Source code for rubin_sim.maf.maf_contrib.var_depth_metric

# Variability Depth Metric
# Keaton Bell (

__all__ = ("VarDepth",)

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.stats import chi2

from rubin_sim.maf.metrics import BaseMetric

[docs] class VarDepth(BaseMetric): """Calculate the survey depth that a variable star can be reliably identified. Parameters ---------- completeness : `float`, opt Fractional desired completeness of recovered variable sample. contamination : `float`, opt Fractional allowed incompleteness of recovered nonvariables. numruns : `int`, opt Number of simulated realizations of noise. Most computationally expensive part of metric. signal : `float`, opt Sqrt total pulsational power meant to be recovered. magres : `float`, opt desired resolution of variability depth result. """ def __init__( self, m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", metric_name="variability depth", completeness=0.95, contamination=0.05, numruns=10000, signal=0.01, magres=0.01, **kwargs, ): self.m5col = m5_col self.completeness = completeness self.contamination = contamination self.numruns = numruns self.signal = signal self.magres = magres super(VarDepth, self).__init__(col=m5_col, metric_name=metric_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): # Get the visit information m5 = data_slice[self.m5col] # Number of visits N = len(m5) # magnitudes to be sampled mag = np.arange(16, np.mean(m5), 0.5) # hold the distance between the completeness and contamination goals. res = np.zeros(mag.shape) # make them nans for now res[:] = np.nan # hold the measured noise-only variances noiseonlyvar = np.zeros(self.numruns) # Calculate the variance at a reference magnitude and scale from that m0 = 20.0 sigmaref = 0.2 * (10.0 ** (-0.2 * m5)) * (10.0 ** (0.2 * m0)) # run the simulations # Simulate the measured noise-only variances at a reference magnitude for i in np.arange(self.numruns): # random realization of the Gaussian error distributions scatter = np.random.randn(N) * sigmaref noiseonlyvar[i] = np.var(scatter) # store the noise-only variance # Since we are treating the underlying signal being representable by a # fixed-width gaussian, its variance pdf is a Chi-squared distribution # with the degrees of freedom=visits. Since variances add, the variance # pdfs convolve. The cumulative distribution function of the sum of two # random deviates is the convolution of one pdf with a cdf. # We'll consider the cdf of the noise-only variances # because it's easier to interpolate noisesorted = np.sort(noiseonlyvar) # linear interpolation interpnoisecdf = UnivariateSpline( noisesorted, np.arange(self.numruns) / float(self.numruns), k=1, s=0 ) # We need a binned, signal-only variance probability # distribution function for numerical convolution numsignalsamples = 100 xsig = np.linspace(chi2.ppf(0.001, N), chi2.ppf(0.999, N), numsignalsamples) signalpdf = chi2.pdf(xsig, N) # correct x to the proper variance scale xsig = (self.signal**2.0) * xsig / N pdfstepsize = xsig[1] - xsig[0] # Since everything is going to use this stepsize down the line, # normalize so the pdf integrates to 1 when summed # (no factor of stepsize needed) signalpdf /= np.sum(signalpdf) # run through the sample magnitudes, calculate distance between cont # and comp thresholds. # run until solution found. solutionfound = False for i, mref in enumerate(mag): # i counts and mref is the currently sampled magnitude # Scale factor from m0 scalefact = 10.0 ** (0.4 * (mref - m0)) # Calculate the desired contamination threshold contthresh = np.percentile(noiseonlyvar, 100.0 - 100.0 * self.contamination) * scalefact # Realize the noise CDF at the required stepsize xnoise = np.arange(noisesorted[0] * scalefact, noisesorted[-1] * scalefact, pdfstepsize) # Only do calculation if near the solution: if (len(xnoise) > numsignalsamples / 10) and (not solutionfound): noisecdf = interpnoisecdf(xnoise / scalefact) # turn into a noise pdf noisepdf = noisecdf[1:] - noisecdf[:-1] noisepdf /= np.sum(noisepdf) # from cdf to pdf conversion xnoise = (xnoise[1:] + xnoise[:-1]) / 2.0 # calculate and plot the convolution = # signal+noise variance dist. convolution = 0 if len(noisepdf) > len(signalpdf): convolution = np.convolve(noisepdf, signalpdf) else: convolution = np.convolve(signalpdf, noisepdf) xconvolved = xsig[0] + xnoise[0] + np.arange(len(convolution)) * pdfstepsize # calculate the completeness threshold combinedcdf = np.cumsum(convolution) findcompthresh = UnivariateSpline(combinedcdf, xconvolved, k=1, s=0) compthresh = findcompthresh(1.0 - self.completeness) res[i] = compthresh - contthresh if res[i] < 0: solutionfound = True # interpolate for where the thresholds coincide # print res if np.sum(np.isfinite(res)) > 1: f1 = UnivariateSpline(mag[np.isfinite(res)], res[np.isfinite(res)], k=1, s=0) # sample the magnitude range at given resolution magsamples = np.arange(16, np.mean(m5), self.magres) vardepth = magsamples[np.argmin(np.abs(f1(magsamples)))] return vardepth else: return min(mag) - 1