Source code for rubin_sim.maf.maf_contrib.microlensing_metric

__all__ = (

import os
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import get_data_dir
from rubin_scheduler.utils import hpid2_ra_dec

import rubin_sim.maf.metrics as metrics
import rubin_sim.maf.slicers as slicers
from rubin_sim.maf.utils import m52snr

# Via Natasha Abrams
[docs] def microlensing_amplification(t, impact_parameter=1, crossing_time=1825.0, peak_time=100, blending_factor=1): """The microlensing amplification Parameters ---------- t : `float` The time of observation (days) impact_parameter : `float` The impact paramter (0 means big amplification) crossing_time : `float` Einstein crossing time (days) peak_time : `float` The peak time (days) blending_factor: `float` The blending factor where 1 is unblended """ lightcurve_u = np.sqrt(impact_parameter**2 + ((t - peak_time) ** 2 / crossing_time**2)) amplified_mag = (lightcurve_u**2 + 2) / ( lightcurve_u * np.sqrt(lightcurve_u**2 + 4) ) * blending_factor + (1 - blending_factor) return amplified_mag
[docs] def microlensing_amplification_fsfb(t, impact_parameter=1, crossing_time=1825.0, peak_time=100, fs=20, fb=20): """The microlensing amplification in terms of source flux and blend flux Parameters ---------- t : `float` The time of observation (days) impact_parameter : `float` The impact paramter (0 means big amplification) crossing_time : `float` Einstein crossing time (days) peak_time : `float` The peak time (days) """ lightcurve_u = np.sqrt(impact_parameter**2 + ((t - peak_time) ** 2 / crossing_time**2)) amplified_mag = (lightcurve_u**2 + 2) / (lightcurve_u * np.sqrt(lightcurve_u**2 + 4)) * fs + fb return amplified_mag
[docs] def info_peak_before_t0(impact_parameter=1, crossing_time=100.0): """Time of Maximum Information before peak The point of maximum information before peak indicates when in a lightcurve with constant snr the contribution to the characterization of the event timescale tE is at maximum. After that point in timem the timescale characterization is decisively improved. via Markus Hundertmark Parameters ---------- impact_parameter : `float` The impact paramter (0 means big amplification) crossing_time : `float` Einstein crossing time (days) """ optimal_time = ( crossing_time * np.sqrt( -(impact_parameter**2) + np.sqrt(9 * impact_parameter**4 + 36 * impact_parameter**2 + 4) - 2 ) / 2 ) return np.array(optimal_time)
[docs] def coefficients_pspl(t, t0, te, u0, fs, fb): """Coefficients for calculating the first derivatives wrt t0,te,u0 in the Fisher matrix in an effective way, optimized with sympy and cse via Markus Hundertmark Parameters ---------- t : `float` The time of observation (days usually as JD or HJD) u0 : `float` The impact parameter (0 means high magnification) te : `float` Einstein crossing time (days) t0 : `float` Time of peak (days usually as JD or HJD) fs : `float` Source flux (counts/s but here fs = 10.**(-0.4*mag_source) in the respective passband) fb : `float` Blend flux (counts/s but here fs = 10.**(-0.4*mag_blend) in the respective passband) """ x0 = te ** (-2) x1 = (t - t0) ** 2 x2 = u0**2 + x0 * x1 x3 = 1 / np.sqrt(x2) x4 = 2 * x3 x5 = x2 + 4 x6 = fs / np.sqrt(x5) x7 = x1 / te**3 x8 = x6 * x7 x9 = x2 + 2 x10 = x9 / x2 ** (3 / 2) x11 = fs * x3 * x9 / x5 ** (3 / 2) x12 = u0 * x6 x13 = x0 * (-2 * t + 2 * t0) x14 = x13 * x6 c0 = x10 * x8 + x11 * x7 - x4 * x8 c1 = -u0 * x11 - x10 * x12 + x12 * x4 c2 = -1 / 2 * x10 * x14 - 1 / 2 * x11 * x13 + x14 * x3 return [c2, c1, c0]
[docs] def coefficients_fsfb(t, t0, te, u0, fs, fb): """Coefficients for calculating the first derivatives wrt fs,fb in the Fisher (information) matrix in an effective way, optimized with sympy and cse this function needs to be evaluated for each passband respectively. via Markus Hundertmark Parameters ---------- t : `float` The time of observation (days usually as JD or HJD) u0 : `float` The impact parameter (0 means high magnification) te : `float` Einstein crossing time (days) t0 : `float` Time of peak (days usually as JD or HJD) fs : `float` Source flux (counts/s but here fs = 10.**(-0.4*mag_source) in the respective passband) fb : `float` Blend flux (counts/s but here fs = 10.**(-0.4*mag_blend) in the respective passband) """ x0 = u0**2 + (t - t0) ** 2 / te**2 c0 = (x0 + 2) / (np.sqrt(x0) * np.sqrt(x0 + 4)) c1 = 1 return [c1, c0]
