Source code for rubin_sim.maf.stackers.dither_stackers

__all__ = (

import warnings

import numpy as np

from .base_stacker import BaseStacker

# Stacker naming scheme:
# [Pattern]DitherPer[Timescale].
#  Timescale indicates how often the dither offset is changed.

# Original dither stackers (Random, Spiral, Hex) written by Lynne Jones
# (
# Additional dither stackers written by Humna Awan (,
# with addition of
# constraining dither offsets to be within an inscribed hexagon
# (code modifications for use here by LJ).

def setup_dither_stackers(ra_col, dec_col, degrees, **kwargs):
    b = BaseStacker()
    stacker_list = []
    if ra_col in b.source_dict:
        stacker_list.append(b.source_dict[ra_col](degrees=degrees, **kwargs))
    if dec_col in b.source_dict:
        if b.source_dict[ra_col] != b.source_dict[dec_col]:
            stacker_list.append(b.source_dict[dec_col](degrees=degrees, **kwargs))
    return stacker_list

[docs] def wrap_ra_dec(ra, dec): """ Wrap RA into 0-2pi and Dec into +/0 pi/2. Parameters ---------- ra : numpy.ndarray RA in radians dec : numpy.ndarray Dec in radians Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray Wrapped RA/Dec values, in radians. """ # Wrap dec. low = np.where(dec < -np.pi / 2.0)[0] dec[low] = -1 * (np.pi + dec[low]) ra[low] = ra[low] - np.pi high = np.where(dec > np.pi / 2.0)[0] dec[high] = np.pi - dec[high] ra[high] = ra[high] - np.pi # Wrap RA. ra = ra % (2.0 * np.pi) return ra, dec
[docs] def wrap_ra(ra): """ Wrap only RA values into 0-2pi (using mod). Parameters ---------- ra : numpy.ndarray RA in radians Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Wrapped RA values, in radians. """ ra = ra % (2.0 * np.pi) return ra
[docs] def in_hexagon(x_off, y_off, max_dither): """ Identify dither offsets which fall within the inscribed hexagon. Parameters ---------- x_off : numpy.ndarray The x values of the dither offsets. yoff : numpy.ndarray The y values of the dither offsets. max_dither : float The maximum dither offset. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Indexes of the offsets which are within the hexagon inscribed inside the 'max_dither' radius circle. """ # Set up the hexagon limits. # y = mx + b, 2h is the height. m = np.sqrt(3.0) b = m * max_dither h = m / 2.0 * max_dither # Identify offsets inside hexagon. inside = np.where( (y_off < m * x_off + b) & (y_off > m * x_off - b) & (y_off < -m * x_off + b) & (y_off > -m * x_off - b) & (y_off < h) & (y_off > -h) )[0] return inside
[docs] def polygon_coords(nside, radius, rotation_angle): """ Find the x,y coords of a polygon. This is useful for plotting dither points and showing they lie within a given shape. Parameters ---------- nside : int The number of sides of the polygon radius : float The radius within which to plot the polygon rotation_angle : float The angle to rotate the polygon to. Returns ------- [float, float] List of x/y coordinates of the points describing the polygon. """ each_angle = 2 * np.pi / float(nside) x_coords = np.zeros(nside, float) y_coords = np.zeros(nside, float) for i in range(0, nside): x_coords[i] = np.sin(each_angle * i + rotation_angle) * radius y_coords[i] = np.cos(each_angle * i + rotation_angle) * radius return list(zip(x_coords, y_coords))
[docs] class BaseDitherStacker(BaseStacker): """Base class for dither stackers. The base class just adds an easy way to define a stacker as one of the 'dither' types of stackers. These run first, before any other stackers. Parameters ---------- ra_col : str, optional The name of the RA column in the data. Default 'fieldRA'. dec_col : str, optional The name of the Dec column in the data. Default 'fieldDec'. degrees : bool, optional Flag whether RA/Dec should be treated as (and kept as) degrees. max_dither : float, optional The radius of the maximum dither offset, in degrees. Default 1.75 degrees. in_hex : bool, optional If True, offsets are constrained to lie within a hexagon inscribed within the max_dither circle. If False, offsets can lie anywhere out to the edges of the max_dither circle. Default True. """ cols_added = [] def __init__( self, ra_col="fieldRA", dec_col="fieldDec", degrees=True, max_dither=1.75, in_hex=True, ): # Instantiate the RandomDither object and set internal variables. self.ra_col = ra_col self.dec_col = dec_col self.degrees = degrees # Convert max_dither to radians for internal use. self.max_dither = np.radians(max_dither) self.in_hex = in_hex # self.units used for plot labels if self.degrees: self.units = ["deg", "deg"] else: self.units = ["rad", "rad"] # Values required for framework operation: this specifies # the data columns required from the database. self.cols_req = [self.ra_col, self.dec_col]
