Source code for rubin_sim.maf.metric_bundles.mo_metric_bundle

__all__ = (

import os
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as ma

from rubin_sim.maf.metrics import BaseMoMetric, ValueAtHMetric
from rubin_sim.maf.plots import PlotHandler
from rubin_sim.maf.slicers import MoObjSlicer
from rubin_sim.maf.stackers import BaseMoStacker, MoMagStacker

from .metric_bundle import MetricBundle

[docs] def create_empty_mo_metric_bundle(): """Create an empty metric bundle. Returns ------- MoMetricBundle : `~rubin_sim.maf.metricBundles.MoMetricBundle` An empty metric bundle, configured with just the :class:`BaseMetric` and :class:`BaseSlicer`. """ return MoMetricBundle(BaseMoMetric(), MoObjSlicer(), None)
[docs] def make_completeness_bundle(bundle, completeness_metric, h_mark=None, results_db=None): """Evaluate a MoMetricBundle with a completeness-style metric, and downsample into a new MoMetricBundle marginalized over the population. Parameters ---------- bundle : `~rubin_sim.maf.metricBundles.MoMetricBundle` The metric bundle with a completeness summary statistic. completeness_metric : `~rubin_sim.maf.metric` The summary (completeness) metric to run on the bundle. h_mark : `float`, optional The Hmark value to add to the plotting dictionary of the new mock bundle. Default None. results_db : `~rubin_sim.maf.db.ResultsDb`, optional The results_db in which to record the summary statistic value at Hmark. Default None. Returns ------- mo_metric_bundle : `~rubin_sim.maf.metricBundles.MoMetricBundle` Notes ----- This utility turns a metric bundle which could evaluate a metric over the population, into a secondary or mock metric bundle, using either MoCompleteness or MoCumulativeCompleteness summary metrics to marginalize over the population of moving objects. This lets us use the plotHandler + plots.MetricVsH to generate plots across the population, using the completeness information. This utility will also work with completeness metric run in order to calculate fraction of the population, or with MoCompletenessAtTime metric. """ bundle.set_summary_metrics(completeness_metric) # This step adds summary values at each point to the original metric - # we use this to populate the completeness values in the next step. # However, we may not want them to go into the results_db. bundle.compute_summary_stats(results_db) summary_name = # Make up the bundle, including the metric values. completeness = ma.MaskedArray( data=bundle.summary_values[summary_name]["value"], mask=np.zeros(len(bundle.summary_values[summary_name]["value"])), fill_value=0, ) mb = MoMetricBundle( completeness_metric, bundle.slicer, constraint=bundle.constraint, run_name=bundle.run_name, info_label=bundle.info_label, display_dict=bundle.display_dict, ) plot_dict = {} plot_dict.update(bundle.plot_dict) plot_dict["label"] = bundle.info_label if "Completeness" not in summary_name: plot_dict["label"] += " " + summary_name.replace("FractionPop_", "") mb.metric_values = completeness.reshape(1, len(completeness)) if h_mark is not None: metric = ValueAtHMetric(h_mark=h_mark) mb.set_summary_metrics(metric) mb.compute_summary_stats(results_db) val = mb.summary_values["Value At H=%.1f" % h_mark] if val is None: val = 0 if summary_name.startswith("Cumulative"): plot_dict["label"] += ": @ H(<=%.1f) = %.1f%s" % (h_mark, val * 100, "%") else: plot_dict["label"] += ": @ H(=%.1f) = %.1f%s" % (h_mark, val * 100, "%") mb.set_plot_dict(plot_dict) return mb
[docs] class MoMetricBundle(MetricBundle): """Define a moving object metric bundle combination of moving-object metric, moving-object slicer, and constraint. Parameters ---------- metric : `~rubin_sim.maf.metric` The Metric class to run per slice_point slicer : `~rubin_sim.maf.slicer` The Slicer to apply to the incoming visit data (the observations). constraint : `str` or None, opt A (sql-style) constraint to apply to the visit data, to apply a broad sub-selection. stacker_list : `list` [`~rubin_sim.maf.stacker`], opt A list of pre-configured stackers to use to generate additional columns per visit. These will be generated automatically if needed, but pre-configured versions will override these. run_name : `str`, opt The name of the simulation being run. This will be added to output files and plots. Setting it prevents file conflicts when running the same metric on multiple simulations, and provides a way to identify which simulation is being analyzed. info_label : `str` or None, opt Information to add to the output metric data file name and plot labels. If this is not provided, it will be auto-generated from the constraint (if any). Setting this provides an easy way to specify different configurations of a metric, a slicer, or just to rewrite your constraint into friendlier terms. (i.e. a constraint like 'note not like "%DD%"' can become "non-DD" in the file name and plot labels by specifying info_label). plot_dict : `dict` of plotting parameters, opt Specify general plotting parameters, such as x/y/color