Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metrics.sn_n_sn_metric

__all__ = ("SNNSNMetric",)

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
import numpy.lib.recfunctions as nlr
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from rubin_sim.maf.metrics import BaseMetric
from rubin_sim.maf.utils.sn_n_sn_utils import LcfastNew, SnRate, load_sne_cached
from rubin_sim.phot_utils import DustValues

[docs] class SNNSNMetric(BaseMetric): """ Measure zlim of type Ia supernovae. Parameters -------------- metricName : `str`, opt metric name (default : SNSNRMetric) mjd_col : `str`, opt mjd column name (default : observationStartMJD) filter_col : `str`, opt filter column name (default: filter) m5_col : `str`, opt five-sigma depth column name (default : fiveSigmaDepth) exptime_col : `str`, opt exposure time column name (default : visitExposureTime) night_col : `str`, opt night column name (default : night) obsid_col : `str`, opt observation id column name (default : observationId) nexp_col : `str`, opt number of exposure column name (default : numExposures) vistime_col : `str`, opt visit time column name (default : visitTime) seeing_col : `str`, opt seeing column name (default: seeingFwhmEff) note_col : `str`, opt note column name (default: note) season : `list`, opt list of seasons to process (float)(default: -1 = all seasons) coadd : `bool`, opt coaddition per night (and per band) (default : True) zmin : `float`, opt min redshift for the study (default: 0.0) zmax : `float`, opt max redshift for the study (default: 1.2) verbose : `bool`, opt verbose mode (default: False) n_bef : `int`, opt number of LC points LC before T0 (default:5) n_aft : `int`, opt number of LC points after T0 (default: 10) snr_min : `float`, opt minimal SNR of LC points (default: 5.0) n_phase_min : `int`, opt number of LC points with phase<= -5(default:1) n_phase_max : `int`, opt number of LC points with phase>= 20 (default: 1) zlim_coeff: float, opt corresponds to the zlim_coeff fraction of SN with z<zlim bands : `str`, opt bands to consider (default: grizy) gammaName: `str`, opt name of the gamma ref file to load (default: gamma_WFD.hdf5) dust : `bool`, opt Apply dust extinction to visit depth values (default False) hard_dust_cut : `float`, opt If set, cut any point on the sky that has an ebv extinction higher than the hard_dust_cut value. Default 0.25 """ def __init__( self, metric_name="SNNSNMetric", mjd_col="observationStartMJD", filter_col="filter", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", exptime_col="visitExposureTime", night_col="night", obsid_col="observationId", nexp_col="numExposures", vistime_col="visitTime", seeing_col="seeingFwhmEff", note_col="scheduler_note", season=[-1], coadd_night=True, zmin=0.1, zmax=0.5, z_step=0.03, daymax_step=3.0, verbose=False, ploteffi=False, n_bef=3, n_aft=8, snr_min=1.0, n_phase_min=1, n_phase_max=1, sigma_c=0.04, zlim_coeff=0.95, bands="grizy", add_dust=False, hard_dust_cut=0.25, gamma_name="gamma_WFD.hdf5", **kwargs, ): # n_bef / n_aft = 3/8 for WFD, 4/10 for DDF self.mjd_col = mjd_col self.m5_col = m5_col self.filter_col = filter_col self.exptime_col = exptime_col self.season_col = "season" self.night_col = night_col self.obsid_col = obsid_col self.nexp_col = nexp_col self.vistime_col = vistime_col self.seeing_col = seeing_col self.note_col = note_col self.ploteffi = ploteffi self.t0s = "all" self.zlim_coeff = zlim_coeff self.bands = bands self.coadd_night = coadd_night self.add_dust = add_dust self.hard_dust_cut = hard_dust_cut maps = ["DustMap"] dust_properties = DustValues() self.ax1 = dust_properties.ax1 cols = [ self.night_col, self.m5_col, self.filter_col, self.mjd_col, self.obsid_col, self.nexp_col, self.vistime_col, self.exptime_col, self.note_col, ] super(SNNSNMetric, self).