Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metrics.brown_dwarf_metric

__all__ = ("BDParallaxMetric", "VolumeSumMetric")

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

import rubin_sim.maf.utils as mafUtils

from .base_metric import BaseMetric

def bd_colors(spec_type):
    """Returns dictionary of potential Brown Dwarf colors

    spec_type : `str`
        The desired spetral type of the Brown Dwarf.

    result = {}
    result["L0"] = {"i": 16.00, "z": 14.52, "y": 13.58}
    result["L1"] = {"i": 16.41, "z": 14.93, "y": 13.97}
    result["L2"] = {"i": 16.73, "z": 15.30, "y": 14.33}
    result["L3"] = ({"i": 17.4, "z": 15.88, "y": 14.89},)
    result["L4"] = {"i": 18.35, "z": 16.68, "y": 15.66}
    result["L5"] = {"i": 18.71, "z": 16.94, "y": 15.87}
    result["L6"] = {"i": 19.27, "z": 17.35, "y": 16.27}
    result["L7"] = {"i": 20.09, "z": 18.18, "y": 17.13}
    result["L8"] = {"i": 20.38, "z": 18.10, "y": 17.04}
    result["L9"] = {"i": 20.09, "z": 17.69, "y": 16.57}
    result["T0"] = {"i": 20.22, "z": 17.98, "y": 16.77}
    result["T1"] = {"i": 21.10, "z": 18.84, "y": 17.45}
    result["T2"] = {"i": 21.97, "z": 18.26, "y": 16.75}
    result["T3"] = {"i": 22.50, "z": 18.08, "y": 16.50}
    result["T4"] = {"i": 22.50, "z": 18.02, "y": 16.32}
    result["T5"] = {"i": 22.69, "z": 19.20, "y": 17.43}
    result["T6"] = {"i": 23.00, "z": 19.82, "y": 18.06}
    result["T7"] = {"z": 21.17, "y": 19.34}
    result["T8"] = {"z": 21.52, "y": 19.75}
    result["T9"] = {"z": 21.82, "y": 20.37}
    return result[spec_type]

[docs] class BDParallaxMetric(BaseMetric): """Calculate the distance to which one could reach a parallax SNR for a given object Modification of ParallaxMetric, illustrated in LSST-BD-Cadence/blob/main/bd_allLT_baseline_17.ipynb Uses columns ra_pi_amp and dec_pi_amp, calculated by the ParallaxFactorStacker. Parameters ---------- metricName : `str`, opt Default 'parallax'. m5_col : `str`, opt The default column name for m5 information in the input data. Default fiveSigmaDepth. filter_col : `str`, opt The column name for the filter information. Default filter. seeing_col : `str`, opt The column name for the seeing information. Since the astrometry errors are based on the physical size of the PSF, this should be the FWHM of the physical psf. Default seeingFwhmGeom. mags : `dict` or None The absolute magnitude of the object in question. Keys of filter name, values in mags. Defaults to an L7 spectral type if None. distances : `np.array`, (N,) Distances to try putting the object at (pc). atm_err : `float`, opt The expected centroiding error due to the atmosphere, in arcseconds. Default 0.01. badval : `float`, opt The value to return when the metric value cannot be calculated. Default 0. """ def __init__( self, metric_name="bdParallax", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", filter_col="filter", seeing_col="seeingFwhmGeom", badval=0, mags=None, parallax_snr=10.0, distances=np.arange(10, 200, 10), atm_err=0.01, normalize=False, **kwargs, ): cols = [m5_col, filter_col, seeing_col, "ra_pi_amp", "dec_pi_amp"] units = "pc" super().__init__(cols, metric_name=metric_name, units=units, badval=badval, **kwargs) # set return types self.m5_col = m5_col self.seeing_col = seeing_col self.filter_col = filter_col self.distances = distances self.mags = {} distance_mod = 5.0 * np.log10(distances) - 5.0 if mags is None: mags = bd_colors("L7") for key in mags: self.mags[key] = mags[key] + distance_mod self.parallax_snr_goal = parallax_snr self.atm_err = atm_err self.filters = list(self.mags.keys()) self.parallaxes = 1000.0 / distances # mas def _final_sigma(self, position_errors, ra_pi_amp, dec_pi_amp): """Assume parallax in RA and DEC are fit independently, then combined. All inputs assumed to be arcsec. """ sigma_a = position_errors / ra_pi_amp sigma_b = position_errors / dec_pi_amp sigma_ra = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(1.0 / sigma_a**2, axis=1)) sigma_dec = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(1.0 / sigma_b**2, axis=1)) # Combine RA and Dec uncertainties, convert to mas sigma = np.sqrt(1.0 / (1.0 / sigma_ra**2 + 1.0 / sigma_dec**2)) * 1e3 return sigma
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): snr = np.zeros((np.size(self.mags[self.filters[0]]), len(data_slice)), dtype="float") # compute SNR for all observations for filt in self.filters: good = np.where(data_slice[self.filter_col] == filt)[0] if np.size(good) > 0: snr[:, good] = mafUtils.m52snr( self.mags[str(filt)][:, np.newaxis], data_slice[self.m5_col][good] ) position_errors = mafUtils.astrom_precision(data_slice[self.seeing_col], snr, self.atm_err) # uncertainty in the parallax in mas sigma = self._final_sigma(position_errors, data_slice["ra_pi_amp"], data_slice["dec_pi_amp"]) fitted_parallax_snr = self.parallaxes / sigma result = self.badval # Let's interpolate to the distance where we would get our target SNR if np.max(fitted_parallax_snr) >= self.parallax_snr_goal: f = interpolate.interp1d(fitted_parallax_snr, self.distances, fill_value="extrapolate") result = f(self.parallax_snr_goal) return result
[docs] class VolumeSumMetric(BaseMetric): """Compute the total volume assuming a metric has values of distance.""" def __init__(self, col=None, metric_name="VolumeSum", nside=None, **kwargs): super(VolumeSumMetric, self).__init__(col=col, metric_name=metric_name, **kwargs) self.pix_area = hp.nside2pixarea(nside)
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): # volume of sphere, times ratio of pixel area divided by area of sphere vols = 1.0 / 3.0 * data_slice[self.colname] ** 3 * self.pix_area return np.sum(vols)