limits. display_dict : `dict` of display parameters, opt Specify parameters for show_maf web pages, such as the side bar labels and figure captions. Keys: 'group', 'subgroup', 'caption', and 'order' (such as to set metrics in filter order, etc) child_metrics : `list` of `~rubin_sim.maf.metrics` A list of child metrics to run to summarize the primary metric, such as Discovery_At_Time, etc. summary_metrics : `list` of `~rubin_sim.maf.metrics` A list of summary metrics to run to summarize the primary or child metric, such as CompletenessAtH, etc. Notes ----- Define the "thing" you are measuring, with a combination of * metric (calculated per object) * slicer (contains information on the moving objects and their observations) * constraint (an optional definition of a large subset of data) The MoMetricBundle also saves the child metrics to be used to generate summary statistics over those metric values, as well as the resulting summary statistic values. Plotting parameters and display parameters (for show_maf) are saved in the MoMetricBundle, as well as additional info_label such as the opsim run name, and relevant stackers and maps to apply when calculating the metric values. """ def __init__( self, metric, slicer, constraint=None, stacker_list=None, run_name="run name", info_label=None, file_root=None, plot_dict=None, plot_funcs=None, display_dict=None, child_metrics=None, summary_metrics=None, ): self.metric = metric self.slicer = slicer if constraint == "": constraint = None self.constraint = constraint # Set the stackerlist. if stacker_list is not None: if isinstance(stacker_list, BaseMoStacker): self.stacker_list = [ stacker_list, ] else: self.stacker_list = [] for s in stacker_list: if not isinstance(s, BaseMoStacker): raise ValueError( "stackerList must only contain " "rubin_sim.maf.stackers.BaseMoStacker type objs" ) self.stacker_list.append(s) else: self.stacker_list = [] # Add the basic 'visibility/mag' stacker if not present. mag_stacker_found = False for s in self.stacker_list: if s.__class__.__name__ == "MoMagStacker": mag_stacker_found = True break if not mag_stacker_found: self.stacker_list.append(MoMagStacker()) # Set a mapsList just for compatibility with generic MetricBundle. self.maps_list = [] # Add the summary stats, if applicable. self.set_summary_metrics(summary_metrics) # Set the provenance/info_label. self.run_name = run_name self._build_metadata(info_label) # Build the output filename root if not provided. if file_root is not None: self.file_root = file_root else: self._build_file_root() # Set the plotting classes/functions. self.set_plot_funcs(plot_funcs) # Set the plot_dict and displayDicts. self.plot_dict = {"units": "@H"} self.set_plot_dict(plot_dict) # Update/set display_dict. self.display_dict = {} self.set_display_dict(display_dict) # Set the list of child metrics. self.set_child_bundles(child_metrics) # This is where we store the metric values and summary stats. self.metric_values = None self.summary_values = None def _reset_metric_bundle(self): """Reset all properties of MetricBundle.""" self.metric = None self.slicer = None self.constraint = None self.stacker_list = [MoMagStacker()] self.maps_list = [] self.summary_metrics = [] self.plot_funcs = [] self.run_name = "opsim" self.info_label = "" self.db_cols = None self.file_root = None self.plot_dict = {} self.display_dict = {} self.child_metrics = None self.metric_values = None self.summary_values = None def _build_metadata(self, info_label): """If no info_label is provided, auto-generate it from the obs_file + constraint.""" if info_label is None: try: self.info_label = self.slicer.obsfile.replace(".txt", "").replace(".dat", "") self.info_label = self.info_label.replace("_obs", "").replace("_allObs", "") except AttributeError: self.info_label = "noObs" # And modify by constraint. if self.constraint is not None: self.info_label += " " + self.constraint else: self.info_label = info_label def _find_req_cols(self): # Doesn't quite work the same way yet. No stacker list, for example. raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_child_bundles(self, child_metrics=None): """Identify any child metrics to be run on this (parent) bundle. and create the new metric bundles that will hold the child values, linking to this bundle. Remove the summaryMetrics from self afterwards. Parameters ---------- child_metrics : `~maf.MoMetric` Child metrics work like reduce functions for non-moving objects. They pull out subsets of the original metric values, typically do more processing on those values, and then save them in new metric bundles. """ self.child_bundles = {} if child_metrics is None: child_metrics = self.metric.child_metrics for c_name, cMetric in child_metrics.items(): c_bundle = MoMetricBundle( metric=cMetric, slicer=self.slicer, constraint=self.constraint, stacker_list=self.stacker_list, run_name=self.run_name, info_label=self.info_label, plot_dict=self.plot_dict, plot_funcs=self.plot_funcs, display_dict=self.display_dict, summary_metrics=self.summary_metrics, ) self.child_bundles[c_name] = c_bundle if len(child_metrics) > 0: self.summary_metrics = []