[docs] def fisher_matrix(t, t0, te, u0, fs, fb, snr, filters="ugriz", filter_name="i"): """The Fisher (information) matrix relying on first derivatives wrt t0,te,u0,fs,fb, relying on with cse optimized coefficents. This implementation for the non-linear magnification is subject to the respective underlying assumptions, i.e. relatively small uncertainties. NB the Fisher matrix is using first derivatives, alternatively one could consider second derivatives the resulting covariance matrix as inverse of the Fisher matrix is a Cramer Rao lower bound of the respective uncertainty. The function returns the full information matrix for all t. via Markus Hundertmark Parameters ---------- t : `float` The time of observation (days usually as JD or HJD) u0 : `float` The impact parameter (0 means high magnification) te : `float` Einstein crossing time (days) t0 : `float` Time of peak (days usually as JD or HJD) fs : `float` Source flux (counts/s but here fs = 10.**(-0.4*mag_source) in the respective passband) fb : `float` Blend flux (counts/s but here fs = 10.**(-0.4*mag_blend) in the respective passband) snr : `float` Signal to noise ratio in order to infer the flux uncertainty """ # indices are 0:te, 1:u0, 2:t0 # 3:fs_i, 4:fb_i, 5:fs_i+1, 6: fb_i+1, etc. for ugrizy filters = filters npars = 2 * len(filters) + 3 fis_mat = np.zeros((npars, npars)) filter_index = np.where(filters == filter_name)[0] # initialize result matrix for i in range(len(t)): t_value = t[i] # err = flux_err[i] matrix = np.zeros((npars, npars)) derivatives = coefficients_pspl(t_value, t0, te, u0, fs, fb) fsfb_derivatives = 2 * len(filters) * [0] fbdiff, fsdiff = coefficients_fsfb(t_value, t0, te, u0, fs, fb) np.array(fsfb_derivatives)[filter_index * 2] = fsdiff np.array(fsfb_derivatives)[filter_index * 2 + 1] = fbdiff derivatives = derivatives + fsfb_derivatives for idx in range(npars): for jdx in range(idx, npars): matrix[idx, jdx] = derivatives[idx] * derivatives[jdx] # restore symmetrical entries matrix = matrix + matrix.T - np.diag(np.diag(matrix)) # microlenisng_amplification function to replace usqr = (t_value - t0) ** 2 / te**2 + u0**2 mu = (usqr + 2.0) / (usqr * (usqr + 4)) ** 0.5 # may need to check shape of snr and t flux_err = (fs * mu + fb) / snr[i] matrix = matrix / (flux_err**2) fis_mat = fis_mat + matrix return fis_mat
[docs] class MicrolensingMetric(metrics.BaseMetric): """ Quantifies detectability of Microlensing events. Can also return the number of datapoints within two crossing times of the peak of event. Parameters ---------- metric_calc : `str` Type of metric. If metric_calc == 'detect', returns the number of microlensing events detected within certain parameters. If metric_calc == 'Npts', returns the number of points within two crossing times of the peak of the vent. pts_needed : `int` Number of an object's lightcurve points required to be above the 5-sigma limiting depth before it is considered detected. time_before_peak: `int` or `str` Number of days before lightcurve peak to qualify event as triggered. If time_before_peak == 'optimal', the number of days before the lightcurve peak is the time of maximal information. detect: `bool` By default we trigger which only looks at points before the peak of the lightcurve. When detect = True, observations on either side of the lightcurve are considered. Notes ----- Expects slice_point to have keys of: peak_time : float (days) crossing_time : float (days) impact_parameter : float (positive) blending_factors (optional): float (between 0 and 1) """ def __init__( self, metric_name="MicrolensingMetric", metric_calc="detect", mjd_col="observationStartMJD", m5_col="fiveSigmaDepth", filter_col="filter", night_col="night", pts_needed=2, mag_dict=None, detect_sigma=3.0, time_before_peak=0, detect=False, **kwargs, ): self.metric_calc = metric_calc if metric_calc == "detect": self.units = "Detected, 0 or 1" elif metric_calc == "Npts": self.units = "Npts within 2tE" elif metric_calc == "Fisher": self.units = "Characterized, 0 or 1" else: raise Exception('metric_calc must be "detect", "Npts" or "Fisher".') if mag_dict is None: # Mean mag of stars in each filter from TRIstarDensity map mag_dict = { "u": 25.2, "g": 25.0, "r": 24.5, "i": 23.4, "z": 22.8, "y": 22.5, } self.mjd_col = mjd_col self.m5_col = m5_col self.filter_col = filter_col self.night_col = night_col self.pts_needed = pts_needed self.detect_sigma = detect_sigma self.time_before_peak = time_before_peak self.detect = detect self.mags = mag_dict cols = [self.mjd_col, self.m5_col, self.filter_col, self.night_col] super(MicrolensingMetric, self).__init__( col=cols, units=self.units, metric_name=metric_name + "_" + self.metric_calc, **kwargs )
