Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metrics.agnstructure

__all__ = ("SFUncertMetric",)

import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import mad_std

from rubin_sim.maf.utils import m52snr
from rubin_sim.phot_utils import DustValues

from .base_metric import BaseMetric

[docs] class SFUncertMetric(BaseMetric): """Structure Function (SF) Uncertainty Metric. Developed on top of LogTGaps Adapted from Weixiang Yu & Gordon Richards at: LSST_SF_Metric/blob/main/notebooks/00_SFErrorMetric.ipynb Parameters ---------- mag : `float` The magnitude of the fiducial object. Default 22. times_col : `str` Time column name. Defaults to "observationStartMJD". all_gaps : `bool` Whether to use all gaps (between any two pairs of observations). If False, only use consecutive paris. Defaults to True. units : `str` Unit of this metric. Defaults to "mag". bins : `object` An array of bin edges. Defaults to "np.logspace(0, np.log10(3650), 16)" for a total of 15 (final) bins. weight : `object` The weight assigned to each delta_t bin for deriving the final metric. Defaults to flat weighting with sum of 1. Should have length 1 less than bins. snr_cut : `float` Ignore observations below an SNR limit, default 5. dust : `bool` Apply dust extinction to the fiducial object magnitude. Default True. """ def __init__( self, mag=22, times_col="observationStartMJD", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", all_gaps=True, units="mag", bins=np.logspace(0, np.log10(3650), 16), weight=None, metric_name="Structure Function Uncert", snr_cut=5, filter_col="filter", dust=True, **kwargs, ): # Assign metric parameters to instance object self.times_col = times_col self.m5_col = m5_col self.filter_col = filter_col self.all_gaps = all_gaps self.bins = bins if weight is None: # If weight is none, set weight so that sum over bins = 1 self.weight = np.ones(len(self.bins) - 1) self.weight /= self.weight.sum() self.metric_name = metric_name self.mag = mag self.snr_cut = snr_cut self.dust = dust maps = ["DustMap"] super(SFUncertMetric, self).__init__( col=[self.times_col, m5_col, filter_col], metric_name=self.metric_name, units=units, maps=maps, **kwargs, ) dust_properties = DustValues() self.ax1 = dust_properties.ax1
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): """Code executed at each healpix pixel to compute the metric""" df = np.unique(data_slice[self.filter_col]) if np.size(df) > 1: msg = """Running structure function on multiple filters simultaneously. Should probably change your SQL query to limit to a single filter.""" warnings.warn(msg) if self.dust: a_x = self.ax1[data_slice[self.filter_col][0]] * slice_point["ebv"] extincted_mag = self.mag + a_x else: extincted_mag = self.mag snr = m52snr(extincted_mag, data_slice[self.m5_col]) bright_enough = np.where(snr > self.snr_cut)[0] # If the total number of visits < 2, mask as bad pixel if data_slice[bright_enough].size < 2: return self.badval # sort data by time column order = np.argsort(data_slice[self.times_col][bright_enough]) times = data_slice[self.times_col][bright_enough][order] # Using the simple Gaussian approximation for magnitude uncertainty. mag_err = 2.5 * np.log10(1.0 + 1.0 / snr[bright_enough][order]) # check if use all gaps (between any pairs of observations) if self.all_gaps: # use the vectorized method dt_matrix = times.reshape((1, times.size)) - times.reshape((times.size, 1)) dts = dt_matrix[dt_matrix > 0].flatten().astype(np.float16) else: dts = np.diff(times) # bin delta_t using provided bins; # if zero pair found at any delta_t bin, # replace 0 with 0.01 to avoid the exploding 1/sqrt(n) term # in this metric result, bins = np.histogram(dts, self.bins) new_result = np.where(result > 0, result, 0.01) # compute photometric_error^2 population variance and population mean # note that variance is replaced by median_absolute_deviate^2 # mean is replaced by median in this implementation to make it robust # to outliers in simulations (e.g., dcr simulations) err_var = mag_err**2 err_var_mu = np.median(err_var) err_var_std = mad_std(err_var) # compute SF error sf_var_dt = 2 * (err_var_mu + err_var_std / np.sqrt(new_result)) sf_var_metric = np.sum(sf_var_dt * self.weight) return sf_var_metric