__all__ = (
import warnings
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import GCRS, SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time
from rubin_scheduler.utils import Site, m5_flat_sed
from rubin_sim.maf.utils import load_inst_zeropoints
from .base_stacker import BaseStacker
from .date_stackers import DayObsMJDStacker
class SaturationStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Adds a calculated point-source saturation limit for each visit.
Assumes Gaussian PSF.
pixscale : `float`, optional
Arcsec per pixel.
saturation_e : `float`, optional
The saturation level in electrons.
zeropoints : dict-like, optional
The zeropoints for the telescope.
Keys should be str with filter names, values in mags.
Default of None, will use Rubin calculated zeropoints.
km : dict-like, optional
Atmospheric extinction values.
Keys should be str with filter names.
If None, will use Rubin calculated atmospheric extinction values.
cols_added = ["saturation_mag"]
def __init__(
self.units = ["mag"]
self.cols_req = [
self.seeing_col = seeing_col
self.skybrightness_col = skybrightness_col
self.exptime_col = exptime_col
self.nexp_col = nexp_col
self.filter_col = filter_col
self.airmass_col = airmass_col
self.saturation_e = saturation_e
self.pixscale = pixscale
self.zeropoints = zeropoints
self.km = km
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
if self.zeropoints is None:
zp_inst, k_atm = load_inst_zeropoints()
self.zeropoints = zp_inst
if self.km is None:
self.km = k_atm
for filtername in np.unique(sim_data[self.filter_col]):
in_filt = np.where(sim_data[self.filter_col] == filtername)[0]
# Calculate the length of the on-sky time per EXPOSURE
exptime = sim_data[self.exptime_col][in_filt] / sim_data[self.nexp_col][in_filt]
# Calculate sky counts per pixel per second
# from skybrightness + zeropoint (e/1s)
sky_counts = (
10.0 ** (0.4 * (self.zeropoints[filtername] - sim_data[self.skybrightness_col][in_filt]))
* self.pixscale**2
# Total sky counts in each exposure
sky_counts = sky_counts * exptime
# The counts available to the source (at peak) in each exposure is
# the difference between saturation and sky
remaining_counts_peak = self.saturation_e - sky_counts
# Now to figure out how many counts there would be total, if there
# are that many in the peak
sigma = sim_data[self.seeing_col][in_filt] / 2.354
source_counts = remaining_counts_peak * 2.0 * np.pi * (sigma / self.pixscale) ** 2
# source counts = counts per exposure (expTimeCol / nexp)
# Translate to counts per second, to apply zeropoint
count_rate = source_counts / exptime
sim_data["saturation_mag"][in_filt] = -2.5 * np.log10(count_rate) + self.zeropoints[filtername]
# Airmass correction
sim_data["saturation_mag"][in_filt] -= self.km[filtername] * (
sim_data[self.airmass_col][in_filt] - 1.0
# Explicitly make sure if sky has saturated we return NaN
sim_data["saturation_mag"][np.where(remaining_counts_peak < 0)] = np.nan
return sim_data
class NoteRootStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Strip off things after a comma in the scheduler_note"""
cols_added = ["scheduler_note_root"]
def __init__(self, note_col="scheduler_note"):
self.units = ["mag"]
self.cols_req = [note_col]
self.note_col = note_col
self.cols_added_dtypes = ["<U50"]
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is fine.
return sim_data
new_note = [note.split(",")[0] for note in sim_data[self.note_col]]
sim_data["scheduler_note_root"] = new_note
return sim_data
class FiveSigmaStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Calculate the 5-sigma limiting depth for a point source in the given
This is generally not needed, unless the m5 parameters have been updated
or m5 was not previously calculated.
airmass_col : `str`, optional
Name of the airmass column in the data.
seeing_col : `str`, optional
Name of the seeing column in the data.
