"""A group of metrics that work together to evaluate season characteristics
(length, number, etc).
In addition, these support the time delay metric for strong lensing.
__all__ = (
import numpy as np
from rubin_scheduler.utils import calc_season
from rubin_sim.phot_utils import DustValues
from .base_metric import BaseMetric
def find_season_edges(seasons):
"""Given the seasons, return the indexes of each start/end of the season.
seasons : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Seasons, such as calculated by calc_season.
Note that seasons should be sorted!!
first, last : `np.ndarray`, (N,), `np.ndarray`, (N,)
The indexes of the first and last date in the season.
int_seasons = np.floor(seasons)
# Get the unique seasons, so that we can separate each one
season_list = np.unique(int_seasons)
# Find the first and last observation of each season.
first_of_season = np.searchsorted(int_seasons, season_list)
last_of_season = np.searchsorted(int_seasons, season_list, side="right") - 1
return first_of_season, last_of_season
class SeasonLengthMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Calculate the length of LSST seasons, in days.
min_exp_time : `float`, optional
Minimum visit exposure time to count for a 'visit', in seconds.
Default 20.
reduce_func : function, optional
Function that can operate on array-like structures.
Typically numpy function.
This reduces the season length in each season from 10 separate
values to a single value.
Default np.median.
seasonlength : `float`
The (reduceFunc) of the length of each season, in days.
def __init__(
units = "days"
self.mjd_col = mjd_col
self.exp_time_col = exp_time_col
self.min_exp_time = min_exp_time
self.reduce_func = reduce_func
col=[self.mjd_col, self.exp_time_col], units=units, metric_name=metric_name, **kwargs
def run(self, data_slice, slice_point):
# Order data Slice/times and exclude visits which are too short.
long = np.where(data_slice[self.exp_time_col] > self.min_exp_time)
if len(long[0]) == 0:
return self.badval
data = np.sort(data_slice[long], order=self.mjd_col)
# SlicePoints ra/dec are always in radians -
# convert to degrees to calculate season
seasons = calc_season(np.degrees(slice_point["ra"]), data[self.mjd_col])
first_of_season, last_of_season = find_season_edges(seasons)
seasonlengths = data[self.mjd_col][last_of_season] - data[self.mjd_col][first_of_season]
result = self.reduce_func(seasonlengths)
return result
class CampaignLengthMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Calculate the number of seasons (roughly, years) a pointing is observed.
This corresponds to the 'campaign length' for lensed quasar time delays.
def __init__(
self, mjd_col="observationStartMJD", exp_time_col="visitExposureTime", min_exp_time=20, **kwargs
units = ""
self.exp_time_col = exp_time_col
self.min_exp_time = min_exp_time
self.mjd_col = mjd_col
super().__init__(col=[self.mjd_col, self.exp_time_col], units=units, **kwargs)
def run(self, data_slice, slice_point):
# Order data Slice/times and exclude visits which are too short.
long = np.where(data_slice[self.exp_time_col] > self.min_exp_time)
if len(long[0]) == 0:
return self.badval
data = np.sort(data_slice[long], order=self.mjd_col)
seasons = calc_season(np.degrees(slice_point["ra"]), data[self.mjd_col])
int_seasons = np.floor(seasons)
count = len(np.unique(int_seasons))
return count
class MeanCampaignFrequencyMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Calculate the mean separation between nights, within a season -
then the mean over the campaign.
Calculate per season, to avoid any influence from season gaps.
def __init__(
self.mjd_col = mjd_col
self.exp_time_col = exp_time_col
self.min_exp_time = min_exp_time
self.night_col = night_col
units = "nights"
super().__init__(col=[self.mjd_col, self.exp_time_col, self.night_col], units=units, **kwargs)
def run(self, data_slice, slice_point):
# Order data Slice/times and exclude visits which are too short.
long = np.where(data_slice[self.exp_time_col] > self.min_exp_time)
if len(long[0]) == 0:
return self.badval
data = np.sort(data_slice[long], order=self.mjd_col)
# SlicePoints ra/dec are always in radians -
# convert to degrees to calculate season
seasons = calc_season(np.degrees(slice_point["ra"]), data[self.mjd_col])
first_of_season, last_of_season = find_season_edges(seasons)
season_means = np.zeros(len(first_of_season), float)
for i, (first, last) in enumerate(zip(first_of_season, last_of_season)):
if first < last:
n = data[self.night_col][first : last + 1]
delta_nights = np.diff(np.unique(n))
if len(delta_nights) > 0:
season_means[i] = np.mean(delta_nights)
return np.mean(season_means)
class TdcMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Calculate the Time Delay Challenge metric,
as described in Liao et al 2015 (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.1254.pdf).