__init__( col=cols, metric_dtype="object", metric_name=metric_name, maps=maps, **kwargs, ) self.season = season # LC selection parameters self.n_bef = n_bef # nb points before peak self.n_aft = n_aft # nb points after peak self.snr_min = snr_min # SNR cut for points before/after peak self.n_phase_min = n_phase_min # nb of point with phase <=-5 self.n_phase_max = n_phase_max # nb of points with phase >=20 self.sigma_c = sigma_c # loading reference LC files lc_reference = load_sne_cached(gamma_name) # loading reference LC files self.lc_fast = {} for key, vals in lc_reference.items(): self.lc_fast[key] = LcfastNew( vals, key[0], key[1], self.mjd_col, self.filter_col, self.exptime_col, self.m5_col, self.season_col, self.nexp_col, self.seeing_col, self.snr_min, light_output=False, ) # loading parameters self.zmin = zmin # zmin for the study self.zmax = zmax # zmax for the study self.zstep = z_step # zstep # get redshift range for processing zrange = list(np.arange(self.zmin, self.zmax, self.zstep)) if zrange[0] < 1.0e-6: zrange[0] = 0.01 self.zrange = np.unique(zrange) self.daymax_step = daymax_step # daymax step self.min_rf_phase = -20.0 # min ref phase for LC points selection self.max_rf_phase = 60.0 # max ref phase for LC points selection self.min_rf_phase_qual = -15.0 # min ref phase for bounds effects self.max_rf_phase_qual = 30.0 # max ref phase for bounds effects # snrate self.rate_sn = SnRate( h0=70.0, om0=0.3, min_rf_phase=self.min_rf_phase_qual, max_rf_phase=self.max_rf_phase_qual, ) # verbose mode - useful for debug and code performance estimation self.verbose = verbose # supernovae parameters for fisher estimation self.params = ["x0", "x1", "daymax", "color"]
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point): """ Run method of the metric Parameters -------------- data_slice : `np.ndarray` Observations to process (scheduler simulations) slice_point : `bool`, opt Information about the location on the sky from the slicer Returns ------- metricVal : `np.ndarray` ['n_sn', 'zlim'] at this point on the sky """ # Hard dust cut if self.hard_dust_cut is not None: ebvof_mw = slice_point["ebv"] if ebvof_mw > self.hard_dust_cut: return self.badval # get area on-sky in this slice_point if "nside" in slice_point: self.pix_area = hp.nside2pixarea(slice_point["nside"], degrees=True) else: self.pix_area = 9.6 # If we want to apply dust extinction. if self.add_dust: new_m5 = data_slice[self.m5_col] * 0 for filtername in np.unique(data_slice[self.filter_col]): in_filt = np.where(data_slice[self.filter_col] == filtername)[0] a_x = self.ax1[filtername] * slice_point["ebv"] new_m5[in_filt] = data_slice[self.m5_col][in_filt] - a_x data_slice[self.m5_col] = new_m5 # select observations filter good_filters = np.isin(data_slice[self.filter_col], list(self.bands)) data_slice = data_slice[good_filters] # coaddition per night and per band (if requested by the user) if self.coadd_night: data_slice = self.coadd(data_slice) # This seems unlikely, but is a possible bailout point if len(data_slice) <= self.n_aft + self.n_bef: return self.badval # get season information (seasons calculated by gaps, # not by place on sky) data_slice = self.getseason(data_slice, mjd_col=self.mjd_col) # get redshift values per season zseason = self.z_season(self.season, data_slice) zseason_allz = self.z_season_allz(zseason) # estimate redshift completeness metric_values = self.metric(data_slice, zseason_allz, x1=-2.0, color=0.2, zlim=-1, metric="zlim") if metric_values is None: return self.badval if np.max(metric_values["zcomp"]) < 0: return self.badval # get redshift values per season up to zcomp zseason = pd.DataFrame(metric_values[["season", "zcomp"]]) zseason.loc[:, "zmin"] = 0.01 zseason.loc[:, "zstep"] = self.zstep zseason = zseason.rename(columns={"zcomp": "zmax"}) zseason["zmax"] += self.zstep zseason_allz = self.z_season_allz(zseason) # get the total number of well-sampled SN up to zcomp nsn_zcomp = self.metric( data_slice, zseason_allz, x1=0.0, color=0.0, zlim=metric_values[["season", "zcomp"]], metric="nsn", ) # final results if nsn_zcomp is None: return self.badval metric_values = metric_values.merge(nsn_zcomp, left_on=["season"], right_on=["season"]) if self.verbose: print("metric_values", metric_values[["season", "zcomp", "nsn"]]) idx = metric_values["zcomp"] > 0.0 selmet = metric_values[idx] if len(selmet) > 0: zcomp = selmet["zcomp"].median() n_sn = selmet["nsn"].sum() res = np.rec.fromrecords([(n_sn, zcomp)], names=["n_sn", "zlim"]) else: res = self.badval if self.verbose: print("final result", res) return res
