__all__ = (
from types import MethodType
import numpy as np
from rubin_sim.maf.maps.galactic_plane_priority_maps import gp_priority_map_components_to_keys
from .base_metric import BaseMetric
# These are a suite of metrics aimed at evaluating high-level
# quantities regarding galactic plane coverage.
# The metrics here evaluate the coverage
# (just number of visits and exposure time per filter)
# in relation to the desired coverage from the galactic plane priority map.
# There is a related metric in transientTimeSampling which
# evaluates the cadence weighted by this same map.
TAU_OBS = np.array([2.0, 5.0, 11.0, 20.0, 46.5, 73.0])
def galplane_nvisits_thresholds(tau_obs, nyears=10):
"""Return estimated nvisits required to well-sample lightcurves
that need sampling every tau_obs (days).
This does a very basic estimate, just counting how many visits you
would have if you distributed them at tau_obs intervals for a period
of nyears, assuming a season length of 6.5 years and that visits in
each night are in pairs.
tau_obs : `np.ndarray` or `list` of `float`
Timescale that variability must be sampled at, in days.
nyears : `float`, opt
Number of years in the survey (as sampled). Default 10.
n_visits_thresholds : `np.ndarray`
Estimated number of visits required to well sample lightcurves
which require sampling on tau_obs
# How many nights in the survey
nnights_total = 365.25 * nyears
# Estimate that the observing season is 6.5 months long, not a full year
# And account for the fact that each 'night' will (currently) need 2 visits
nnights = nnights_total * (6.5 / 12) * 2
n_visits_thresholds = nnights / tau_obs
return n_visits_thresholds
def galplane_priority_map_thresholds(science_map):
"""Return minimum threshold for priority maps,
when considering filter balance.
science_map : `str`
The name of the science map in the galactic plane priority map.
priority_threshold : `float`
The minimum threshold to consider from the priority map
if science_map == "galactic_plane":
priority_threshold = 0.4
elif science_map == "combined_map":
priority_threshold = 0.001
priority_threshold = 0.0
return priority_threshold
# this is a bit of a hack .. it helps us use a variety of tau_obs values,
# and dynamically set up reduce functions
def help_set_reduce_func(obj, metricval, nvisits_thresh):
def _nvisits_cut(obj, metricval):
if metricval["n_observations"] >= nvisits_thresh:
return metricval["map_priority"]
return 0
return _nvisits_cut
class GalPlaneTimePerFilterMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Evaluate the fraction of exposure time spent in each filter as a
fraction of the total exposure time dedicated to that healpix in the
weighted galactic plane priority maps.
scienceMap : `str`
Name of the priority footprint map key to use from the column
headers contained in the
priority_GalPlane_footprint_map_data tables.
magCuts : `dict` of `float`, opt
Magnitudes to use as cutoffs for individual image depths.
Default None uses a default set of values which correspond
roughly to the 50th percentile.
mjd_col : `str`, opt
Name of the observation start MJD column.
Default 'observationStartMJD'.
exp_time_col : `str`, opt
Name of the exposure time column. Default 'visitExposureTime'.
filter_col : `str`, opt
Name of the filter column. Default 'filter'.
m5_col : `str`, opt
Name of the five-sigma depth column. Default 'fiveSigmaDepth'.
filterlist : `list` of `str`, opt
The filters to consider from the priority map and observations.
Default None uses u, g, r, i, z, and y.
metricName : `str`, opt
Name for the metric. Default 'GalPlaneFootprintMetric_{scienceMap}
def __init__(
self.science_map = science_map
self.priority_map_threshold = galplane_priority_map_thresholds(self.science_map)
self.filter_col = filter_col
self.m5_col = m5_col
self.mjd_col = mjd_col
self.exp_time_col = exp_time_col
if filterlist is not None:
self.filterlist = filterlist
self.filterlist = ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]
if mag_cuts is not None:
self.mag_cuts = mag_cuts
self.mag_cuts = {
"u": 22.7,
"g": 24.1,
"r": 23.7,
"i": 23.1,
"z": 22.2,
"y": 21.4,
maps = ["GalacticPlanePriorityMap"]
if "metric_name" not in kwargs:
metric_name = f"GalplaneTimePerFilter_{self.science_map}"
metric_name = kwargs["metric_name"]
del kwargs["metric_name"]
col=[self.filter_col, self.m5_col, self.mjd_col, self.exp_time_col],
# Put the reduce functions into filter order
for i, f in enumerate(self.filterlist):
self.reduce_order[f"{f}"] = i
def run(self, data_slice, slice_point):
"""Calculate the ratio of the actual on-sky exposure time per filter
compared to the ideal on-sky exposure time per filter at this point
on the sky across all filters.
# Check if we want to evaluate this part of the sky,
# or if the weight is below threshold.
weight_all_filters = slice_point[gp_priority_map_components_to_keys("sum", self.science_map)]
if weight_all_filters <= self.priority_map_threshold:
return self.badval
# Calculate the ideal weighting per filter compared to all
# filters at this point in the sky
relative_filter_weight = {}
for f in self.filterlist:
mapkey = gp_priority_map_components_to_keys(f, self.science_map)
relative_filter_weight[f] = slice_point[mapkey] / weight_all_filters
exp_time_per_filter = {}
for f in self.filterlist:
# Select observations within the OpSim for the current filter
# which match the S/N requirement, and extract the exposure times
# for those observations
idx1 = np.where(data_slice[self.filter_col] == f)[0]
idx2 = np.where(data_slice[self.m5_col] >= self.mag_cuts[f])[0]
match = list(set(idx1).intersection(set(idx2)))
# Now calculate the actual fraction of exposure time spent
# in this filter for the current slice_point, relative to the total
# exposure time spent on this slice_point.
# Note that this includes dithered observations.
# If no exposures are expected in this filter, this returns 1
# on the principle that 100% of the expected observations are
# provided, and additional data in other filters is usually welcome
exp_time_per_filter[f] = data_slice[self.exp_time_col][match].sum()
# Calculate the time on-sky in each filter that overlaps this point,
# and meets mag_cuts
total_expt_mag_cut = 0
for f in self.filterlist:
total_expt_mag_cut += exp_time_per_filter[f].sum()
# normalize by the relative filter weight.
# Ideally metric results are close to 1.
normalized_exp_time = {}
for f in self.filterlist:
if total_expt_mag_cut == 0:
normalized_exp_time[f] = 0
# If no exposures are expected in this filter for this
# location, metric returns the mask val for this filter only.
if relative_filter_weight[f] > 0:
normalized_exp_time[f] = (
exp_time_per_filter[f] / total_expt_mag_cut / relative_filter_weight[f]
normalized_exp_time[f] = self.badval
return normalized_exp_time
def reduce_u(self, metricval):
return metricval["u"]
def reduce_g(self, metricval):
return metricval["g"]
def reduce_r(self, metricval):
return metricval["r"]
def reduce_i(self, metricval):
return metricval["i"]
def reduce_z(self, metricval):
return metricval["z"]
def reduce_y(self, metricval):
return metricval["y"]