Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metrics.incremental_template_metric

import numpy as np

from .base_metric import BaseMetric

__all__ = ["TemplateTime"]

[docs] class TemplateTime(BaseMetric): """Find the time at which we expect to hit incremental template availability. Note that there are some complications to real template generation that make this an approximation and not an exact answer -- one aspect is that templates are generated in `patches` and not per pixel. However, it may be possible to generate parts of these patches at about 5 arcsecond scales, which implies running with a healpix slicer at nside=512 or 1024. Parameters ---------- n_images_in_template : `int`, opt Number of qualified visits required for template generation. Default 3. seeing_percentile : `float`, opt Maximum percentile seeing to allow in the qualified images (0 - 100). Default 50. m5_percentile : `float`, opt Maximum percentile m5 to allow in the qualified images (0 - 100). Default 50. seeing_col : `str`, opt Name of the seeing column to use. m5_col : `str`, opt Name of the five sigma depth columns. night_col : `str`, opt Name of the column describing the night of the visit. mjd_col : `str`, opt Name of column describing time of the visit filter_col : `str`, opt Name of column describing filter """ def __init__( self, n_images_in_template=3, seeing_percentile=50, m5_percentile=50, seeing_col="seeingFwhmEff", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", night_col="night", mjd_col="observationStartMJD", filter_col="filter", **kwargs, ): self.n_images_in_template = n_images_in_template self.seeing_percentile = seeing_percentile self.m5_percentile = m5_percentile self.seeing_col = seeing_col self.m5_col = m5_col self.night_col = night_col self.mjd_col = mjd_col self.filter_col = filter_col if "metric_name" in kwargs: self.metric_name = kwargs["metric_name"] del kwargs["metric_name"] else: self.metric_name = "TemplateTime" super().__init__( col=[self.seeing_col, self.m5_col, self.night_col, self.mjd_col, self.filter_col], metric_name=self.metric_name, units="days", **kwargs, )
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): result = {} # Bail if not enough visits at all if len(data_slice) < self.n_images_in_template: return self.badval # Check that the visits are sorted in time data_slice.sort(order=self.mjd_col) # Find the threshold seeing and m5 bench_seeing = np.percentile(data_slice[self.seeing_col], self.seeing_percentile) bench_m5 = np.percentile(data_slice[self.m5_col], 100 - self.m5_percentile) seeing_ok = np.where(data_slice[self.seeing_col] < bench_seeing, True, False) m5_ok = np.where(data_slice[self.m5_col] > bench_m5, True, False) ok_template_input = np.where(seeing_ok & m5_ok)[0] if ( len(ok_template_input) < self.n_images_in_template ): # If seeing_ok and/or m5_ok are "false", returned as bad value return self.badval idx_template_created = ok_template_input[ self.n_images_in_template - 1 ] # Last image needed for template idx_template_inputs = ok_template_input[: self.n_images_in_template] # Images included in template Night_template_created = data_slice[self.night_col][idx_template_created] N_nights_without_template = Night_template_created - data_slice[self.night_col][0] where_template = ( data_slice[self.night_col] > Night_template_created ) # of later images where we have a template N_images_with_template = np.sum(where_template) template_m5 = 1.25 * np.log10(np.sum(10.0 ** (0.8 * data_slice[self.m5_col][idx_template_inputs]))) # derive variance-weighted PSF width # 1. normalize the weights template_f0 = np.sqrt(np.sum(25 * 10 ** (0.8 * data_slice[self.m5_col][idx_template_inputs]))) # 2. compute per-input noise image_noise = template_f0 / 5 * 10 ** (-0.4 * data_slice[self.m5_col]) # 3. used variance-weighted sum of squares to derive template seeing template_seeing = np.sqrt( np.sum( (data_slice[self.seeing_col][idx_template_inputs] / image_noise[idx_template_inputs]) ** 2.0 ) ) delta_m5 = -2.5 * np.log10(np.sqrt(1.0 + 10 ** (-0.8 * (template_m5 - data_slice[self.m5_col])))) diff_m5s = data_slice[self.m5_col] + delta_m5 n_alerts_per_diffim = 1e4 * 10 ** (0.6 * (diff_m5s - 24.7)) result["Night_template_created"] = Night_template_created result["N_nights_without_template"] = N_nights_without_template result["N_images_until_template"] = idx_template_created + 1 result["N_images_with_template"] = N_images_with_template result["Template_m5"] = template_m5 result["Template_seeing"] = template_seeing result["Total_alerts"] = np.sum(n_alerts_per_diffim[where_template]) result["Template_input_m5s"] = data_slice[self.m5_col][idx_template_inputs] result["Template_input_seeing"] = data_slice[self.seeing_col][idx_template_inputs] result["Fraction_better_template_seeing"] = np.sum( (data_slice[self.seeing_col][where_template] > template_seeing) ) / np.sum(where_template) result["Diffim_lc"] = { "mjd": data_slice[self.mjd_col][where_template], "night": data_slice[self.night_col][where_template], "band": data_slice[self.filter_col][where_template], "diff_m5": diff_m5s[where_template], "science_m5": data_slice[self.m5_col][where_template], "template_m5": template_m5 * np.ones(np.sum(where_template)), "science_seeing": data_slice[self.seeing_col][where_template], "template_seeing": template_seeing * np.ones(np.sum(where_template)), "n_alerts": n_alerts_per_diffim[where_template], } return result
def reduce_Night_template_created(self, metric_val): # returns night of template creation return metric_val["Night_template_created"] def reduce_N_nights_without_template( self, metric_val ): # returns number of nights needed to complete template return metric_val["N_nights_without_template"] def reduce_N_images_until_template( self, metric_val ): # returns number of images needed to complete template return metric_val["N_images_until_template"] def reduce_N_images_with_template(self, metric_val): # returns number of images with a template return metric_val["N_images_with_template"] def reduce_Template_m5(self, metric_val): # calculated coadded m5 of resulting template return metric_val["Template_m5"] def reduce_Template_seeing(self, metric_val): # calculated seeing of resulting template return metric_val["Template_seeing"] def reduce_fraction_better_template_seeing(self, metric_val): # calculated seeing of resulting template return metric_val["Fraction_better_template_seeing"] def reduce_Total_alerts(self, metric_val): return metric_val["Total_alerts"]