[docs] def season_length(self, seasons, data_slice, zseason): """ Method to estimate season lengths vs z Parameters ----------- seasons : `list` [`int`] list of seasons to process data_slice : `np.ndarray`, (N,)` array of observations zseason : `pd.DataFrame` redshift infos per season Returns -------- seasons : `list` [`int`] list of seasons to process dur_z : `pd.DataFrame` season lengths vs z """ # if seasons = -1: process the seasons seen in data if seasons == [-1]: seasons = np.unique(data_slice[self.season_col]) # season infos dfa = pd.DataFrame(np.copy(data_slice)) dfa = pd.DataFrame(dfa[dfa["season"].isin(seasons)]) season_info = self.get_season_info(dfa, zseason) if self.verbose: print("season_info", season_info) if season_info.empty: return [], pd.DataFrame() season_info["season_copy"] = season_info["season"].values.copy() dur_z = ( season_info.groupby("season_copy", group_keys=False) .apply(lambda x: self.nsn_expected_z(x), include_groups=False) .reset_index(drop=True) ) return season_info["season"].to_list(), dur_z
[docs] def get_season_info(self, dfa, zseason, min_duration=60.0): """ method to get season infos vs z Parameters -------------- dfa : `pd.DataFrame` data to process zseason : `pd.DataFrame` redshift infos per season min_duration : `float`, opt min season length to be accepted (default: 60 days) Returns -------- season_info : `pd.DataFrame` with season length infos """ dfa["season_copy"] = dfa["season"].values.copy() season_info = ( dfa.groupby("season") .apply(lambda x: self.season_info(x, min_duration=min_duration), include_groups=False) .reset_index() ) # season_info.index = season_info.index.droplevel() season_info = season_info.drop(columns=["level_1"]) season_info = season_info.merge(zseason, left_on=["season"], right_on=["season"]) season_info["T0_min"] = season_info["MJD_min"] - (1.0 + season_info["z"]) * self.min_rf_phase_qual season_info["T0_max"] = season_info["MJD_max"] - (1.0 + season_info["z"]) * self.max_rf_phase_qual season_info["season_length"] = season_info["T0_max"] - season_info["T0_min"] idx = season_info["season_length"] >= min_duration return pd.DataFrame(season_info[idx])
[docs] def step_lc(self, obs, gen_par, x1=-2.0, color=0.2): """ Method to generate lc Parameters --------------- obs : array observations gen_par : array simulation parameters x1 : `float`, opt stretch value (default: -2.0) color : `float`, opt color value (default: 0.2) Returns ---------- SN light curves (astropy table) """ obs["season_copy"] = obs["season"].values.copy() lc = obs.groupby(["season_copy"]).apply( lambda x: self.gen_lc(x, gen_par, x1, color), include_groups=False ) return lc
[docs] def step_efficiencies(self, lc): """ Method to estimate observing efficiencies Parameter ------------- lc: `pd.DataFrame` light curves Returns ----------- `pd.DataFrame` with efficiencies """ cols = ["season", "z", "x1", "color", "sntype"] for col in cols: lc[col + "_copy"] = lc[col].values.copy() sn_effis = lc.groupby(cols).apply(lambda x: self.sn_effi(x), include_groups=False).reset_index() # estimate efficiencies sn_effis["season"] = sn_effis["season"].astype(int) sn_effis["effi"] = sn_effis["nsel"] / sn_effis["ntot"] sn_effis["effi_err"] = np.sqrt(sn_effis["nsel"] * (1.0 - sn_effis["effi"])) / sn_effis["ntot"] # prevent NaNs, set effi to 0 where there is 0 ntot zero = np.where(sn_effis["ntot"] == 0) sn_effis["effi"].values[zero] = 0 sn_effis["effi_err"].values[zero] = 0 if self.verbose: for season in sn_effis["season"].unique(): idx = sn_effis["season"] == season print("effis", sn_effis[idx]) if self.ploteffi: from sn_metrics.sn_plot_live import plotNSN_effi for season in sn_effis["season"].unique(): idx = sn_effis["season"] == season print("effis", sn_effis[idx]) plotNSN_effi(sn_effis[idx], "effi", "effi_err", "Observing Efficiencies", ls="-") return sn_effis
