Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metrics.galplane_time_sampling_metrics

# Metric to evaluate the transientTimeSamplingMetric
# Author - Rachel Street:
__all__ = (

from types import MethodType

import numpy as np
from rubin_scheduler.utils import calc_season

from rubin_sim.maf.maps.galactic_plane_priority_maps import gp_priority_map_components_to_keys

from .base_metric import BaseMetric
from .galactic_plane_metrics import galplane_priority_map_thresholds
from .season_metrics import find_season_edges

TAU_OBS = np.array([2.0, 5.0, 11.0, 20.0, 46.5, 73.0])

def calc_interval_decay(delta_tobs, tau):
    # Decay constant for metric value relationship as function of obs interval
    K = 1.0 / tau
    m = np.exp(-K * (delta_tobs - tau))
    # But where observation interval is <= tau, replace with 1
    m[np.where(delta_tobs <= tau)] = 1.0
    return m

# this is a bit of a hack .. it helps us use a variety of tau_obs values,
# and dynamically set up reduce functions
def help_set_reduce_func(obj, metricval, tau):
    def _reduce_tau(obj, metricval):
        return metricval[tau]

    return _reduce_tau

[docs] class GalPlaneVisitIntervalsTimescaleMetric(BaseMetric): """Evaluate the intervals between sequential observations in a lightcurve relative to the scientifically desired sampling interval. Parameters ---------- science_map : `str` Name of the priority footprint map key to use from the column headers contained in the priority_GalPlane_footprint_map_data tables. tau_obs : `np.ndarray` or `list` of `float`, opt Timescales of minimum-required observations intervals for various classes of time variability. Default (None), uses TAU_OBS. In general, this should be left as the default and consistent across all galactic-plane oriented metrics. mag_limit : `float`, opt Magnitude limit to use as a cutoff for various observations. Default 22.0. mjd_col : `str`, opt The name of the observation start MJD column. Default 'observationStartMJD'. m5_col : `str', opt The name of the five sigma depth column. Default 'fiveSigmaDepth'. """ def __init__( self, science_map, tau_obs=None, mag_limit=22.0, mjd_col="observationStartMJD", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", **kwargs, ): self.science_map = science_map self.priority_map_threshold = galplane_priority_map_thresholds(self.science_map) # tau_obs is an array of minimum-required observation intervals for # four categories of time variability if tau_obs is not None: self.tau_obs = tau_obs else: self.tau_obs = TAU_OBS # Create reduce functions for the class that are return the metric # for each value in tau_obs self.mag_limit = mag_limit self.mjd_col = mjd_col self.m5_col = m5_col maps = ["GalacticPlanePriorityMap"] if "metric_name" not in kwargs: metric_name = f"GalPlaneVisitIntervalsTimescales_{self.science_map}" else: metric_name = kwargs["metric_name"] del kwargs["metric_name"] for tau in self.tau_obs: tau_reduce_name = f"reduce_Tau_{tau:.1f}".replace(".", "_") newmethod = help_set_reduce_func(self, None, tau) setattr(self, tau_reduce_name, MethodType(newmethod, tau_reduce_name)) super().__init__( col=[self.mjd_col, self.m5_col], metric_name=metric_name, maps=maps, **kwargs, ) for i, tau in enumerate(self.tau_obs): self.reduce_order[f"reduceTau_{tau:.1f}".replace(".", "_").replace("reduce", "")] = i
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): # Check if we want to evaluate this part of the sky, # or if the weight is below threshold. if ( slice_point[gp_priority_map_components_to_keys("sum", self.science_map)] <= self.priority_map_threshold ): return self.badval # Select observations in the time sequence that fulfill the # S/N requirements: match = np.where(data_slice[self.m5_col] >= self.mag_limit)[0] # We need at least two visits which match these requirements # to calculate visit gaps if len(match) < 2: return self.badval # Find the time gaps between visits (in any filter) times = data_slice[self.mjd_col][match] times.sort() delta_tobs = np.diff(times) # Compare the time gap distribution to the time gap required # to characterize variability metric_data = {} for tau in self.tau_obs: # Normalize metric_data[tau] = calc_interval_decay(delta_tobs, tau).sum() / len(delta_tobs) return metric_data