[docs] class RandomDitherPerVisitStacker(BaseDitherStacker): """ Randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to max_dither degrees from center, with a different offset for each visit. Parameters ---------- ra_col : str, optional The name of the RA column in the data. Default 'fieldRA'. dec_col : str, optional The name of the Dec column in the data. Default 'fieldDec'. degrees : bool, optional Flag whether RA/Dec should be treated as (and kept as) degrees. max_dither : float, optional The radius of the maximum dither offset, in degrees. Default 1.75 degrees. in_hex : bool, optional If True, offsets are constrained to lie within a hexagon inscribed within the max_dither circle. If False, offsets can lie anywhere out to the edges of the max_dither circle. Default True. random_seed : int or None, optional If set, then used as the random seed for the numpy random number generation for the dither offsets. Default None. """ # Values required for framework operation: # this specifies the name of the new columns. cols_added = ["randomDitherPerVisitRa", "randomDitherPerVisitDec"] def __init__( self, ra_col="fieldRA", dec_col="fieldDec", degrees=True, max_dither=1.75, in_hex=True, random_seed=None, ): """ @ MaxDither in degrees """ super().__init__( ra_col=ra_col, dec_col=dec_col, degrees=degrees, max_dither=max_dither, in_hex=in_hex, ) self.random_seed = random_seed def _generate_random_offsets(self, noffsets): x_out = np.array([], float) y_out = np.array([], float) max_tries = 100 tries = 0 while (len(x_out) < noffsets) and (tries < max_tries): dithers_rad = np.sqrt(self._rng.rand(noffsets * 2)) * self.max_dither dithers_theta = self._rng.rand(noffsets * 2) * np.pi * 2.0 x_off = dithers_rad * np.cos(dithers_theta) y_off = dithers_rad * np.sin(dithers_theta) if self.in_hex: # Constrain dither offsets to be within hexagon. idx = in_hexagon(x_off, y_off, self.max_dither) x_off = x_off[idx] y_off = y_off[idx] x_out = np.concatenate([x_out, x_off]) y_out = np.concatenate([y_out, y_off]) tries += 1 if len(x_out) < noffsets: raise ValueError( "Could not find enough random points within the hexagon in %d tries. " "Try another random seed?" % (max_tries) ) self.x_off = x_out[0:noffsets] self.y_off = y_out[0:noffsets] def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False): if cols_present: # Column already present in data; assume it is correct # and does not need recalculating. return sim_data # Generate random numbers for dither, # using defined seed value if desired. if not hasattr(self, "_rng"): if self.random_seed is not None: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(self.random_seed) else: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(2178813) # Generate the random dither values. noffsets = len(sim_data[self.ra_col]) self._generate_random_offsets(noffsets) # Add to RA and dec values. if self.degrees: ra = np.radians(sim_data[self.ra_col]) dec = np.radians(sim_data[self.dec_col]) else: ra = sim_data[self.ra_col] dec = sim_data[self.dec_col] sim_data["randomDitherPerVisitRa"] = ra + self.x_off / np.cos(dec) sim_data["randomDitherPerVisitDec"] = dec + self.y_off # Wrap back into expected range. ( sim_data["randomDitherPerVisitRa"], sim_data["randomDitherPerVisitDec"], ) = wrap_ra_dec( sim_data["randomDitherPerVisitRa"], sim_data["randomDitherPerVisitDec"], ) # Convert to degrees if self.degrees: for col in self.cols_added: sim_data[col] = np.degrees(sim_data[col]) return sim_data
[docs] class RandomDitherPerNightStacker(RandomDitherPerVisitStacker): """ Randomly dither the RA and Dec pointings up to max_dither degrees from center, one dither offset per night. All pointings observed within the same night get the same offset. Parameters ---------- ra_col : str, optional The name of the RA column in the data. Default 'fieldRA'. dec_col : str, optional The name of the Dec column in the data. Default 'fieldDec'. degrees : bool, optional Flag whether RA/Dec should be treated as (and kept as) degrees. night_col : str, optional The name of the night column in the data. Default 'night'. max_dither : float, optional The radius of the maximum dither offset, in degrees. Default 1.75 degrees. in_hex : bool, optional If True, offsets are constrained to lie within a hexagon inscribed within the max_dither circle. If False, offsets can lie anywhere out to the edges of the max_dither circle. Default True. random_seed : int or None, optional If set, then used as the random seed for the numpy random number generation for the dither offsets. Default None. """ # Values required for framework operation: this specifies the # names of the new columns. cols_added = ["randomDitherPerNightRa", "randomDitherPerNightDec"] def __init__( self, ra_col="fieldRA", dec_col="fieldDec", degrees=True, night_col="night", max_dither=1.75, in_hex=True, random_seed=None, ): """ @ MaxDither in degrees """ # Instantiate the RandomDither object and set internal variables. super().