[docs] def step_nsn(self, sn_effis, dur_z): """ Method to estimate the number of supernovae from efficiencies Parameters ---------- sn_effis : `pd.DataFrame` data with efficiencies of observation dur_z : array array of season length Returns ------- initial sn_effis appended with a set of infos (duration, nsn) """ # add season length here sn_effis = sn_effis.merge(dur_z, left_on=["season", "z"], right_on=["season", "z"]) # estimate the number of supernovae sn_effis["nsn"] = sn_effis["effi"] * sn_effis["nsn_expected"] return sn_effis
[docs] def season_info(self, grp, min_duration): """ Method to estimate seasonal info (cadence, season length, ...) Parameters -------------- grp : `pd.DataFrame` group min_duration : `float` minimal duration for a season to be considered Returns --------- `pd.DataFrame` with the following cols: - Nvisits: number of visits for this group - N_xx: number of visits in xx where xx is defined in self.bandstat """ df = pd.DataFrame([len(grp)], columns=["Nvisits"]) df["MJD_min"] = grp[self.mjd_col].min() df["MJD_max"] = grp[self.mjd_col].max() df["season_length"] = df["MJD_max"] - df["MJD_min"] df["cadence"] = 0.0 if len(grp) > 5: # to = grp.groupby(['night'])[self.mjd_col].median().sort_values() # df['cadence'] = np.mean(to.diff()) nights = np.sort(grp["night"].unique()) diff = np.asarray(nights[1:] - nights[:-1]) df["cadence"] = np.median(diff).item() # select seasons of at least 30 days idx = df["season_length"] >= min_duration return df[idx]
[docs] def duration_z(self, grp, min_duration=60.0): """ Method to estimate the season length vs redshift This is necessary to take into account boundary effects when estimating the number of SN that can be detected daymin, daymax = min and max MJD of a season T0_min(z) = daymin-(1+z)*min_rf_phase_qual T0_max(z) = daymax-(1+z)*max_rf_phase_qual season_length(z) = T0_max(z)-T0_min(z) Parameters -------------- grp : `pd.DataFrame` group data to process: season infos min_duration : `float`, opt min season length for a season to be processed (deafult: 60 days) Returns ---------- `pd.DataFrame` with season_length, z, T0_min and T0_max cols """ ## IS THIS CALLED FROM ANYWHERE? daymin = grp["MJD_min"].values daymax = grp["MJD_max"].values dur_z = pd.DataFrame(self.zrange, columns=["z"]) dur_z["T0_min"] = daymin - (1.0 + dur_z["z"]) * self.min_rf_phase_qual dur_z["T0_max"] = daymax - (1.0 + dur_z["z"]) * self.max_rf_phase_qual dur_z["season_length"] = dur_z["T0_max"] - dur_z["T0_min"] # dur_z['season_length_orig'] = daymax-daymin # dur_z['season_length_orig'] = [daymax-daymin]*len(self.zrange) nsn = self.nsn_from_rate(dur_z) if self.verbose: print("dur_z", dur_z) print("nsn expected", nsn) dur_z = dur_z.merge(nsn, left_on=["z"], right_on=["z"]) idx = dur_z["season_length"] > min_duration sel = dur_z[idx] if len(sel) < 2: return pd.DataFrame() return dur_z
[docs] def calc_daymax(self, grp, daymax_step): """ Method to estimate T0 (daymax) values for simulation. Parameters -------------- grp: group (`pd.DataFrame` sense) group of data to process with the following cols: t0_min: T0 min value (per season) t0_max: T0 max value (per season) daymax_step: `float` step for T0 simulation Returns ---------- `pd.DataFrame` with daymax, min_rf_phase, max_rf_phase values """ if self.t0s == "all": t0_max = grp["T0_max"].values t0_min = grp["T0_min"].values num = (t0_max - t0_min) / daymax_step if t0_max - t0_min > 10: df = pd.DataFrame(np.linspace(t0_min, t0_max, int(np.max(num))), columns=["daymax"]) else: df = pd.DataFrame([-1], columns=["daymax"]) else: df = pd.DataFrame([0.0], columns=["daymax"]) df["minRFphase"] = self.min_rf_phase df["maxRFphase"] = self.max_rf_phase return df