(FWHM of the single-Gaussian PSF)
skybrightness_col : `str`, optional
Name of the skybrightness column in the data.
filter_col : `str`, optional
Name of the filter bandpass column in the data.
exptime_col : `str`, optional
Name of the on-sky exposure time column in the data.
cols_added = ["m5_simsUtils"]
def __init__(
self.units = ["mag"]
self.cols_req = [
self.airmass_col = airmass_col
self.seeing_col = seeing_col
self.skybrightness_col = skybrightness_col
self.filter_col = filter_col
self.exptime_col = exptime_col
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is fine.
return sim_data
filts = np.unique(sim_data[self.filter_col])
for filtername in filts:
infilt = np.where(sim_data[self.filter_col] == filtername)
sim_data["m5_simsUtils"][infilt] = m5_flat_sed(
return sim_data
class NormAirmassStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Adds a calculated normairmass for each pointing.
The normalized airmass is the airmass divided by the minimum airmass
achievable at each pointing (which is defined by the declination of
the field).
airmass_col : `str`, optional
The name of the airmass column in the data.
dec_col : `str`, optional
The name of the declination column in the data.
degrees : `bool`, optional
If True, angle columns are assumed to be in degrees and returned in
degrees. If False, uses and calculates radians.
telescope_lat : `float`, optional
The latitude of the telescope, in degrees.
cols_added = ["normairmass"]
def __init__(
self.units = ["X / Xmin"]
self.cols_req = [airmass_col, dec_col]
self.airmass_col = airmass_col
self.dec_col = dec_col
self.telescope_lat = telescope_lat
self.degrees = degrees
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
# Run method is required to calculate column.
# Driver runs getColInfo to know what columns are needed from db &
# which are calculated, then gets data from db and then calculates
# additional columns (via run methods here).
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is correct
# and does not need recalculating.
return sim_data
dec = sim_data[self.dec_col]
if self.degrees:
dec = np.radians(dec)
min_z_possible = np.abs(dec - np.radians(self.telescope_lat))
min_airmass_possible = 1.0 / np.cos(min_z_possible)
sim_data["normairmass"] = sim_data[self.airmass_col] / min_airmass_possible
return sim_data
class ZenithDistStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Adds a calculated zenithDistance value for each pointing.
alt_col : `str`, optional
The name of the altitude column in the data.
degrees : `bool`, optional
If True, data in alt_col is in degrees, and values for zenithDistance
will be in degrees. (Default).
If False, data in alt_col is in radians and zenithDistance values
will be in radians.
cols_added = ["zenithDistance"]
def __init__(self, alt_col="altitude", degrees=True):
self.alt_col = alt_col
self.degrees = degrees
if self.degrees:
self.units = ["degrees"]
self.unit = ["radians"]
self.cols_req = [self.alt_col]
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
"""Calculate new column for zenith distance."""
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is correct and does not
# need recalculating.
return sim_data
if self.degrees:
sim_data["zenithDistance"] = 90.0 - sim_data[self.alt_col]
sim_data["zenithDistance"] = np.pi / 2.0 - sim_data[self.alt_col]
return sim_data
class ParallaxFactorStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Add a parallax factor (in arcseconds) column for each visit.
ra_col : `str`, optional
Name of the RA column in the data.
dec_col : `str`, optional
Name of the declination column in the data.
date_col : `str`, optional
Name of the exposure start time column in the data.
Date should be in units of MJD.
degrees : `bool`, optional
If true, assumes angles are in degrees. If False, radians.