__init__( ra_col=ra_col, dec_col=dec_col, degrees=degrees, max_dither=max_dither, in_hex=in_hex, random_seed=random_seed, ) self.night_col = night_col # Values required for framework operation: # this specifies the data columns required from the database. self.cols_req = [self.ra_col, self.dec_col, self.night_col] def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False): if cols_present: return sim_data # Generate random numbers for dither, # using defined seed value if desired. if not hasattr(self, "_rng"): if self.random_seed is not None: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(self.random_seed) else: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(66334) # Generate the random dither values, one per night. nights = np.unique(sim_data[self.night_col]) self._generate_random_offsets(len(nights)) if self.degrees: ra = np.radians(sim_data[self.ra_col]) dec = np.radians(sim_data[self.dec_col]) else: ra = sim_data[self.ra_col] dec = sim_data[self.dec_col] # Add to RA and dec values. for n, x, y in zip(nights, self.x_off, self.y_off): match = np.where(sim_data[self.night_col] == n)[0] sim_data["randomDitherPerNightRa"][match] = ra[match] + x / np.cos(dec[match]) sim_data["randomDitherPerNightDec"][match] = dec[match] + y # Wrap RA/Dec into expected range. ( sim_data["randomDitherPerNightRa"], sim_data["randomDitherPerNightDec"], ) = wrap_ra_dec(sim_data["randomDitherPerNightRa"], sim_data["randomDitherPerNightDec"]) if self.degrees: for col in self.cols_added: sim_data[col] = np.degrees(sim_data[col]) return sim_data
[docs] class RandomRotDitherPerFilterChangeStacker(BaseDitherStacker): """ Randomly dither the physical angle of the telescope rotator wrt the mount, after every filter change. Visits (in between filter changes) that cannot all be assigned an offset without surpassing the rotator limit are not dithered. Parameters ---------- rot_tel_col : str, optional The name of the column in the data specifying the physical angle of the telescope rotator wrt. the mount. Default: 'rotTelPos'. filter_col : str, optional The name of the filter column in the data. Default: 'filter'. degrees : `bool`, optional True if angles in the database are in degrees (default). If True, returned dithered values are in degrees also. If False, angles assumed to be in radians and returned in radians. max_dither : float, optional Abs(maximum) rotational dither, in degrees. The dithers then will be between -max_dither to max_dither. Default: 90 degrees. max_rot_angle : float, optional Maximum rotator angle possible for the camera (degrees). Default 90 degrees. min_rot_angle : float, optional Minimum rotator angle possible for the camera (degrees). Default -90 degrees. random_seed: int, optional If set, then used as the random seed for the numpy random number generation for the dither offsets. Default: None. debug: bool, optinal If True, will print intermediate steps and plots histograms of rotTelPos for cases when no dither is applied. Default: False """ # Values required for framework operation: this specifies # the names of the new columns. cols_added = ["randomDitherPerFilterChangeRotTelPos"] def __init__( self, rot_tel_col="rotTelPos", filter_col="filter", degrees=True, max_dither=90.0, max_rot_angle=90, min_rot_angle=-90, random_seed=None, debug=False, ): # Instantiate the RandomDither object and set internal variables. self.rot_tel_col = rot_tel_col self.filter_col = filter_col self.degrees = degrees self.max_dither = max_dither self.max_rot_angle = max_rot_angle self.min_rot_angle = min_rot_angle self.random_seed = random_seed # self.units used for plot labels if self.degrees: self.units = ["deg"] else: self.units = ["rad"] # Convert user-specified values into radians as well. self.max_dither = np.radians(self.max_dither) self.max_rot_angle = np.radians(self.max_rot_angle) self.min_rot_angle = np.radians(self.min_rot_angle) self.debug = debug # Values required for framework operation: # specify the data columns required from the database. self.cols_req = [self.rot_tel_col, self.filter_col] def _run(self, sim_data, cols_present=False): if self.debug: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Just go ahead and return if the columns were already in place. if cols_present: return sim_data # Generate random numbers for dither, using defined