Source code for rubin_sim.maf.stackers.label_stackers
__all__ = ("WFDlabelStacker",)
import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from .base_stacker import BaseStacker
class WFDlabelStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Add an 'areaId' column to flag whether a visit was
inside the 'footprint'.
footprint : `np.NDarray`, optional
The healpix map indicating the desired footprint region.
If this is not defined (default None),
then the entire sky is used as the footprint.
fp_threshold : `float`, optional
The threshold for the fraction of the visit area which
falls within the footprint in order
to be counted as 'in' the footprint. Default 0.4.
areaIdName : `str`, optional
Value to place in the areaId column for visits which match this area.
ra_col : `str`, optional
The name of the RA column. Default fieldRA.
dec_col : `str`, optional
The name of the Dec column. Default fieldDec.
note_col : `str`, optional
The name of the 'note' (scheduler_note) column in the database.
This is used to identify visits
which were part of a DD sequence.
exclude_dd : `bool`, optional
Exclude (True) or include (False) visits which are part of a
DD sequence within this 'area'.
This stacker adds an areaId column in the opsim database,
to be labelled with 'areaIdName' if the visit falls within the
healpix footprint map and (optionally) is not tagged as a DD visit.
If it falls outside the footprint, the visit is tagged as "NULL".
If it was part of a DD sequence, the visit is tagged with an
ID which is unique to that DD field, if 'exclude_dd' is True.
Generally this would be likely to be used to tag visits as
belonging to WFD - but not necessarily!
Any healpix footprint is valid.
cols_added = ["area_id"]
def __init__(
self.ra_col = ra_col
self.dec_col = dec_col
self.note_col = note_col
self.cols_req = [self.ra_col, self.dec_col, self.note_col]
self.cols_added_dtypes = [(str, 15)]
self.units = [""]
self.fp_threshold = fp_threshold
self.area_id_name = area_id_name
self.exclude_dd = exclude_dd
if footprint is None:
# If footprint was not defined,
# just set it to cover the entire sky, at nside=64
footprint = np.ones(hp.nside2npix(64))
self.footprint = footprint
self.nside = hp.npix2nside(len(self.footprint))
def define_ddname(self, note):
field = note.replace("u,", "")
field = field.split(",")[0].replace(",", "")
return field
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
# Even if cols_present is true, recalculate.
# Set up DD names.
d = set()
for p in np.unique(sim_data[self.note_col]):
if p.startswith("DD"):
# Identify Healpixels associated with each visit.
vec = hp.dir2vec(sim_data[self.ra_col], sim_data[self.dec_col], lonlat=True)
vec = vec.swapaxes(0, 1)
radius = np.radians(1.75) # fov radius
area_id = np.zeros(len(sim_data), self.cols_added_dtypes[0])
for i, (v, note) in enumerate(zip(vec, sim_data[self.note_col])):
# Identify the healpixels which would be inside this pointing
pointing_healpix = hp.query_disc(self.nside, v, radius, inclusive=False)
# The wfd_footprint consists of values of 0/1
# if out/in WFD footprint
hp_in_fp = self.footprint[pointing_healpix].sum()
# So in_fp= the number of healpixels which were in
# the specified footprint
# .. in the # in / total # > limit (0.4)
# then "yes" it's in the footprint
in_fp = hp_in_fp / len(pointing_healpix)
if note.startswith("DD") and self.exclude_dd:
area_id[i] = self.define_ddname(note)
if in_fp >= self.fp_threshold:
area_id[i] = self.area_id_name
area_id[i] = "NULL"
sim_data["area_id"] = area_id
return sim_data