This combines the MeanCampaignFrequency/MeanNightSeparation,
the SeasonLength, and the CampaignLength
metrics above, but rewritten to calculate season information only once.
cad_norm = in units of days
sea_norm = in units of months
camp_norm = in units of years
This metric also adds a requirement to achieve limiting magnitudes
after galactic dust extinction, in various bandpasses,
in order to exclude visits which are not useful for detecting quasars
(due to being short or having high sky brightness, etc.) and to
reject regions with high galactic dust extinction.
mjd_col : `str`, optional
Column name for mjd. Default observationStartMJD.
night_col : `str`, optional
Column name for night. Default night.
filter_col : `str`, optional
Column name for filter. Default filter.
m5_col : `str`, optional
Column name for five-sigma depth. Default fiveSigmaDepth.
mag_cuts : `dict`, optional
Dictionary with filtername:mag limit (after dust extinction).
Default None in kwarg.
Defaults set within metric:
{'u': 22.7, 'g': 24.1, 'r': 23.7, 'i': 23.1, 'z': 22.2, 'y': 21.4}
metricName : `str`, optional
Metric Name. Default TDC.
cad_norm : `float`, optional
Cadence normalization constant, in units of days. Default 3.
sea_norm : `float`, optional
Season normalization constant, in units of months. Default 4.
camp_norm : `float`, optional
Campaign length normalization constant, in units of years. Default 5.
badval : `float`, optional
Return this value instead of the dictionary for bad points.
TDCmetrics : `dict`
Dictionary of values for {'rate', 'precision', 'accuracy'}
at this point in the sky.
def __init__(
# Save the normalization values.
self.cad_norm = cad_norm
self.sea_norm = sea_norm
self.camp_norm = camp_norm
self.mjd_col = mjd_col
self.m5_col = m5_col
self.night_col = night_col
self.filter_col = filter_col
if mag_cuts is None:
self.mag_cuts = {
"u": 22.7,
"g": 24.1,
"r": 23.7,
"i": 23.1,
"z": 22.2,
"y": 21.4,
self.mag_cuts = mag_cuts
if not isinstance(self.mag_cuts, dict):
raise Exception("mag_cuts should be a dictionary")
# Set up dust map requirement
maps = ["DustMap"]
# Set the default wavelength limits for the lsst filters.
# These are approximately correct.
dust_properties = DustValues()
self.ax1 = dust_properties.ax1
col=[self.mjd_col, self.m5_col, self.night_col, self.filter_col],
units="%s" % ("%"),
def run(self, data_slice, slice_point):
# Calculate dust-extinction limiting magnitudes for each visit.
filterlist = np.unique(data_slice[self.filter_col])
m5_dust = np.zeros(len(data_slice), float)
for f in filterlist:
match = np.where(data_slice[self.filter_col] == f)
a_x = self.ax1[f] * slice_point["ebv"]
m5_dust[match] = data_slice[self.m5_col][match] - a_x
m5_dust[match] = np.where(m5_dust[match] > self.mag_cuts[f], m5_dust[match], -999)
idxs = np.where(m5_dust > -998)
if len(idxs[0]) == 0:
return self.badval
data = np.sort(data_slice[idxs], order=self.mjd_col)
# SlicePoints ra/dec are always in radians -
# convert to degrees to calculate season
seasons = calc_season(np.degrees(slice_point["ra"]), data[self.mjd_col])
int_seasons = np.floor(seasons)
first_of_season, last_of_season = find_season_edges(seasons)
# Campaign length
camp = len(np.unique(int_seasons))
# Season length
seasonlengths = data[self.mjd_col][last_of_season] - data[self.mjd_col][first_of_season]
sea = np.median(seasonlengths)
# Convert to months
sea = sea / 30.0
# Campaign frequency / mean night separation
season_means = np.zeros(len(first_of_season), float)
for i, (first, last) in enumerate(zip(first_of_season, last_of_season)):
n = data[self.night_col][first : last + 1]
delta_nights = np.diff(np.unique(n))
if len(delta_nights) > 0:
season_means[i] = np.mean(delta_nights)
cad = np.mean(season_means)
# Evaluate precision and accuracy for TDC
if sea == 0 or cad == 0 or camp == 0:
return self.badval
accuracy = 0.06 * (self.sea_norm / sea) * (self.camp_norm / camp) ** (1.1)
precision = (
* (cad / self.cad_norm) ** (0.7)
* (self.sea_norm / sea) ** (0.3)
* (self.camp_norm / camp) ** (0.6)
rate = (
* (self.cad_norm / cad) ** (0.4)
* (sea / self.sea_norm) ** (0.8)
* (self.camp_norm / camp) ** (0.2)
return {
"accuracy": accuracy,
"precision": precision,
"rate": rate,
"cadence (days)": cad,
"season (months)": sea,
"campaign": camp,
def reduce_accuracy(self, metric_value):
return metric_value["accuracy"]
def reduce_precision(self, metric_value):
return metric_value["precision"]
def reduce_rate(self, metric_value):
return metric_value["rate"]
def reduce_cadence(self, metric_value):
return metric_value["cadence (days)"]
def reduce_season(self, metric_value):
return metric_value["season (months)"]
def reduce_campaign(self, metric_value):
return metric_value["campaign"]