seed value # if desired. # Note that we must define the random state for np.random, # to ensure consistency in the build system. if not hasattr(self, "_rng"): if self.random_seed is not None: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(self.random_seed) else: self._rng = np.random.RandomState(544320) if len(np.where(sim_data[self.rot_tel_col] > self.max_rot_angle)[0]) > 0: warnings.warn( "Input data does not respect the specified maxRotAngle constraint: " "(Re)Setting maxRotAngle to max value in the input data: %s" % max(sim_data[self.rot_tel_col]) ) self.max_rot_angle = max(sim_data[self.rot_tel_col]) if len(np.where(sim_data[self.rot_tel_col] < self.min_rot_angle)[0]) > 0: warnings.warn( "Input data does not respect the specified minRotAngle constraint: " "(Re)Setting minRotAngle to min value in the input data: %s" % min(sim_data[self.rot_tel_col]) ) self.min_rot_angle = min(sim_data[self.rot_tel_col]) # Identify points where the filter changes. change_idxs = np.where(sim_data[self.filter_col][1:] != sim_data[self.filter_col][:-1])[0] # Add the random offsets to the RotTelPos values. rot_dither = self.cols_added[0] if len(change_idxs) == 0: # There are no filter changes, so nothing to dither. # Just use original values. sim_data[rot_dither] = sim_data[self.rot_tel_col] else: # For each filter change, generate a series of random # values for the offsets, # between +/- self.max_dither. These are potential values # for the rotational offset. # The offset actually used will be confined to ensure that # rotTelPos for all visits in # that set of observations (between filter changes) fall within # the specified min/maxRotAngle -- without truncating the # rotTelPos values. # Generate more offsets than needed - either 2x filter changes # or 2500, whichever is bigger. # 2500 is an arbitrary number. max_num = max(len(change_idxs) * 2, 2500) rot_offset = np.zeros(len(sim_data), float) # Some sets of visits will not be assigned dithers: # it was too hard to find an offset. n_problematic_ones = 0 # Loop over the filter change indexes (current filter change, # next filter change) to identify # sets of visits that should have the same offset. for c, cn in zip(change_idxs, change_idxs[1:]): random_offsets = self._rng.rand(max_num + 1) * 2.0 * self.max_dither - self.max_dither i = 0 potential_offset = random_offsets[i] # Calculate new rotTelPos values, if we used this offset. new_rot_tel = sim_data[self.rot_tel_col][c + 1 : cn + 1] + potential_offset # Does it work? # Do all values fall within minRotAngle / maxRotAngle? good_to_go = (new_rot_tel >= self.min_rot_angle).all() and ( new_rot_tel <= self.max_rot_angle ).all() while (not good_to_go) and (i < max_num): # break if find a good offset or hit max_num tries. i += 1 potential_offset = random_offsets[i] new_rot_tel = sim_data[self.rot_tel_col][c + 1 : cn + 1] + potential_offset good_to_go = (new_rot_tel >= self.min_rot_angle).all() and ( new_rot_tel <= self.max_rot_angle ).all() if not good_to_go: # i.e. no good offset was found after max_num tries n_problematic_ones += 1 rot_offset[c + 1 : cn + 1] = 0.0 # no dither else: rot_offset[c + 1 : cn + 1] = random_offsets[i] # assign the chosen offset # Handle the last set of observations (after the last filter # change to the end of the survey). random_offsets = self._rng.rand(max_num + 1) * 2.0 * self.max_dither - self.max_dither i = 0 potential_offset = random_offsets[i] new_rot_tel = sim_data[self.rot_tel_col][change_idxs[-1] + 1 :] + potential_offset good_to_go = (new_rot_tel >= self.min_rot_angle).all() and ( new_rot_tel <= self.max_rot_angle ).all() while (not good_to_go) and (i < max_num): # break if find a good offset or cant (after max_num tries) i += 1 potential_offset = random_offsets[i] new_rot_tel = sim_data[self.rot_tel_col][change_idxs[-1] + 1 :] + potential_offset good_to_go = (new_rot_tel >= self.min_rot_angle).all() and ( new_rot_tel <= self.max_rot_angle ).all() if not good_to_go: # i.e. no good offset was found after max_num tries n_problematic_ones += 1 rot_offset[c + 1 : cn + 1] = 0.0 else: rot_offset[change_idxs[-1] + 1 :] = potential_offset # Assign the dithers sim_data[rot_dither] = sim_data[self.rot_tel_col] + rot_offset # Final check to make sure things are okay good_to_go = (sim_data[rot_dither] >= self.min_rot_angle).all() and ( sim_data[rot_dither] <= self.max_rot_angle ).all() if not good_to_go: message = "Rotational offsets are not working properly:\n" message += " dithered rotTelPos: %s\n" % (sim_data[rot_dither]) message += " minRotAngle: %s ; maxRotAngle: %s" % ( self.min_rot_angle, self.max_rot_angle, ) raise ValueError(message) else: return sim_data