", v_mag_col="magV", color_col="dmag_color", loss_col="dmag_detect", ): self.units = ["mag"] # new column units # Set up k and Afrho1 constant values. comet_types = { "short": {"k": -4, "Afrho1_const": 100}, "oort": {"k": -2, "Afrho1_const": 1000}, "mbc": {"k": -6, "Afrho1_const": 4000}, } self.k = None self.afrho1_const = None if isinstance(comet_type, str): if comet_type in comet_types: self.k = comet_types[comet_type]["k"] self.afrho1_const = comet_types[comet_type]["Afrho1_const"] if isinstance(comet_type, dict): if "k" in comet_type: self.k = comet_type["k"] if "Afrho1_const" in comet_type: self.afrho1_const = comet_type["Afrho1_const"] if self.k is None or self.afrho1_const is None: raise ValueError( f"comet_type must be a string {comet_types} or " f'dict containing "k" and "Afrho1_const" - but received {comet_type}' ) # Phew, now set the simple stuff. self.ap = ap self.rh_col = rh_col self.delta_col = delta_col self.phase_col = phase_col self.seeing_col = seeing_col self.ap_scale = ap_scale self.filter_col = filter_col self.v_mag_col = v_mag_col self.color_col = color_col self.loss_col = loss_col # names of required columns self.cols_req = [ self.rh_col, self.delta_col, self.phase_col, self.seeing_col, self.filter_col, self.v_mag_col, self.color_col, self.loss_col, ] def _run(self, sso_obs, href, hval): # Calculate radius from the current H value (hval). radius = 10 ** (0.2 * (VMAG_SUN - hval)) / np.sqrt(self.ap) * KM_PER_AU # Calculate expected Afrho - this is a value that describes # how the brightness of the coma changes afrho1 = self.afrho1_const * radius**2 phase_val = phase__halley_marcus(sso_obs[self.phase_col]) # afrho is equivalent to a sort of 'absolute' magnitude of the coma afrho = afrho1 * sso_obs[self.rh_col] ** self.k * phase_val # rho describes the projected area on the sky # (project the aperture into cm on-sky) # Using the seeing * apScale as the aperture radius_aperture = sso_obs[self.seeing_col] * self.ap_scale rho = 725e5 * sso_obs[self.delta_col] * radius_aperture # Calculate the expected apparent of the comet coma = sun + correction delta = sso_obs[self.delta_col] * KM_PER_AU * 1000 # delta in cm dm = -2.5 * np.log10(afrho * rho / (2 * sso_obs[self.rh_col] * delta) ** 2) coma = np.zeros(len(sso_obs), float) # This calculates a coma mag that scales with the sun's color in # each bandpass, but the coma # modification is gray (i.e. it's just reflecting sunlight) for f in sso_obs[self.filter_col]: match = np.where(sso_obs[self.filter_col] == f) coma[match] = AB_SUN[f] + dm[match] # Calculate cometary nucleus magnitude -- we'll use the # apparent V mag adapted from OOrb as well as # the object's color - these are generally assumed to be # D type (which was used in sims_movingObjects) nucleus = sso_obs[self.v_mag_col] + sso_obs[self.color_col] + sso_obs[self.loss_col] + hval - href # add coma and nucleus then ready for calculation of SNR, etc. sso_obs["appMag"] = -2.5 * np.log10(10 ** (-0.4 * coma) + 10 ** (-0.4 * nucleus)) return sso_obs
[docs] class SNRStacker(BaseMoStacker): """Add SNR and visibility for a particular object, given the five sigma depth of the image and the apparent magnitude (whether from AppMagStacker or CometAppMagStacker etc). The SNR simply calculates the SNR based on the five sigma depth and the apparent magnitude. The 'vis' column is a probabilistic flag (0/1) indicating whether the object was detected, assuming a 5-sigma SNR threshold and then applying a probabilistic cut on whether it was detected or not (i.e. there is a gentle roll-over in 'vis' from 1 to 0 depending on the SNR of the object). This is based on the Fermi-Dirac completeness formula as described in equation 24 of the Stripe 82 SDSS analysis here: Parameters ---------- app_mag_col : `str`, optional Name of the column describing the apparent magnitude of the object. Default 'appMag'. m5_col : `str`, optional Name of the column describing the 5 sigma depth of each visit. Default fiveSigmaDepth. gamma : `float`, optional The 'gamma' value for calculating SNR. Default 0.038. LSST range under normal conditions is about 0.037 to 0.039. sigma : `float`, optional The 'sigma' value for probabilistic prediction of whether or not an object is visible at 5sigma. Default 0.12. The probabilistic prediction of visibility is based on Fermi-Dirac completeness formula (see SDSS, eqn 24, Stripe82 analysis: random_seed: `int` or None, optional If set, then used as the random seed for the numpy random number generation for the probability of detection. Default: None. """ cols_added = ["SNR", "vis"] def __init__( self, app_mag_col="appMag", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", gamma=0.038, sigma=0.12, random_seed=None, ): self.app_mag_col = app_mag_col self.m5_col = m5_col self.gamma = gamma self.sigma = sigma self.random_seed = random_seed self.cols_req = [self.app_mag_col, self.m5_col] self.units = ["SNR", ""] def _run(self, sso_obs, href, hval): # hval = current H value (useful if cloning over H range), # href = reference H value from orbit. # Without cloning, href = hval. xval = np.power(10, 0.5 * (sso_obs[self.app_mag_col] - sso_obs[self.m5_col])) sso_obs["SNR"] = 1.0 / np.sqrt((0.04 - self.gamma) * xval + self.gamma * xval * xval) completeness = 1.0 / (1 + np.exp((sso_obs[self.app_mag_col] - sso_obs[self.m5_col]) / self.sigma)) if not hasattr(self, "_rng"): if self.random_seed is not None: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(self.random_seed) else: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(734421) probability = self._rng.random_sample(len(sso_obs[self.app_mag_col])) sso_obs["vis"] = np.where(probability <= completeness, 1, 0) return sso_obs
[docs] class EclStacker(BaseMoStacker): """ Add ecliptic latitude/longitude (ecLat/ecLon) to the slicer ssoObs (in degrees). Parameters ----------- ra_col : `str`, optional Name of the RA column to convert to ecliptic lat/long. Default 'ra'. dec_col : `str`, optional Name of the Dec column to convert to ecliptic lat/long. Default 'dec'. in_deg : `bool`, optional Flag indicating whether RA/Dec are in degrees. Default True. """ cols_added = ["ecLat", "ecLon"] def __init__(self, ra_col="ra", dec_col="dec", in_deg=True): self.ra_col = ra_col self.dec_col = dec_col self.in_deg = in_deg self.cols_req = [self.ra_col, self.dec_col] self.units = ["deg", "deg"] self.ecnode = 0.0 self.ecinc = np.radians(23.439291) def _run(self, sso_obs, href, hval): ra = sso_obs[self.ra_col] dec = sso_obs[self.dec_col] if self.in_deg: ra = np.radians(ra) dec = np.radians(dec) x = np.cos(ra) * np.cos(dec) y = np.sin(ra) * np.cos(dec) z = np.sin(dec) xp = x yp = np.cos(self.ecinc) * y + np.sin(self.ecinc) * z zp = -np.sin(self.ecinc) * y + np.cos(self.ecinc) * z sso_obs["ecLat"] = np.degrees(np.arcsin(zp)) sso_obs["ecLon"] = np.degrees(np.arctan2(yp, xp)) sso_obs["ecLon"] = sso_obs["ecLon"] % 360 return sso_obs