Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metrics.coverage_metric
__all__ = ("YearCoverageMetric",)
import numpy as np
from .base_metric import BaseMetric
class YearCoverageMetric(BaseMetric):
"""Count the number of `bins` covered by night_col.
The default `bins` cover years 0 to 10.
Handy for checking that a point on the sky gets observed every year,
as the default settings result in the metric returning the number years
in the data_slice (when used with a HealpixSlicer).
night_col : `str`, opt
Data column to histogram. Default 'night'.
bins : `np.ndarray`, (N,), opt
Bins to use in the histogram. Default corresponds to years 0-10
(with 365.25 nights per year).
units : `str`, opt
Units to use for the metric result. Default 'N years'.
nbins : `int`
Number of histogram bins where the histogram value is greater than 0.
Typically this will be the number of years in the 'night_col'.
def __init__(self, night_col="night", bins=None, units=None, **kwargs):
self.night_col = night_col
if bins is None:
self.bins = np.arange(0, np.ceil(365.25 * 10.0), 365.25) - 0.5
self.bins = bins
if units is None:
units = "N years"
super().__init__([night_col], units=units)
def run(self, data_slice, slice_point):
hist, be = np.histogram(data_slice[self.night_col], bins=self.bins)
result = np.where(hist > 0)[0].size
return result