cols_added = ["ra_pi_amp", "dec_pi_amp"]
def __init__(
self.ra_col = ra_col
self.dec_col = dec_col
self.date_col = date_col
self.units = ["arcsec", "arcsec"]
self.cols_req = [ra_col, dec_col, date_col]
self.degrees = degrees
def _gnomonic_project_toxy(self, ra1, dec1, r_acen, deccen):
# ra, dec values in RADIANS
# also used in Global Telescope Network website
cosc = np.sin(deccen) * np.sin(dec1) + np.cos(deccen) * np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(ra1 - r_acen)
x = np.cos(dec1) * np.sin(ra1 - r_acen) / cosc
y = (np.cos(deccen) * np.sin(dec1) - np.sin(deccen) * np.cos(dec1) * np.cos(ra1 - r_acen)) / cosc
return x, y
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is correct
# and does not need recalculating.
return sim_data
ra_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(sim_data), dtype=[("ra_pi_amp", "float")])
dec_pi_amp = np.zeros(np.size(sim_data), dtype=[("dec_pi_amp", "float")])
ra = sim_data[self.ra_col]
dec = sim_data[self.dec_col]
if self.degrees:
ra = np.radians(ra)
dec = np.radians(dec)
times = Time(sim_data[self.date_col], format="mjd")
c = SkyCoord(ra * u.rad, dec * u.rad, obstime=times)
geo_far = c.transform_to(GCRS)
c_near = SkyCoord(ra * u.rad, dec * u.rad, distance=1 * u.pc, obstime=times)
geo_near = c_near.transform_to(GCRS)
x_geo1, y_geo1 = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(geo_near.ra.rad, geo_near.dec.rad, ra, dec)
x_geo, y_geo = self._gnomonic_project_toxy(geo_far.ra.rad, geo_far.dec.rad, ra, dec)
# Return ra_pi_amp and dec_pi_amp in arcseconds.
ra_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(x_geo1 - x_geo) * 3600.0
dec_pi_amp[:] = np.degrees(y_geo1 - y_geo) * 3600.0
sim_data["ra_pi_amp"] = ra_pi_amp
sim_data["dec_pi_amp"] = dec_pi_amp
return sim_data
class DcrStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Add columns representing the expected RA/Dec offsets expected for
an object due to differential chromatic refraction, per visit.
For DCR calculation, we also need zenithDistance, HA, and PA -- but these
will be explicitly handled within this stacker so that setup is consistent
and they run in order. If those values have already been calculated
elsewhere, they will not be overwritten.
filter_col : `str`, optional
The name of the column with filter names. Default 'filter'.
altCol : `str`, optional
Name of the column with altitude info. Default 'altitude'.
ra_col : `str`, optional
Name of the column with RA. Default 'fieldRA'.
dec_col : `str`, optional
Name of the column with Dec. Default 'fieldDec'.
lstCol : `str`, optional
Name of the column with local sidereal time. Default
site : `str` or `rubin_scheduler.utils.Site`, optional
Name of the observory or a rubin_scheduler.utils.Site object.
Default 'LSST'.
mjdCol : `str`, optional
Name of column with modified julian date.
Default 'observationStartMJD'
dcr_magnitudes : dict
Magnitude of the DCR offset for each filter at an
altitude/zenith distance of 45 degrees.
Defaults u=0.07, g=0.07, r=0.50, i=0.045, z=0.042, y=0.04
(all values should be in arcseconds).
data : `numpy.array`
Returns array with additional columns 'ra_dcr_amp' and 'dec_dcr_amp'
with the DCR offsets for each observation. Also runs ZenithDistStacker
and ParallacticAngleStacker.
cols_added = ["ra_dcr_amp", "dec_dcr_amp"] # zenithDist, HA, PA
def __init__(
self.units = ["arcsec", "arcsec"]
if dcr_magnitudes is None:
# DCR amplitudes are in arcseconds.
self.dcr_magnitudes = {
"u": 0.07,
"g": 0.07,
"r": 0.050,
"i": 0.045,
"z": 0.042,
"y": 0.04,
self.dcr_magnitudes = dcr_magnitudes
self.zd_col = "zenithDistance"
self.pa_col = "PA"
self.filter_col = filter_col
self.ra_col = ra_col
self.dec_col = dec_col
self.degrees = degrees
self.cols_req = [filter_col, ra_col, dec_col, alt_col, lst_col]
# 'zenithDist', 'PA', 'HA' are additional columns required, coming
# from other stackers which must also be configured -- so we handle
# this explicitly here.
self.zstacker = ZenithDistStacker(alt_col=alt_col, degrees=self.degrees)
