Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metrics.sn_snr_metric

__all__ = ("SNSNRMetric",)

from import Iterable

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rf
from scipy import interpolate

import rubin_sim.maf.metrics as metrics
from rubin_sim.maf.utils.sn_utils import GenerateFakeObservations

[docs] class SNSNRMetric(metrics.BaseMetric): """ Metric to estimate the detection rate for faint supernovae (x1,color) = (-2.0,0.2) Parameters ---------- coadd : `bool`, optional to make "coaddition" per night (uses snStacker) lim_sn : class, optional Reference data used to simulate LC points (interpolation) names_ref : `str`, optional names of the simulator used to produce reference data season : `float`, optional season num z : `float`, optional redshift for this study """ def __init__( self, metric_name="SNSNRMetric", mjd_col="observationStartMJD", ra_col="fieldRA", dec_col="fieldDec", filter_col="filter", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", exptime_col="visitExposureTime", night_col="night", obsid_col="observationId", nexp_col="numExposures", vistime_col="visitTime", coadd=True, lim_sn=None, names_ref=None, season=1, z=0.01, **kwargs, ): self.mjd_col = mjd_col self.m5_col = m5_col self.filter_col = filter_col self.ra_col = ra_col self.dec_col = dec_col self.exptime_col = exptime_col self.season_col = "season" self.night_col = night_col self.obsid_col = obsid_col self.nexp_col = nexp_col self.vistime_col = vistime_col cols = [ self.night_col, self.m5_col, self.filter_col, self.mjd_col, self.obsid_col, self.nexp_col, self.vistime_col, self.exptime_col, self.season_col, ] if coadd: cols += ["coadd"] super(SNSNRMetric, self).__init__(col=cols, metric_name=metric_name, **kwargs) self.filter_names = np.array(["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]) self.blue_cutoff = 300.0 self.red_cutoff = 800.0 self.min_rf_phase = -20.0 self.max_rf_phase = 40.0 self.z = z self.names_ref = names_ref self.season = season # SN DayMax: current date - shift days self.shift = 10.0 # These are reference LC self.lim_sn = lim_sn self.display = False
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): """ run the metric Parameters ---------- data_slice : `np.ndarray`, (N,) simulation data under study Returns ------- detection rate : `float` """ good_filters = np.isin(data_slice["filter"], self.filter_names) data_slice = data_slice[good_filters] if data_slice.size == 0: return None data_slice.sort(order=self.mjd_col) if self.season != -1: seasons = self.season else: seasons = np.unique(data_slice["season"]) if not isinstance(seasons, Iterable): seasons = [seasons] self.info_season = None for seas in seasons: info = self.season_info(data_slice, seas) if info is not None and info["season_length"] >= self.shift: if self.info_season is None: self.info_season = info else: self.info_season = np.concatenate((self.info_season, info)) self.info_season = self.check_seasons(self.info_season) if self.info_season is None: return 0.0 sel = data_slice[np.isin(data_slice["season"], np.array(seasons))] detect_frac = None if len(sel) >= 5: detect_frac = self.process(sel) if detect_frac is not None: return np.median(detect_frac["frac_obs_{}".format(self.names_ref[0])]) else: return 0.0
[docs] def process(self, sel): """Process one season Parameters ----------- sel : `np.narray` array of observations season : `int` season number Returns -------- record array with the following fields: fieldRA (float) fieldDec (float) season (float) band (str) frac_obs_name_ref (float) """ = np.unique(sel[self.filter_col])[0] snr_obs = self.snr_slice(sel) # SNR for observations snr_fakes = self.snr_fakes(sel) # SNR for fakes detect_frac = self.detection_rate(snr_obs, snr_fakes) # Detection rate # snr_obs = np.asarray(snr_obs) # snr_fakes = np.asarray(snr_fakes) # self.plot(snr_obs, snr_fakes) # detect_frac = np.asarray(detect_frac) return detect_frac