[docs] def gen_lc(self, grp, gen_par_orig, x1, color): """ Method to generate light curves from observations Parameters --------------- grp : pd group observations to process gen_par_orig : `pd.DataFrame` simulation parameters x1 : `float` SN stretch color : `float` SN color Returns ---------- light curves as `pd.DataFrame` """ season = idx = gen_par_orig["season"] == season gen_par = gen_par_orig[idx].to_records(index=False) sntype = dict(zip([(-2.0, 0.2), (0.0, 0.0)], ["faint", "medium"])) res = pd.DataFrame() key = (np.round(x1, 1), np.round(color, 1)) vals = self.lc_fast[key] gen_par_cp = gen_par.copy() if key == (-2.0, 0.2): idx = gen_par_cp["z"] < 0.9 gen_par_cp = gen_par_cp[idx] lc = vals(grp.to_records(index=False), 0.0, gen_par_cp, bands="grizy") lc["x1"] = key[0] lc["color"] = key[1] lc["sntype"] = sntype[key] res = pd.concat((res, lc)) return res
[docs] def sn_effi(self, lc): """ Method to transform LCs to supernovae Parameters --------------- lc : pd grp light curve Returns ---------- `pd.DataFrame` of sn efficiencies vs z """ if self.verbose: print("effi for", lcarr = lc.to_records(index=False) idx = lcarr["snr_m5"] >= self.snr_min lcarr = np.copy(lcarr[idx]) t0s = np.unique(lcarr["daymax"]) t0s.sort() delta_t = lcarr["daymax"] - t0s[:, np.newaxis] flag = np.abs(delta_t) < 1.0e-5 resdf = pd.DataFrame(t0s, columns=["daymax"]) # get n_phase_min, n_phase_max for vv in [ "n_phmin", "n_phmax", "F_x0x0", "F_x0x1", "F_x0daymax", "F_x0color", "F_x1x1", "F_x1daymax", "F_x1color", "F_daymaxdaymax", "F_daymaxcolor", "F_colorcolor", ]: resdf[vv] = self.get_sum(lcarr, vv, len(delta_t), flag) nights = np.tile(lcarr["night"], (len(delta_t), 1)) phases = np.tile(lcarr["phase"], (len(delta_t), 1)) flagph = phases >= 0.0 resdf["nepochs_aft"] = self.get_epochs(nights, flag, flagph) flagph = phases <= 0.0 resdf["nepochs_bef"] = self.get_epochs(nights, flag, flagph) # replace NaN by 0 # solution from: # questions/77900971/ # pandas-futurewarning-downcasting- # object-dtype-arrays-on-fillna-ffill-bfill with pd.option_context("future.no_silent_downcasting", True): resdf = resdf.fillna(0).infer_objects(copy=False) # get selection efficiencies effis = self.efficiencies(resdf) return effis
[docs] def get_sum(self, lcarr, varname, nvals, flag): """ Method to get the sum of variables using broadcasting Parameters -------------- lcarr : numpy array data to process varname : `str` col to process in lcarr nvals : `int` dimension for tiling flag : array(bool) flag to apply Returns ---------- array: the sum of the corresponding variable """ phmin = np.tile(lcarr[varname], (nvals, 1)) n_phmin =, mask=~flag) n_phmin = n_phmin.sum(axis=1) return n_phmin
[docs] def get_epochs(self, nights, flag, flagph): """ Method to get the number of epochs Parameters --------------- nights : array night number array flag : array(bool) flag to apply flagph : array(bool) flag to apply Returns ----------- array with the number of epochs """ nights_cp = np.copy(nights) B =, mask=~(flag & flagph)) B.sort(axis=1) C = np.diff(B, axis=1) > 0 D = C.sum(axis=1) + 1 return D
[docs] def sigma_s_nparams(self, grp): """ Method to estimate variances of SN parameters from inversion of the Fisher matrix Parameters --------------- grp: `pd.DataFrame` of flux derivatives wrt SN parameters Returns ---------- Diagonal elements of the inverted matrix (as `pd.DataFrame`) """ # params = ['x0', 'x1', 'daymax', 'color'] parts = {} for ia, vala in enumerate(self.params): for jb, valb in enumerate(self.params): if jb >= ia: parts[ia, jb] = grp["F_" + vala + valb] # print(parts) size = len(grp) npar = len(self.params) fisher__big = np.zeros((npar * size, npar * size)) big__diag = np.zeros((npar * size, npar * size)) big__diag = [] for iv in range(size): for ia, vala in enumerate(self.params): for jb, valb in enumerate(self.params): if jb >= ia: fisher__big[ia + npar * iv][jb + npar * iv] = parts[ia, jb][iv] # pprint.pprint(fisher__big) fisher__big = fisher__big + np.triu(fisher__big, 1).T big__diag = np.diag(np.linalg.inv(fisher__big)) res = pd.DataFrame() for ia, vala in enumerate(self.params): indices = range(ia, len(big__diag), npar) res["Cov_{}{}".format(vala, vala)] = np.take(big__diag, indices) return res