self.pastacker = ParallacticAngleStacker(
# Note that RA/Dec could be coming from a dither stacker!
# But we will assume that coord stackers will be handled separately.
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is correct and does not
# need recalculating.
return sim_data
# Need to make sure the Zenith stacker gets run first Call _run method
# because already added these columns due to 'colsAdded' line.
sim_data = self.zstacker.run(sim_data)
sim_data = self.pastacker.run(sim_data)
if self.degrees:
zenith_tan = np.tan(np.radians(sim_data[self.zd_col]))
parallactic_angle = np.radians(sim_data[self.pa_col])
zenith_tan = np.tan(sim_data[self.zd_col])
parallactic_angle = sim_data[self.pa_col]
dcr_in_ra = zenith_tan * np.sin(parallactic_angle)
dcr_in_dec = zenith_tan * np.cos(parallactic_angle)
for filtername in np.unique(sim_data[self.filter_col]):
fmatch = np.where(sim_data[self.filter_col] == filtername)
dcr_in_ra[fmatch] = self.dcr_magnitudes[filtername] * dcr_in_ra[fmatch]
dcr_in_dec[fmatch] = self.dcr_magnitudes[filtername] * dcr_in_dec[fmatch]
sim_data["ra_dcr_amp"] = dcr_in_ra
sim_data["dec_dcr_amp"] = dcr_in_dec
return sim_data
class HourAngleStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Add the Hour Angle (in decimal hours) for each observation.
lst_col : `str`, optional
Name of the LST column in the data.
ra_col : `str`, optional
Name of the RA column in the data.
degrees : `bool`, optional
If True, assumes angles (RA and LST) are in degrees.
If False, assumes radians.
cols_added = ["HA"]
def __init__(self, lst_col="observationStartLST", ra_col="fieldRA", degrees=True):
self.units = ["Hours"]
self.cols_req = [lst_col, ra_col]
self.lst_col = lst_col
self.ra_col = ra_col
self.degrees = degrees
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
"""HA = LST - RA"""
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is correct and does not
# need recalculating.
return sim_data
if len(sim_data) == 0:
return sim_data
if self.degrees:
ra = np.radians(sim_data[self.ra_col])
lst = np.radians(sim_data[self.lst_col])
ra = sim_data[self.ra_col]
lst = sim_data[self.lst_col]
# Check that LST is reasonable
if (np.min(lst) < 0) | (np.max(lst) > 2.0 * np.pi):
warnings.warn("LST values are not between 0 and 2 pi")
# Check that RA is reasonable
if (np.min(ra) < 0) | (np.max(ra) > 2.0 * np.pi):
warnings.warn("RA values are not between 0 and 2 pi")
ha = lst - ra
# Wrap the results so HA between -pi and pi
ha = np.where(ha < -np.pi, ha + 2.0 * np.pi, ha)
ha = np.where(ha > np.pi, ha - 2.0 * np.pi, ha)
# Convert radians to hours
sim_data["HA"] = ha * 12 / np.pi
return sim_data
class ParallacticAngleStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Add the calculated parallactic angle to each visit.
ra_col : `str`, optional
Name of the RA column in the data.
dec_col : `str`, optional
Name of the declination column in the data.
degrees : `bool`, optional
If True, assumes ra and dec in degrees and returns Parallactic Angle
in degrees. If False, assumes and returns radians.
mjd_col : `str`, optional
Name of the observation MJD column in the data.
lst_col : `str`, optional
Name of the LST column in the data.
site : `str` or `rubin_scheduler.utils.Site`, optional
Name of the observory or a rubin_scheduler.utils.Site object.