[docs] def snr_slice(self, data_slice, j=-1, output_q=None): """Estimate SNR for a given data_slice Parameters ----------- data_slice : `np.ndarray` j : `int`, optional output_q : `int`, optional Returns -------- snr : `np.ndarray` containing SNR_name_ref: Signal-To-Noise Ratio estimator season : season cadence: cadence of the season season_length: length of the season MJD_min: min MJD of the season DayMax: SN max luminosity MJD (aka T0) MJD: m5_eff: mean m5 of obs passing the min_phase, max_phase cut field_ra: mean field RA field_dec: mean field Dec band: band m5: mean m5 (over the season) nvisits: median number of visits (per observation) (over the season) ExposureTime: median exposure time (per observation) (over the season) """ # Get few infos: RA, Dec, nvisits, m5, exptime field_ra = np.mean(data_slice[self.ra_col]) field_dec = np.mean(data_slice[self.dec_col]) # one visit = 2 exposures nvisits = np.median(data_slice[self.nexp_col] / 2.0) m5 = np.mean(data_slice[self.m5_col]) exptime = np.median(data_slice[self.exptime_col]) data_slice.sort(order=self.mjd_col) mjds = data_slice[self.mjd_col] band = np.unique(data_slice[self.filter_col])[0] # Define MJDs to consider for metric estimation # basically: step of one day between MJDmin and MJDmax dates = None for val in self.info_season: if dates is None: dates = np.arange(val["MJD_min"] + self.shift, val["MJD_max"] + 1.0, 1.0) else: dates = np.concatenate( ( dates, np.arange(val["MJD_min"] + self.shift, val["MJD_max"] + 1.0, 1.0), ) ) # SN DayMax: dates-shift where shift is chosen in the input yaml file t0_lc = dates - self.shift # for these DayMax, estimate the phases of LC points # corresponding to the current data_slice MJDs time_for_lc = -t0_lc[:, None] + mjds phase = time_for_lc / (1.0 + self.z) # phases of LC points # flag: select LC points only in between min_rf_phase and max_phase phase_max = self.shift / (1.0 + self.z) flag = (phase >= self.min_rf_phase) & (phase <= phase_max) # tile m5, MJDs, and seasons to estimate all fluxes and SNR at once m5_vals = np.tile(data_slice[self.m5_col], (len(time_for_lc), 1)) # estimate fluxes and snr in SNR function fluxes_tot, snr = self.snr(time_for_lc, m5_vals, flag, t0_lc) # now save the results in a record array _, idx = np.unique(snr["season"], return_inverse=True) infos = self.info_season[idx] vars_info = ["cadence", "season_length", "MJD_min"] snr = rf.append_fields(snr, vars_info, [infos[name] for name in vars_info]) snr = rf.append_fields(snr, "DayMax", t0_lc) snr = rf.append_fields(snr, "MJD", dates) snr = rf.append_fields(snr, "m5_eff", np.mean(, mask=~flag), axis=1)) global_info = [(field_ra, field_dec, band, m5, nvisits, exptime)] * len(snr) names = ["field_ra", "field_dec", "band", "m5", "nvisits", "ExposureTime"] global_info = np.rec.fromrecords(global_info, names=names) snr = rf.append_fields(snr, names, [global_info[name] for name in names]) if output_q is not None: output_q.put({j: snr}) else: return snr
[docs] def season_info(self, data_slice, season): """Get info on seasons for each data_slice Parameters ---------- data_slice : `np.ndarray`, (N,) array of observations Returns ------- info_season : `np.ndarray` season, cadence, season_length, MJDmin, MJDmax """ rv = [] idx = data_slice[self.season_col] == season slice_sel = data_slice[idx] if len(slice_sel) < 5: return None slice_sel.sort(order=self.mjd_col) mjds_season = slice_sel[self.mjd_col] cadence = np.mean(mjds_season[1:] - mjds_season[:-1]) mjd_min = np.min(mjds_season) mjd_max = np.max(mjds_season) season_length = mjd_max - mjd_min nvisits = np.median(slice_sel[self.nexp_col]) m5 = np.median(slice_sel[self.m5_col]) rv.append((float(season), cadence, season_length, mjd_min, mjd_max, nvisits, m5)) info_season = np.rec.fromrecords( rv, names=[ "season", "cadence", "season_length", "MJD_min", "MJD_max", "nvisits", "m5", ], ) return info_season
[docs] def snr(self, time_lc, m5_vals, flag, t0_lc): """Estimate SNR vs time Parameters ----------- time_lc : `np.ndarray`, (N,) m5_vals : `list` [`float`] five-sigme depth values flag : `np.ndarray`, (N,) flag to be applied (example: selection from phase cut) season_vals : `np.ndarray`, (N,) season values t0_lc : `np.ndarray`, (N,) array of T0 for supernovae Returns ------- fluxes_tot : `list` [`float`] list of (interpolated) fluxes snr_tab : `np.ndarray`, (N,) snr_name_ref (float) : Signal-to-Noise values season (float) : season num. """ fluxes_tot = {} snr_tab = None for ib, name in enumerate(self.names_ref): fluxes = self.lim_sn.fluxes[ib](time_lc) if name not in fluxes_tot.keys(): fluxes_tot[name] = fluxes else: fluxes_tot[name] = np.concatenate((fluxes_tot[name], fluxes)) flux_5sigma = self.lim_sn.mag_to_flux[ib](m5_vals) snr = fluxes**2 / flux_5sigma**2 snr_season = 5.0 * np.sqrt(np.sum(snr * flag, axis=1)) if snr_tab is None: snr_tab = np.asarray(np.copy(snr_season), dtype=[("SNR_" + name, "f8")]) else: snr_tab = rf.append_fields(snr_tab, "SNR_" + name, np.copy(snr_season)) """ snr_tab = rf.append_fields( snr_tab, 'season', np.mean(seasons, axis=1)) """ snr_tab = rf.append_fields(snr_tab, "season", self.get_season(t0_lc)) # check if any masked value remaining # this would correspond to case where no obs point has been selected # ie no points with phase in [phase_min,phase_max] # this happens when internight gaps are large # (typically larger than shift) idmask = np.where(snr_tab.mask) if len(idmask) > 0: tofill = np.copy(snr_tab["season"]) season_recover = self.get_season(t0_lc[np.where(snr_tab.mask)]) tofill[idmask] = season_recover snr_tab =, fill_value=tofill) return fluxes_tot, snr_tab
[docs] def get_season(self, t0): """ Estimate the seasons corresponding to t0 values Parameters ---------- t0 : `list` [`float`] set of t0 values Returns -------- mean_seasons : `list` [`float`] list (float) of corresponding seasons """ diff_min = t0[:, None] - self.info_season["MJD_min"] diff_max = -t0[:, None] + self.info_season["MJD_max"] seasons = np.tile(self.info_season["season"], (len(diff_min), 1)) flag = (diff_min >= 0) & (diff_max >= 0) seasons =, mask=~flag) return np.mean(seasons, axis=1)
[docs] def snr_fakes(self, data_slice): """Estimate SNR for fake observations in the same way as for observations (using SNR_Season) Parameters ----------- data_slice : `np.ndarray`, (N,) array of observations Returns -------- snr_tab : `np.ndarray` snr_name_ref (float) : Signal-to-Noise values season (float) : season num. """ # generate fake observations fake_obs = None # idx = (data_slice[self.season_col] == season) band = np.unique(data_slice[self.filter_col])[0] fake_obs = self.gen_fakes(data_slice, band) # estimate SNR vs MJD snr_fakes = self.snr_slice(fake_obs[fake_obs["filter"] == band]) return snr_fakes
[docs] def gen_fakes(self, slice_sel, band): """Generate fake observations according to observing values extracted from simulations Parameters ---------- slice_sel : `np.ndarray`, (N,) array of observations band : `str` band to consider Returns -------- fake_obs_season : `np.ndarray` array of observations with the following fields observationStartMJD (float) field_ra (float) field_dec (float) filter (U1) fiveSigmaDepth (float) numExposures (float) visitExposureTime (float) season (int) """ field_ra = np.mean(slice_sel[self.ra_col]) field_dec = np.mean(slice_sel[self.dec_col]) tvisit = 30.0 fake_obs = None for val in self.info_season: cadence = val["cadence"] mjd_min = val["MJD_min"] season_length = val["season_length"] nvisits = val["nvisits"] m5 = val["m5"] # build the configuration file config_fake = {} config_fake["Ra"] = field_ra config_fake["Dec"] = field_dec config_fake["bands"] = [band] config_fake["Cadence"] = [cadence] config_fake["MJD_min"] = [mjd_min] config_fake["season_length"] = season_length config_fake["nvisits"] = [nvisits] m5_nocoadd = m5 - 1.25 * np.log10(float(nvisits) * tvisit / 30.0) config_fake["m5"] = [m5_nocoadd] config_fake["seasons"] = [val["season"]] config_fake["Exposure_Time"] = [30.0] config_fake["shift_days"] = 0.0 fake_obs_season = GenerateFakeObservations(config_fake).Observations if fake_obs is None: fake_obs = fake_obs_season else: fake_obs = np.concatenate((fake_obs, fake_obs_season)) return fake_obs
[docs] def plot(self, snr_obs, snr_fakes): """Plot SNR vs time Parameters ---------- snr_obs : `np.ndarray`, (N,) array estimated using snr_slice(observations) snr_obs : `np.ndarray`, (N,) array estimated using snr_slice(fakes) """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7)) title = "season {} - {} band - z={}".format(self.season,, self.z) fig.suptitle(title) ax.plot( snr_obs["MJD"], snr_obs["SNR_{}".format(self.names_ref[0])], label="Simulation", ) ax.plot( snr_fakes["MJD"], snr_fakes["SNR_{}".format(self.names_ref[0])], ls="--", label="Fakes", )