[docs] def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None): if self.detect is True and self.time_before_peak > 0: raise Exception("When detect = True, time_before_peak must be zero") # Generate the lightcurve for this object # make t a kind of simple way t = data_slice[self.mjd_col] - np.min(data_slice[self.night_col]) t = t - t.min() # # Try for if a blending factor slice was added if "apparent_m_no_blend_u" in slice_point: amplitudes = np.zeros(len(t)) individual_mags = True else: if "blending_factor" in slice_point: amplitudes = microlensing_amplification( t, impact_parameter=slice_point["impact_parameter"], crossing_time=slice_point["crossing_time"], peak_time=slice_point["peak_time"], blending_factor=slice_point["blending_factor"], ) individual_mags = False else: amplitudes = microlensing_amplification( t, impact_parameter=slice_point["impact_parameter"], crossing_time=slice_point["crossing_time"], peak_time=slice_point["peak_time"], ) individual_mags = False filters = np.unique(data_slice[self.filter_col]) amplified_mags = amplitudes * 0 npars = 2 * len(filters) + 3 fis_mat = np.zeros((npars, npars)) fis_mat_wzeros = deepcopy(fis_mat) for filtername in filters: infilt = np.where(data_slice[self.filter_col] == filtername)[0] if individual_mags is True: fs = slice_point["apparent_m_no_blend_{}".format(filtername)] fb = slice_point["apparent_m_{}".format(filtername)] - fs amplitudes = microlensing_amplification_fsfb( t, impact_parameter=slice_point["impact_parameter"], crossing_time=slice_point["crossing_time"], peak_time=slice_point["peak_time"], fs=fs, fb=fb, ) self.mags[filtername] = slice_point["apparent_m_{}".format(filtername)] amplified_mags[infilt] = self.mags[filtername] - 2.5 * np.log10(amplitudes[infilt]) else: amplified_mags[infilt] = self.mags[filtername] - 2.5 * np.log10(amplitudes[infilt]) # The SNR of each point in the light curve snr = m52snr(amplified_mags, data_slice[self.m5_col]) # The magnitude uncertainties that go with amplified mags mag_uncert = 2.5 * np.log10(1 + 1.0 / snr) n_pre = [] n_post = [] for filtername in filters: if self.metric_calc == "detect": if self.time_before_peak == "optimal": time_before_peak_optimal = info_peak_before_t0( slice_point["impact_parameter"], slice_point["crossing_time"] ) # observations pre-peak and in the given filter infilt = np.where( (data_slice[self.filter_col] == filtername) & (t < (slice_point["peak_time"] - time_before_peak_optimal)) )[0] else: # observations pre-peak and in the given filter infilt = np.where( (data_slice[self.filter_col] == filtername) & (t < (slice_point["peak_time"] - self.time_before_peak)) )[0] # observations post-peak and in the given filter outfilt = np.where( (data_slice[self.filter_col] == filtername) & (t > slice_point["peak_time"]) )[0] # Broadcast to calc the mag_i - mag_j diffs = amplified_mags[infilt] - amplified_mags[infilt][:, np.newaxis] diffs_uncert = np.sqrt(mag_uncert[infilt] ** 2 + mag_uncert[infilt][:, np.newaxis] ** 2) diffs_post = amplified_mags[outfilt] - amplified_mags[outfilt][:, np.newaxis] diffs_post_uncert = np.sqrt( mag_uncert[outfilt] ** 2 + mag_uncert[outfilt][:, np.newaxis] ** 2 ) # Calculating this as a catalog-level detection. In theory, # we could have a high SNR template image, so there would be # little to no additional uncertianty from the subtraction. sigma_above = np.abs(diffs) / diffs_uncert sigma_above_post = np.abs(diffs_post) / diffs_post_uncert # divide by 2 because array has i,j and j,i n_above = np.size(np.where(sigma_above > self.detect_sigma)[0]) / 2 n_pre.append(n_above) n_above_post = np.size(np.where(sigma_above_post > self.detect_sigma)[0]) / 2 n_post.append(n_above_post) elif self.metric_calc == "Npts": # observations pre-peak and in the given filter within 2tE infilt = np.where( (data_slice[self.filter_col] == filtername) & (t < (slice_point["peak_time"])) & (t > (slice_point["peak_time"] - slice_point["crossing_time"])) & (snr > self.detect_sigma) )[0] # observations post-peak and in the given filter within 2tE outfilt = np.where( (data_slice[self.filter_col] == filtername) & (t > (slice_point["peak_time"])) & (t < (slice_point["peak_time"] + slice_point["crossing_time"])) & (snr > self.detect_sigma) )[0] n_pre.append(len(infilt)) n_post.append(len(outfilt)) elif