[docs] def efficiencies(self, dfo): """ " Method to estimate selection efficiencies Parameters --------------- df: `pd.DataFrame` data to process """ if self.verbose: print( "selection params", self.n_phase_min, self.n_phase_max, self.n_bef, self.n_aft, ) print(dfo) df = pd.DataFrame(dfo) df["select"] = df["n_phmin"] >= self.n_phase_min df["select"] &= df["n_phmax"] >= self.n_phase_max df["select"] &= df["nepochs_bef"] >= self.n_bef df["select"] &= df["nepochs_aft"] >= self.n_aft df["select"] = df["select"].astype(int) df["Cov_colorcolor"] = 100.0 idx = df["select"] == 1 bad_sn = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[~idx]) good_sn = pd.DataFrame() if len(df[idx]) > 0: good_sn = pd.DataFrame(df.loc[idx].reset_index()) sigma__fisher = self.sigma_s_nparams(good_sn) good_sn["Cov_colorcolor"] = sigma__fisher["Cov_colorcolor"] all_sn = pd.concat((good_sn, bad_sn)) all_sn["select"] &= all_sn["Cov_colorcolor"] <= self.sigma_c**2 idx = all_sn["select"] == 1 if self.verbose: if len(good_sn) > 0: print("good SN", len(good_sn), good_sn[["daymax", "Cov_colorcolor"]]) else: print("no good SN") return pd.DataFrame({"ntot": [len(all_sn)], "nsel": [len(all_sn[idx])]})
[docs] def metric(self, data_slice, zseason, x1=-2.0, color=0.2, zlim=-1, metric="zlim"): """ Method to run the metric Parameters --------------- data_slice: array observations to use for processing zseason: array season infos (season length vs z) x1: float, opt SN stretch (default: -2.0) color: float, opt SN color (default: -0.2) zlim: float, opt redshift limit used to estimate NSN (default: -1) metric: str, opt metric to estimate [zlim or nsn] (default: zlim) """ """ snType = "medium" if np.abs(x1 + 2.0) <= 1.0e-5: snType = "faint" """ # get the season durations seasons, dur_z = self.season_length(self.season, data_slice, zseason) if not seasons or dur_z.empty: return None # chek the redshift range per season dur_z = self.check_dur_z(dur_z) if dur_z.empty: return None # Stick a season column on in case it got killed by a groupby if "season" not in list(dur_z.columns): dur_z["season"] = dur_z["index"] * 0 + np.unique(seasons) # get simulation parameters if np.size(np.unique(seasons)) > 1: dur_z["z_copy"] = dur_z["z"].values.copy() dur_z["season_copy"] = dur_z["season"].values.copy() gen_par = ( dur_z.groupby(["z", "season"]) .apply(lambda x: self.calc_daymax(x, self.daymax_step), include_groups=False) .reset_index() ) else: dur_z["z_copy"] = dur_z["z"].values.copy() gen_par = ( dur_z.groupby(["z"]) .apply(lambda x: self.calc_daymax(x, self.daymax_step), include_groups=False) .reset_index() ) gen_par["season"] = gen_par["level_1"] * 0 + np.unique(seasons) if gen_par.empty: return None # select observations corresponding to seasons obs = pd.DataFrame(np.copy(data_slice)) obs = obs[obs["season"].isin(seasons)] # metric values in a DataFrame metric_values = pd.DataFrame() # generate LC here lc = self.step_lc(obs, gen_par, x1=x1, color=color) if self.verbose: print("daymax values", lc["daymax"].unique(), len(lc["daymax"].unique())) print( lc[ [ "daymax", "z", "flux", "fluxerr_photo", "flux_e_sec", "flux_5", self.m5_col, ] ] ) if len(lc) == 0: return None # get observing efficiencies and build sn for metric lc.index = lc.index.droplevel() # estimate efficiencies sn_effis = self.step_efficiencies(lc) # estimate nsn sn = self.step_nsn(sn_effis, dur_z) # estimate redshift completeness if metric == "zlim": sn["season_copy"] = sn["season"].values.copy() metric_values = ( sn.groupby(["season"]).apply(lambda x: self.zlim(x), include_groups=False).reset_index() ) if metric == "nsn": sn = sn.merge(zlim, left_on=["season"], right_on=["season"]) sn["season_copy"] = sn["season"].values.copy() metric_values = ( sn.groupby(["season"]).apply(lambda x: self.nsn(x), include_groups=False).reset_index() ) return metric_values