[docs] def compute_summary_stats(self, results_db=None): """Compute summary statistics on metric_values, using summaryMetrics, for self and child bundles. Parameters ---------- results_db : `~maf.ResultsDb` Database which holds the summary statistic information. """ if self.summary_values is None: self.summary_values = {} if self.summary_metrics is not None: # Build array of metric values, to use for summary statistics. for m in self.summary_metrics: summary_name = summary_val =, self.slicer.slice_points["H"]) self.summary_values[summary_name] = summary_val # Add summary metric info to results database, if applicable. if results_db: metric_id = results_db.update_metric(, self.slicer.slicer_name, self.run_name, self.constraint, self.info_label, None, ) results_db.update_summary_stat( metric_id, summary_name=summary_name, summary_value=summary_val )
[docs] def reduce_metric(self, reduce_func, reduce_plot_dict=None, reduce_display_dict=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class MoMetricBundleGroup: """Run groups of MoMetricBundles. Parameters ---------- bundle_dict : `dict` or `list` [`MoMetricBundles`] Individual MoMetricBundles should be placed into a dictionary, and then passed to the MoMetricBundleGroup. The dictionary keys can then be used to identify MoMetricBundles if needed -- and to identify new MetricBundles which could be created if 'reduce' functions are run on a particular MoMetricBundle. MoMetricBundles must all have the same Slicer (same set of moving object observations). out_dir : `str`, opt Directory to save the metric results. Default is the current directory. results_db : `ResultsDb`, opt A results database to store summary stat information. If not specified, one will be created in the out_dir. This database saves information about the metrics calculated, including their summary statistics. verbose : `bool`, opt Flag to turn on/off verbose feedback. """ def __init__(self, bundle_dict, out_dir=".", results_db=None, verbose=True): self.verbose = verbose self.bundle_dict = bundle_dict self.out_dir = out_dir if not os.path.isdir(self.out_dir): os.makedirs(self.out_dir) self.results_db = results_db self.slicer = list(self.bundle_dict.values())[0].slicer for b in self.bundle_dict.values(): if b.slicer != self.slicer: raise ValueError( "Currently, the slicers for the MoMetricBundleGroup must be equal," " using the same observations and Hvals." ) self.constraints = list(set([b.constraint for b in bundle_dict.values()])) def _check_compatible(self, metric_bundle1, metric_bundle2): """Check if two MetricBundles are "compatible". Compatible indicates that the constraints, the slicers, and the maps are the same, and that the stackers do not interfere with each other (i.e. are not trying to set the same column in different ways). Returns True if the MetricBundles are compatible, False if not. Parameters ---------- metric_bundle1 : `MetricBundle` metric_bundle2 : `MetricBundle` Returns ------- match : `bool` """ if metric_bundle1.constraint != metric_bundle2.constraint: return False if metric_bundle1.slicer != metric_bundle2.slicer: return False if metric_bundle1.maps_list.sort() != metric_bundle2.maps_list.sort(): return False for stacker in metric_bundle1.stacker_list: for stacker2 in metric_bundle2.stacker_list: # If the stackers have different names, that's OK, # and if they are identical, that's ok. if (stacker.__class__.__name__ == stacker2.__class__.__name__) & (stacker != stacker2): return False # But if we got this far, everything matches. return True def _find_compatible(self, test_keys): """Private utility to find which metricBundles with keys in the list 'test_keys' can be calculated at the same time -- having the same slicer, constraint, maps, and compatible stackers. Parameters ----------- test_keys : `list` List of the dictionary keys (of self.bundle_dict) to test for compatibility. Returns -------- compatible_lists : `list` [`lists`] Returns test_keys, split into separate lists of compatible metricBundles. """ compatible_lists = [] for k in test_keys: try: b = self.bundle_dict[k] except KeyError: warnings.warn( "Received %s in testkeys, but this is not present in self.bundle_dict." "Will continue, but this is not expected." ) continue found_compatible = False checked_all = False while not (found_compatible) and not (checked_all): # Go through the existing lists in compatible_lists, to see # if this metricBundle matches. for compatible_list in compatible_lists: # Compare to all the metricBundles in this subset, # to check all stackers are compatible. found_compatible = True for comparison_key in compatible_list: compatible = self._check_compatible(self.bundle_dict[comparison_key], b) if not compatible: # Found a metricBundle which is not compatible, # so stop and go onto the next subset. found_compatible = False break checked_all = True if found_compatible: compatible_list.append(k) else: compatible_lists.append( [ k, ] ) return compatible_lists