self.metric_calc == "Fisher": if individual_mags is True: fs = slice_point["apparent_m_no_blend_{}".format(filtername)] fb = slice_point["apparent_m_{}".format(filtername)] - fs else: fs = self.mags[filtername] # assuming that in populated areas of the galaxy # the blend fraction is 0.5 fb = fs fis_mat = fis_mat_wzeros + fisher_matrix( t[infilt], t0=slice_point["peak_time"], te=slice_point["crossing_time"], u0=slice_point["impact_parameter"], fs=fs, fb=fb, snr=snr[infilt], filters=filters, filter_name=filtername, ) # We remove entries if there's no data in a filter # which would keep it from being inverted # detectable information in dimensions: fis_mat_wzeros = deepcopy(fis_mat) mask_idx = np.where(np.diag(fis_mat) == 0) fis_mat = np.delete(fis_mat, mask_idx[0], 0) fis_mat = np.delete(fis_mat, mask_idx[0], 1) try: cov = np.linalg.inv(fis_mat) sigmat_e_t_e = cov[0, 0] ** 0.5 / slice_point["crossing_time"] # sigmau0_u0 = cov[1, 1] ** 0.5 # / slice_point["impact_parameter"] # corr_btwn_t_eu0 = cov[0, 1] / # (slice_point["crossing_time"] # * slice_point["impact_parameter"]) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: sigmat_e_t_e = np.inf # sigmau0_u0 = np.inf # corr_btwn_t_eu0 = np.inf npts = np.sum(n_pre) npts_post = np.sum(n_post) if self.metric_calc == "detect": if self.detect is True: if npts >= self.pts_needed and npts_post >= self.pts_needed: return 1 else: return 0 else: if npts >= self.pts_needed: return 1 else: return 0 elif self.metric_calc == "Npts": return npts + npts_post elif self.metric_calc == "Fisher": # cutoff of sigmat_e_t_e < 0.1 for # values determined by the 3sigma of # pubished planet candidates return sigmat_e_t_e
[docs] def generate_microlensing_slicer( min_crossing_time=1, max_crossing_time=10, t_start=1, t_end=3652, n_events=10000, seed=42, nside=128, filtername="r", ): """Generate a UserPointSlicer with a population of microlensing events. To be used with MicrolensingMetric Parameters ---------- min_crossing_time : `float` The minimum crossing time for the events generated (days) max_crossing_time : `float` The max crossing time for the events generated (days) t_start : `float` The night to start generating peaks (days) t_end : `float` The night to end generating peaks (days) n_events : `int` Number of microlensing events to generate seed : `float` Random number seed nside : `int` HEALpix nside, used to pick which stellar density map to load filtername : `str` The filter to use for the stellar density map Returns ------- slicer : `maf.UserPointsSlicer` A slicer populated by microlensing events (each slice_point is a different event) """ # Seed the random number generator and generate random parameters rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) crossing_times = rng.uniform(low=min_crossing_time, high=max_crossing_time, size=n_events) peak_times = rng.uniform(low=t_start, high=t_end, size=n_events) impact_paramters = rng.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=n_events) map_dir = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "maps", "TriMaps") data = np.load(os.path.join(map_dir, "TRIstarDensity_%s_nside_%i.npz" % (filtername, nside))) star_density = data["starDensity"].copy() # magnitude bins bins = data["bins"].copy() data.close() star_mag = 22 bin_indx = np.where(bins[1:] >= star_mag)[0].min() density_used = star_density[:, bin_indx].ravel() order = np.argsort(density_used) # I think the model might have a few outliers at the extreme, # let's truncate it a bit density_used[order[-10:]] = density_used[order[-11]] # now, let's draw N from that distribution squared dist = density_used[order] ** 2 cumm_dist = np.cumsum(dist) cumm_dist = cumm_dist / np.max(cumm_dist) uniform_draw = rng.uniform(size=n_events) indexes = np.floor(np.interp(uniform_draw, cumm_dist, np.arange(cumm_dist.size))) hp_ids = order[indexes.astype(int)] gal_l, gal_b = hpid2_ra_dec(nside, hp_ids, nest=True) c = SkyCoord(l=gal_l * u.deg, b=gal_b * u.deg, frame="galactic").transform_to("icrs") ra, dec = c.ra.deg, c.dec.deg # Set up the slicer to evaluate the catalog we just made slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer(ra, dec, lat_lon_deg=True, badval=0) # Add any additional information about each object to the slicer slicer.slice_points["peak_time"] = peak_times slicer.slice_points["crossing_time"] = crossing_times slicer.slice_points["impact_parameter"] = impact_paramters return slicer