[docs] def z_season(self, seasons, data_slice): """ Fill the z values per season Parameters -------------- seasons: list seasons to process data_slice: array data to process """ # if seasons = -1: process the seasons seen in data if seasons == [-1]: seasons = np.unique(data_slice[self.season_col]) # `pd.DataFrame` with zmin, zmax, zstep per season zseason = pd.DataFrame(seasons, columns=["season"]) zseason["zmin"] = self.zmin zseason["zmax"] = self.zmax zseason["zstep"] = self.zstep return zseason
def z_season_allz(self, zseason): zseason["season_copy"] = zseason["season"].values.copy() zseason_allz = ( zseason.groupby(["season"]) .apply( lambda x: pd.DataFrame( {"z": list(np.arange(x["zmin"].mean(), x["zmax"].mean(), x["zstep"].mean()))} ), include_groups=False, ) .reset_index() ) return zseason_allz[["season", "z"]]
[docs] def nsn_from_rate(self, grp): """ Method to estimate the expected number of supernovae Parameters --------------- grp: `pd.DataFrame` data to process Returns ----------- `pd.DataFrame` with z and nsn_expected as cols """ durinterp_z = interp1d( grp["z"], grp["season_length"], kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, ) zz, rate, err_rate, nsn, err_nsn = self.rate_sn( zmin=self.zmin, zmax=self.zmax, dz=self.zstep, duration_z=durinterp_z, # duration=self.duration_ref, survey_area=self.pix_area, account_for_edges=False, ) nsn_expected = interp1d(zz, nsn, kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) nsn_res = nsn_expected(grp["z"]) return pd.DataFrame({"nsn_expected": nsn_res, "z": grp["z"].to_list()})
[docs] def coadd(self, obs): """ Method to coadd data per band and per night Parameters ------------ data : `pd.DataFrame` `pd.DataFrame` of observations Returns ------- coadded data : `pd.DataFrame` """ data = pd.DataFrame(np.copy(obs)) keygroup = [self.filter_col, self.night_col] data.sort_values(by=keygroup, ascending=[True, True], inplace=True) # get the median single exptime exptime_single = data[self.exptime_col].median() coadd_df = ( data.groupby(keygroup) .agg( { self.nexp_col: ["sum"], self.vistime_col: ["sum"], self.exptime_col: ["sum"], self.mjd_col: ["mean"], self.m5_col: ["mean"], } ) .reset_index() ) coadd_df.columns = [ self.filter_col, self.night_col, self.nexp_col, self.vistime_col, self.exptime_col, self.mjd_col, self.m5_col, ] coadd_df = coadd_df.sort_values(by=self.mjd_col) coadd_df[self.m5_col] += 1.25 * np.log10(coadd_df[self.exptime_col] / exptime_single) return coadd_df.to_records(index=False)
[docs] def getseason(self, obs, season_gap=80.0, mjd_col="observationStartMJD"): """ Method to estimate seasons Parameters ------------ obs: `np.ndarray` array of observations season_gap: `float`, optional minimal gap required to define a season (default: 80 days) mjd_col: `str`, optional col name for MJD infos (default: observationStartMJD) Returns --------- obs : `np.ndarray` original numpy array with seasonnumber appended """ # check whether season has already been estimated obs.sort(order=mjd_col) seasoncalc = np.ones(obs.size, dtype=int) if len(obs) > 1: diff = np.diff(obs[mjd_col]) flag = np.where(diff > season_gap)[0] if len(flag) > 0: for i, indx in enumerate(flag): seasoncalc[indx + 1 :] = i + 2 obs = nlr.append_fields(obs, "season", seasoncalc) return obs
def reducen_sn(self, metric_val): # At each slice_point, return the sum nSN value. return np.sum(metric_val["n_sn"]) def reducezlim(self, metric_val): # At each slice_point, return the median zlim result = np.median(metric_val["zlim"]) if result < 0: result = self.badval return result
