Source code for rubin_sim.maf.slicers.base_spatial_slicer

# The base class for all spatial slicers.
# Slicers are 'data slicers' at heart; spatial slicers slice data by RA/Dec and
# return the relevant indices in the sim_data to the metric.
# The primary things added here are the methods to slice the data
# (for any spatial slicer) as this uses a KD-tree built on spatial
# (RA/Dec type) indexes.

__all__ = ("BaseSpatialSlicer",)

import warnings
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np
import rubin_scheduler.utils as simsUtils

from rubin_sim.maf.plots.spatial_plotters import BaseHistogram, BaseSkyMap

from .base_slicer import BaseSlicer

def rotate(x, y, rotation_angle_rad):
    """rotate 2d points around the origin (0,0)"""
    cos_rad = np.cos(rotation_angle_rad)
    sin_rad = np.sin(rotation_angle_rad)
    qx = cos_rad * x - sin_rad * y
    qy = sin_rad * x + cos_rad * y
    return qx, qy

[docs] class BaseSpatialSlicer(BaseSlicer): """Base spatial slicer object, contains additional functionality for spatial slicing, including setting up and traversing a kdtree containing the simulated data points. Parameters ---------- lon_col : `str`, optional Name of the longitude (RA equivalent) column. lat_col : `str`, optional Name of the latitude (Dec equivalent) column. rot_sky_pos_col_name : `str`, optional Name of the rotSkyPos column in the input data. Only used if use_camera is True. Describes the orientation of the camera orientation on the sky. lat_lon_deg : `bool`, optional Flag indicating whether lat and lon values from input data are in degrees (True) or radians (False). verbose : `bool`, optional Verbosity flag - noisy or quiet. badval : `float`, optional Bad value flag, relevant for plotting. leafsize : `int`, optional Leafsize value for kdtree. radius : `float`, optional Radius for matching in the kdtree. Equivalent to the radius of the FOV, in degrees. use_camera : `bool`, optional Flag to indicate whether to use the LSST camera footprint or not. camera_footprint_file : `str`, optional Name of the camera footprint map to use. Can be None, which will use the default file. """ def __init__( self, lon_col="fieldRA", lat_col="fieldDec", rot_sky_pos_col_name="rotSkyPos", lat_lon_deg=True, verbose=True, badval=-666, leafsize=100, radius=2.45, use_camera=True, camera_footprint_file=None, ): super().__init__(verbose=verbose, badval=badval) self.lon_col = lon_col self.lat_col = lat_col self.latLonDeg = lat_lon_deg self.rotSkyPosColName = rot_sky_pos_col_name self.columns_needed = [lon_col, lat_col, rot_sky_pos_col_name] self.use_camera = use_camera self.camera_footprint_file = camera_footprint_file self.radius = radius self.leafsize = leafsize self.slicer_init = { "lon_col": self.lon_col, "lat_col": self.lat_col, "radius": self.radius, "badval": self.badval, "use_camera": self.use_camera, } # RA and Dec are required slice_point info for any spatial slicer. # slice_point RA/Dec are in radians. self.slice_points["sid"] = None self.slice_points["ra"] = None self.slice_points["dec"] = None self.nslice = None self.shape = None self.plot_funcs = [BaseHistogram, BaseSkyMap]
[docs] def setup_slicer(self, sim_data, maps=None): """Use sim_data[self.lon_col] and sim_data[self.lat_col] (in radians) to set up KDTree. Parameters ----------- sim_data : `numpy.ndarray` The simulated data, including the location of each pointing. maps : `list` of `rubin_sim.maf.maps` objects, optional List of maps (such as dust extinction) that will run to build up additional data at each slice_point. This additional data is available to metrics via the slice_point dictionary. """ if maps is not None: if self.cache_size != 0 and len(maps) > 0: warnings.warn( "Warning: Loading maps but cache on." "Should probably set use_cache=False in slicer." ) self._run_maps(maps) self._set_rad(self.radius) if self.latLonDeg: self.data_ra = np.radians(sim_data[self.lon_col]) self.data_dec = np.radians(sim_data[self.lat_col]) self.data_rot = np.radians(sim_data[self.rotSkyPosColName]) else: self.data_ra = sim_data[self.lon_col] self.data_dec = sim_data[self.lat_col] self.data_rot = sim_data[self.rotSkyPosColName] if self.use_camera: self._setupLSSTCamera() self._build_tree(self.data_ra, self.data_dec, self.leafsize) @wraps(self._slice_sim_data) def _slice_sim_data(islice): """Return indexes for relevant opsim data at slice_point (slice_point=lon_col/lat_col value .. usually ra/dec). """ # Build dict for slice_point info slice_point = {"sid": islice} sx, sy, sz = simsUtils._xyz_from_ra_dec( self.slice_points["ra"][islice], self.slice_points["dec"][islice] ) # Query against tree. indices = self.opsimtree.query_ball_point((sx, sy, sz), self.rad) if (self.use_camera) & (len(indices) > 0): # Find the indices *of those indices* # which fall in the camera footprint camera_idx = self.slice_points["ra"][islice], self.slice_points["dec"][islice], self.data_ra[indices], self.data_dec[indices], self.data_rot[indices], ) indices = np.array(indices)[camera_idx] # Loop through all the slice_point keys. # If the first dimension of slice_point[key] has the same shape # as the slicer, assume it is information per slice_point. # Otherwise, pass the whole slice_point[key] information. # Useful for stellar LF maps where we want to pass only the # relevant LF and the bins that go with it. for key in self.slice_points: if len(np.shape(self.slice_points[key])) == 0: keyShape = 0 else: keyShape = np.shape(self.slice_points[key])[0] if keyShape == self.nslice: slice_point[key] = self.slice_points[key][islice] else: slice_point[key] = self.slice_points[key] return {"idxs": indices, "slice_point": slice_point} setattr(self, "_slice_sim_data", _slice_sim_data)
def _setupLSSTCamera(self): """If we want to include the camera chip gaps, etc.""" = simsUtils.LsstCameraFootprint( units="radians", footprint_file=self.camera_footprint_file ) def _build_tree(self, sim_dataRa, sim_dataDec, leafsize=100): """Build KD tree on sim_dataRA/Dec. sim_dataRA, sim_dataDec = RA and Dec values (in radians). leafsize = the number of Ra/Dec pointings in each leaf node. """ self.opsimtree = simsUtils._build_tree(sim_dataRa, sim_dataDec, leafsize) def _set_rad(self, radius=1.75): """Set radius (in degrees) for kdtree search.""" self.rad = simsUtils.xyz_angular_radius(radius)