[docs] def run_constraint(self, constraint): """Calculate the metric values for all the metricBundles which match this constraint in the metricBundleGroup. Also calculates child metrics and summary statistics, and writes all to disk. Parameters ---------- constraint : `str` SQL-where or pandas constraint for the metricBundles. """ # Find the dict keys of the bundles which match this constraint. keys_matching_constraint = [] for k, b in self.bundle_dict.items(): if b.constraint == constraint: keys_matching_constraint.append(k) if len(keys_matching_constraint) == 0: return # Identify the observations which are relevant for this constraint. # This sets slicer.obs (valid for all H values). self.slicer.subset_obs(constraint) # Identify the sets of these metricBundles can be run at the same time # (also have the same stackers). compatible_lists = self._find_compatible(keys_matching_constraint) # And now run each of those subsets of compatible metricBundles. for compatible_list in compatible_lists: self._run_compatible(compatible_list)
def _run_compatible(self, compatible_list): """Calculate the metric values for set of (parent and child) bundles, as well as the summary stats, and write to disk. Parameters ----------- compatible_list : `list` List of dictionary keys, of the metricBundles which can be calculated together. This means they are 'compatible' and have the same slicer, constraint, and non-conflicting mappers and stackers. """ if self.verbose: print("Running metrics %s" % compatible_list) b_dict = self.bundle_dict # Find the unique stackers and maps. # These are already "compatible" (as id'd by compatible_list). uniq_stackers = [] all_stackers = [] uniq_maps = [] all_maps = [] for b in b_dict.values(): all_stackers += b.stacker_list all_maps += b.maps_list for s in all_stackers: if s not in uniq_stackers: uniq_stackers.append(s) for m in all_maps: if m not in uniq_maps: uniq_maps.append(m) if len(uniq_maps) > 0: print("Got some maps .. that was unexpected at the moment. Can't use them here yet.") # Set up all of the metric values, including for the child bundles. for k in compatible_list: b = self.bundle_dict[k] b._setup_metric_values() for cb in b.child_bundles.values(): cb._setup_metric_values() # Calculate the metric values. for i, slice_point in enumerate(self.slicer): sso_obs = slice_point["obs"] for j, Hval in enumerate(slice_point["Hvals"]): # Run stackers to add extra columns (that depend on h_val) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") for s in uniq_stackers: sso_obs =, slice_point["orbit"]["H"], Hval) # Run all the parent metrics. for k in compatible_list: b = self.bundle_dict[k] # Mask the parent metric (and then child metrics) # if there was no data. if len(sso_obs) == 0: b.metric_values.mask[i][j] = True for cb in list(b.child_bundles.values()): cb.metric_values.mask[i][j] = True # Otherwise, calculate the metric value for the parent, # and then child. else: # Calculate for the parent. m_val =, slice_point["orbit"], Hval) # Mask if the parent metric returned a bad value. if m_val == b.metric.badval: b.metric_values.mask[i][j] = True for cb in b.child_bundles.values(): cb.metric_values.mask[i][j] = True # Otherwise, set the parent value and calculate # the child metric values as well. else:[i][j] = m_val for cb in b.child_bundles.values(): child_val =, slice_point["orbit"], Hval, m_val) if child_val == cb.metric.badval: cb.metric_values.mask[i][j] = True else:[i][j] = child_val for k in compatible_list: b = self.bundle_dict[k] b.compute_summary_stats(self.results_db) for c_b in b.child_bundles.values(): c_b.compute_summary_stats(self.results_db) # Write to disk. c_b.write(out_dir=self.out_dir, results_db=self.results_db) # Write to disk. b.write(out_dir=self.out_dir, results_db=self.results_db)
[docs] def run_all(self): """Run all constraints and metrics for these moMetricBundles.""" for constraint in self.constraints: self.run_constraint(constraint) if self.verbose: print("Calculated and saved all metrics.")
[docs] def plot_all( self, savefig=True, outfile_suffix=None, fig_format="pdf", dpi=600, thumbnail=True, closefigs=True, ): """ Make a few generically desired plots. Given the nature of the outputs for much of the moving object metrics, a good deal of the plotting for the moving object batch is handled in a custom manner joining together multiple metricsbundles. """ plot_handler = PlotHandler( out_dir=self.out_dir, results_db=self.results_db, savefig=savefig, fig_format=fig_format, dpi=dpi, thumbnail=thumbnail, ) for b in self.bundle_dict.values(): try: b.plot( plot_handler=plot_handler, outfile_suffix=outfile_suffix, savefig=savefig, ) except ValueError as ve: message = "Plotting failed for metricBundle %s." % (b.file_root) message += " Error message: %s" % (ve.message) warnings.warn(message) if closefigs: plt.close("all") if self.verbose: print("Plotting all metrics.")