Source code for rubin_sim.maf.run_comparison.gather_summaries

__all__ = ("combine_result_dbs", "gather_summaries")

import argparse
import glob
import os
import sqlite3

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def dirname_to_runname(inpath, replaces=["_glance", "_sci", "_meta", "_ss", "_ddf"]):
    """Given a directory path, construct a plausible runname"""
    result = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(inpath))
    for rstring in replaces:
        result = result.replace(rstring, "")
    return result

[docs] def combine_result_dbs(run_dirs, dbfilename="resultsDb_sqlite.db"): """Helper function for gather_summaries Parameters ---------- run_dirs : list of str A list of directories to search for MAF result databases. dbfilename : str (resultsDb_sqlite.db) The database filename to look for (default: resultsDb_sqlite.db).""" db_files = [] run_names = [] for dname in run_dirs: fname = os.path.join(dname, dbfilename) if os.path.isfile(fname): db_files.append(fname) run_names.append(dirname_to_runname(dname)) # querry to grab all the summary stats sql_q = "SELECT summarystats.summary_value, " sql_q += "metrics.metric_name, metrics.metric_info_label, " sql_q += "metrics.slicer_name, summarystats.summary_name " sql_q += "FROM summarystats INNER JOIN metrics ON metrics.metric_id=summarystats.metric_id" rows = [] for row_name, fname in zip(run_names, db_files): con = sqlite3.connect(fname) temp_df = pd.read_sql(sql_q, con) con.close() # Make column names col_names = [] for summary_name, metric_name, metric_info_label, slicer_name in zip( temp_df["summary_name"].values.tolist(), temp_df["metric_name"].values.tolist(), temp_df["metric_info_label"].values.tolist(), temp_df["slicer_name"].values.tolist(), ): col_name = " ".join( [ summary_name.strip(), metric_name.strip(), metric_info_label.strip(), slicer_name.strip(), ] ) col_names.append(col_name.replace(" ", " ")) # Make a DataFrame row row = pd.DataFrame( temp_df["summary_value"].values.reshape([1, temp_df["summary_value"].values.size]), columns=col_names, index=[row_name], ) # Can have duplicate columns if MAF was run multiple times. # Remove duplicates: # # python-pandas-remove-duplicate-columns row = row.loc[:, ~row.columns.duplicated()].copy() rows.append(row) # Create final large DataFrame to hold everything all_cols = np.unique(np.concatenate([r.columns.values for r in rows])) u_names = np.unique(run_names) result_df = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros([u_names.size, all_cols.size]) + np.nan, columns=all_cols, index=u_names, ) # Put each row into the final DataFrame for row_name, row in zip(run_names, rows): result_df.loc[row_name, row.columns] = np.ravel(row.values) return result_df
[docs] def gather_summaries(): """Find resultsDbs in a series of directories and gather up their summary stats into a single CSV or hdf5 file. Outputs one row per unique run name. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Find resultsDbs in a series of directories and " "gather up their summary stats into a single CSV or hdf5 file. " "Intended to run on a set of metrics run on multiple " "simulations, so that each results_db has similar summary" "statistics." ) parser.add_argument( "--base_dir", type=str, default=".", help="Root directory from where to search for MAF (sub)directories.", ) parser.add_argument( "--outfile", type=str, default="summary", help="Output file name. Default (summary)", ) parser.add_argument( "--to_hdf", dest="to_hdf", action="store_true", help="Create a .hdf5 file, instead of the default csv file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--dirs", type=str, default=None, help="comma seperated list of directories to use, default None", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.dirs is None: run_dirs = glob.glob(args.base_dir + "/*/") else: run_dirs = args.dirs.split(",") # Create output file name if needed if args.to_hdf: outfile = args.outfile + ".h5" else: outfile = args.outfile + ".csv" result_df = combine_result_dbs(run_dirs) # Save summary statistics if args.to_hdf: result_df.to_hdf(outfile, key="stats") else: # Create a CSV file result_df.to_csv(outfile)