[docs] class GalPlaneSeasonGapsTimescaleMetric(BaseMetric): """Evaluate the gap between sequential seasonal gaps in observations in a lightcurve relative to the scientifically desired sampling interval. Parameters ---------- science_map : `str` Name of the priority footprint map key to use from the column headers contained in the priority_GalPlane_footprint_map_data tables. tau_var : `np.ndarray` or `list` of `float`, opt Timescales of variability for various classes of time variability. Default (None), uses TAU_OBS * 5. In general, this should be left as the default and consistent across all galactic-plane oriented metrics. mag_limit : `float`, opt Magnitude limit to use as a cutoff for various observations. Default 22.0. expected_season_gap : `float`, opt The typical season gap expected for a galactic plane field in days. The default, 145 days, is typical for a bulge field. mjd_col : `str`, opt The name of the observation start MJD column. Default 'observationStartMJD'. m5_col : `str', opt The name of the five sigma depth column. Default 'fiveSigmaDepth'. """ def __init__( self, science_map, tau_var=None, mag_limit=22.0, expected_season_gap=145, mjd_col="observationStartMJD", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", **kwargs, ): self.science_map = science_map self.priority_map_threshold = galplane_priority_map_thresholds(self.science_map) # tau_obs is an array of minimum-required observation intervals for # four categories of time variability; tau_var is the related timescale # for the variability (tau_var is approximately 5*tau_obs, in general) if tau_var is not None: self.tau_var = tau_var else: self.tau_var = TAU_OBS * 5 ### NOTE: I would recommend dropping tau_var 10 and 25 from this # analysis unless the metric is changed # these intervals are so short they will *always* be dropped # during the season gap self.mag_limit = mag_limit self.expected_season_gap = expected_season_gap self.mjd_col = mjd_col self.m5_col = m5_col if "metric_name" not in kwargs: metric_name = f"GalPlaneSeasonGapsTimescales_{self.science_map}" else: metric_name = kwargs["metric_name"] del kwargs["metric_name"] for tau in self.tau_var: tau_reduce_name = f"reduce_Tau_{tau:.1f}".replace(".", "_") newmethod = help_set_reduce_func(self, None, tau) setattr(self, tau_reduce_name, MethodType(newmethod, tau_reduce_name)) super().__init__(col=[self.mjd_col, self.m5_col], metric_name=metric_name, **kwargs) for i, tau in enumerate(self.tau_var): self.reduce_order[f"reduce_Tau_{tau:.1f}".replace(".", "_").replace("reduce", "")] = i
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point): # Check if we want to evaluate this part of the sky, # or if the weight is below threshold. if ( slice_point[gp_priority_map_components_to_keys("sum", self.science_map)] <= self.priority_map_threshold ): return self.badval # Find the length of the gaps between each season times = data_slice[self.mjd_col] times.sort() # data = np.sort(data_slice[self.mjd_col], order=self.mjd_col) # SlicePoints ra/dec are always in radians - # convert to degrees to calculate season seasons = calc_season(np.degrees(slice_point["ra"]), times) first_of_season, last_of_season = find_season_edges(seasons) # season_lengths = times[last_of_season] - times[first_of_season] # would this match interval calc better? season_gaps = times[first_of_season][1:] - times[last_of_season][:-1] if len(season_gaps) == 0: return self.badval metric_data = {} for i, tau in enumerate(self.tau_var): metric_data[tau] = calc_interval_decay(season_gaps, tau) # if the season gap is shorter than the expected season gap, # count this as 'good' good_season_gaps = np.where(season_gaps <= self.expected_season_gap) metric_data[tau][good_season_gaps] = 1 metric_data[tau] = metric_data[tau].sum() / len(season_gaps) return metric_data