[docs] def plot_history(self, fluxes, mjd, flag, snr, t0_lc, dates): """Plot history of lightcurve For each MJD, fluxes and snr are plotted Each plot may be saved as a png to make a video afterwards Parameters ---------- fluxes : `list` [`float`] LC fluxes mjd : list(float) mjds of the fluxes flag : array flag for selection of fluxes snr : list signal-to-noise ratio t0_lc : list(float) list of T0 supernovae dates : list(float) date of the display (mjd) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=2) fig.canvas.draw() colors = ["b", "r"] myls = ["-", "--"] tot_label = [] fontsize = 12 mjd_ma =, mask=~flag) fluxes_ma = {} for key, val in fluxes.items(): fluxes_ma[key] =, mask=~flag) key = list(fluxes.keys())[0] jmax = len(fluxes_ma[key]) tot_label = [] tot_label_snr = [] min_flux = [] max_flux = [] for j in range(jmax): for ib, name in enumerate(fluxes_ma.keys()): tot_label.append( ax[0].errorbar( mjd_ma[j], fluxes_ma[name][j], marker="s", color=colors[ib], ls=myls[ib], label=name, ) ) tot_label_snr.append( ax[1].errorbar( snr["MJD"][:j], snr["SNR_" + name][:j], color=colors[ib], label=name, ) ) fluxx = fluxes_ma[name][j] fluxx = fluxx[~fluxx.mask] if len(fluxx) >= 2: min_flux.append(np.min(fluxx)) max_flux.append(np.max(fluxx)) else: min_flux.append(0.0) max_flux.append(200.0) min_fluxes = np.min(min_flux) max_fluxes = np.max(max_flux) tot_label.append( ax[0].errorbar( [t0_lc[j], t0_lc[j]], [min_fluxes, max_fluxes], color="k", label="DayMax", ) ) tot_label.append( ax[0].errorbar( [dates[j], dates[j]], [min_fluxes, max_fluxes], color="k", ls="--", label="Current MJD", ) ) fig.canvas.flush_events() # plt.savefig('{}/{}_{}.png'.format(dir_save, 'snr', 1000 + j)) if j != jmax - 1: ax[0].clear() tot_label = [] tot_label_snr = [] labs = [ll.get_label() for ll in tot_label] ax[0].legend(tot_label, labs, ncol=1, loc="best", prop={"size": fontsize}, frameon=False) ax[0].set_ylabel("Flux [e.sec$^{-1}$]", fontsize=fontsize) ax[1].set_xlabel("MJD", fontsize=fontsize) ax[1].set_ylabel("SNR", fontsize=fontsize) ax[1].legend() labs = [ll.get_label() for ll in tot_label_snr] ax[1].legend( tot_label_snr, labs, ncol=1, loc="best", prop={"size": fontsize}, frameon=False, ) for i in range(2): ax[i].tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=fontsize) ax[i].tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=fontsize)
[docs] def detection_rate(self, snr_obs, snr_fakes): """ Estimate the time fraction(per season) for which snr_obs > snr_fakes = detection rate For regular cadences one should get a result close to 1 Parameters ---------- snr_obs : array array estimated using snr_slice(observations) snr_fakes: array array estimated using snr_slice(fakes) Returns ------- record array with the following fields: fieldRA (float) fieldDec (float) season (float) band (str) frac_obs_name_ref (float) """ ra = np.mean(snr_obs["fieldRA"]) dec = np.mean(snr_obs["fieldDec"]) band = np.unique(snr_obs["band"])[0] rtot = [] for season in np.unique(snr_obs["season"]): idx = snr_obs["season"] == season sel_obs = snr_obs[idx] idxb = snr_fakes["season"] == season sel_fakes = snr_fakes[idxb] sel_obs.sort(order="MJD") sel_fakes.sort(order="MJD") r = [ra, dec, season, band] names = [self.ra_col, self.dec_col, "season", "band"] for sim in self.names_ref: fakes = interpolate.interp1d(sel_fakes["MJD"], sel_fakes["SNR_" + sim]) obs = interpolate.interp1d(sel_obs["MJD"], sel_obs["SNR_" + sim]) mjd_min = np.max([np.min(sel_obs["MJD"]), np.min(sel_fakes["MJD"])]) mjd_max = np.min([np.max(sel_obs["MJD"]), np.max(sel_fakes["MJD"])]) mjd = np.arange(mjd_min, mjd_max, 1.0) diff_res = obs(mjd) - fakes(mjd) idx = diff_res >= 0 r += [len(diff_res[idx]) / len(diff_res)] names += ["frac_obs_" + sim] rtot.append(tuple(r)) return np.rec.fromrecords(rtot, names=names)
[docs] def check_seasons(self, tab): """Check whether seasons have no overlap if it is the case: modify MJD_min and season length of the corresponding season return only seasons with season_length > 30 days Parameters ----------- tab : array with the following fields: Returns ------- tab : array with the following fields: """ if tab is None or len(tab) == 1: return tab if len(tab) > 1: diff = tab["MJD_min"][1:] - tab["MJD_max"][:-1] idb = np.argwhere(diff < 20.0) if len(idb) >= 1: tab["MJD_min"][idb + 1] = tab["MJD_max"][idb] + 20.0 tab["season_length"][idb + 1] = tab["MJD_max"][idb + 1] - tab["MJD_min"][idb + 1] return tab[tab["season_length"] > 30.0]