Default 'LSST'.
cols_added = ["PA"]
def __init__(
self.lst_col = lst_col
self.ra_col = ra_col
self.dec_col = dec_col
self.degrees = degrees
self.mjd_col = mjd_col
self.site = Site(name=site)
self.units = ["radians"]
self.cols_req = [self.ra_col, self.dec_col, self.mjd_col, self.lst_col]
self.ha_stacker = HourAngleStacker(lst_col=lst_col, ra_col=ra_col, degrees=self.degrees)
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
# Equation from:
# http://www.gb.nrao.edu/~rcreager/GBTMetrology/140ft/l0058/gbtmemo52/memo52.html
# or
# http://www.gb.nrao.edu/GBT/DA/gbtidl/release2pt9/contrib/contrib/parangle.pro
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is correct and does not
# need recalculating.
return sim_data
# Using the run method (not _run) means that if HA is present, it will
# not be recalculated.
sim_data = self.ha_stacker.run(sim_data)
if self.degrees:
dec = np.radians(sim_data[self.dec_col])
dec = sim_data[self.dec_col]
sim_data["PA"] = np.arctan2(
np.sin(sim_data["HA"] * np.pi / 12.0),
np.cos(dec) * np.tan(self.site.latitude_rad)
- np.sin(dec) * np.cos(sim_data["HA"] * np.pi / 12.0)
if self.degrees:
sim_data["PA"] = np.degrees(sim_data["PA"])
return sim_data
class OverheadStacker(BaseStacker):
"""Add time between visits in seconds.
max_gap : `float`, optional
The maximum gap between observations, in minutes.
Assume anything longer the dome has closed.
Defaults to infinity.
mjd_col : `str`, optional
The name of the column with the observation start MJD.
Defaults to "observationStartMJD".
visit_time_col : `str`, optional
The name of the column with the total visit time (on-sky plus
shutter and other overheads).
Defaults to "visitTime".
exposure_time_col : `str`, optional
The name of the column with the visit on-sky exposure time.
Defaults to "visitExposureTime."
cols_added = ["overhead"]
def __init__(
# Set max_gap in minutes to match API of existing BruteOSFMetric
self.max_gap = max_gap
self.mjd_col = mjd_col
self.visit_time_col = visit_time_col
self.exposure_time_col = exposure_time_col
self.units = ["seconds"]
self.day_obs_mjd_stacker = DayObsMJDStacker(self.mjd_col)
self.cols_req = [self.mjd_col, self.visit_time_col, self.exposure_time_col]
self.cols_req = list(set(self.cols_req))
def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False):
if cols_present:
# Column already present in data; assume it is correct and does not
# need recalculating.
return sim_data
# Count overhead as any time from the shutter close of the previous
# visit, to the shutter close of the current visit, minus the
# current on-sky exposure time.
# This is all non-exposure time required for this visit --
# includes slew time to this target, any shutter overheads for this
# visit, and any readouts not absorbed in slewtime for this visit.
observation_end_mjd = sim_data[self.mjd_col] + sim_data[self.visit_time_col] / (24 * 60 * 60)
overhead = (
np.diff(observation_end_mjd, prepend=np.nan) * 24 * 60 * 60 - sim_data[self.exposure_time_col]
# Rough heuristic not to count downtime due to weather or instrument
# problems as overhead. A more reliable way to do this would be to
# use other sources of weather data or problem reporting to identify
# these gaps.
# We might also explicitly want to look at the gaps that arise from
# these problems in order to measure time lost to these causes.
overhead[overhead > self.max_gap * 60] = np.nan
# If the gap includes a change of night, it isn't really overhead. For
# most reasonable finite values of self.max_gap, this is never
# relevant, but it's sometimes useful to set max_gap to inifinity to
# catch all delays in the night. (The comment above.) But, in
# even in this case, we would still not want to include gaps between
# nights.
day_obs_mjd = self.day_obs_mjd_stacker.run(sim_data)["day_obs_mjd"]
different_night = np.diff(day_obs_mjd, prepend=np.nan) != 0
overhead[different_night] = np.nan
sim_data[self.cols_added[0]] = overhead
return sim_data