[docs] def nsn_expected_z(self, grp): """ Method to estimate the expected nsn vs redshift Parameters -------------- grp: `pd.DataFrame` group data to process: season infos Returns ---------- `pd.DataFrame` with season_length, z, nsn_expected cols """ if len(grp) < 2: nsn = pd.DataFrame(grp["z"].to_list(), columns=["z"]) nsn.loc[:, "nsn_expected"] = 0 else: nsn = self.nsn_from_rate(grp) if self.verbose: print("dur_z", grp) print("nsn expected", nsn) dur_z = pd.DataFrame(grp) dur_z = dur_z.merge(nsn, left_on=["z"], right_on=["z"]) # if "season" in dur_z.columns: # dur_z = dur_z.drop(columns=["season"]) return dur_z
[docs] def zlim_or_nsn(self, effi, sntype="faint", zlim=-1.0): """ Method to estimate the redshift limit or the number of sn Parameters --------------- effi : `pd.DataFrame` data to process sntype : `str`, opt type of SN to consider for estimation (default: faint) zlim : `float`, opt redshift limit Returns ----------- if zlim<0: returns the redshift limit if zlim>0: returns the number of sn up to zlim """ seleffi = effi[effi["sntype"] == sntype] seleffi = seleffi.reset_index(drop=True) seleffi = seleffi.sort_values(by=["z"]) nsn_cum = np.cumsum(seleffi["nsn"].to_list()) resa = -1.0 if zlim < 0: df = pd.DataFrame(seleffi).reset_index(drop=True) df.loc[:, "nsn_cum"] = nsn_cum / nsn_cum[-1] index = df[df["nsn_cum"] < 1].index if len(index) == 0: return resa dfb = df[: index[-1] + 2] zlim = interp1d( dfb["nsn_cum"], dfb["z"], kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, ) resa = zlim(self.zlim_coeff) else: effi = interp1d( seleffi["z"], seleffi["effi"], kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, ) durinterp_z = interp1d( seleffi["z"], seleffi["season_length"], kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, ) zmin, zstep = 0.1, 0.001 resa = self.get_nsn(effi, durinterp_z, zmin, zlim, zstep) return np.round(resa, 6)
[docs] def zlim(self, grp, sn_type="faint"): """ Method to estimate the metric zcomp Parameters --------------- grp: pd group sn_type: str, opt type of SN to estimate zlim (default: faint) Returns ------------ zcomp : `pd.DataFrame` with the metric as cols """ zcomp = -1 if grp["effi"].mean() > 0.02 and len(grp["effi"]) >= 2: zcomp = self.zlim_or_nsn(grp, sn_type, -1) return pd.DataFrame({"zcomp": [zcomp]})
[docs] def nsn(self, grp, sn_type="medium"): """ Method to estimate the metric nsn up to zlim Parameters --------------- grp: pd group sn_type: str, opt type of SN to estimate zlim (default: medium) Returns ------------ nsn : `pd.DataFrame` Dataframe with the metric as cols """ nsn = -1 if grp["effi"].mean() > 0.02: nsn = self.zlim_or_nsn(grp, sn_type, grp["zcomp"].mean()) return pd.DataFrame({"nsn": [nsn]})
[docs] def get_nsn(self, effi, durinterp_z, zmin, zmax, zstep): """ Method to estimate to total number of SN: NSN = Sum(effi(z)*rate(z)) Parameters ----------- effi : 1D interpolator efficiencies vs z durinterp_z : 1D interpolator duration vs z zmin : `float` redshift min zmax : `float` redshift max zstep : `float` redshift step Returns ---------- tot_sn : `int` total number of SN up to zmax """ zz, rate, err_rate, nsn, err_nsn = self.rate_sn( zmin=zmin, zmax=zmax + zstep, dz=zstep, duration_z=durinterp_z, # duration=180., survey_area=self.pix_area, account_for_edges=False, ) res = np.cumsum(effi(zz) * nsn) if np.size(res) > 0: return res[-1] else: return 0
[docs] def check_dur_z(self, dur_z, nmin=2): """ " Method to remove seasons with a poor redshift range due to too low season length Parameters ---------------- dur_z: `pd.DataFrame` data to process nmin: int, opt minimal number of redshift points per season (default: 2) Returns ----------- dur_z_subset : `pd.DataFrame` dur_z but only with seasons having at least nmin points in redshift """ dur_z["size"] = dur_z.groupby(["season"])["z"].transform("size") idx = dur_z["size"] >= nmin return pd.DataFrame(dur_z[idx])