__all__ = (
import os
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.io import ascii, fits
from rubin_scheduler.data import get_data_dir
from rubin_sim.maf.maf_contrib.lss_obs_strategy import GalaxyCountsMetricExtended
from rubin_sim.maf.metrics import BaseMetric, ExgalM5, StarDensityMetric
from rubin_sim.maf.slicers import UserPointsSlicer
def generate_known_lv_dwarf_slicer():
"""Read the Karachentsev+ catalog of nearby galaxies,
and put the info about them into a UserPointSlicer object.
filename = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "maf/lvdwarfs", "lsst_galaxies_1p25to9Mpc_table.fits")
lv_dat0 = fits.getdata(filename)
# Keep only galaxies at dec < 35 deg.,
# and with stellar masses > 10^7 M_Sun (and <1e14).
lv_dat_cuts = (lv_dat0["dec"] < 35.0) & (lv_dat0["MStars"] > 1e7) & (lv_dat0["MStars"] < 1e14)
lv_dat = lv_dat0[lv_dat_cuts]
# Set up the slicer to evaluate the catalog we just made
slicer = UserPointsSlicer(lv_dat["ra"], lv_dat["dec"], lat_lon_deg=True, badval=-666)
# Add any additional information about each object to the slicer
slicer.slice_points["distance"] = lv_dat["dist_Mpc"]
return slicer
# make a simulated LF for old galaxy of given integrated B,
# distance modulus mu, in any of filters ugrizY
def make__fake_old_galaxy_lf(int_b, mu, filtername):
Make a simulated luminosity function for an old (10 Gyr) dwarf
galaxy of given integrated B magnitude, at a given distance modulus,
in any of the filters ugrizy.
int_b : `float`
Integrated B-band magnitude of the dwarf to simulate.
mu : `float`
Distance modulus at which to place the simulated dwarf.
filternams: `str`
Filter in which to produce the simulated luminosity function.
if filtername == "y":
filtername == "Y"
model_bmag = 6.856379 # integrated B mag of the model LF being read
# Read a simulated luminosity function of [M/H]=-1.5, 10 Gyr stellar
# population:
filename = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "maf/lvdwarfs", "LF_-1.5_10Gyr.dat")
LF = ascii.read(filename, header_start=12)
mags = LF["magbinc"]
counts = LF[filtername + "mag"]
# shift model LF to requested distance and dim it
mags = mags + mu
model_bmag = model_bmag + mu
# scale model counts up/down to reach the requested int_b
factor = np.power(10.0, -0.4 * (int_b - model_bmag))
counts = factor * counts
return mags, counts
def make_dwarf_lf_dicts():
Create dicts containing g- and i-band LFs for simulated dwarfs between
-10 < M_B < +3, so they can simply be looked up rather than having to
recreate them each time. Dict is keyed on M_B value.
lf_dict_i = {}
lf_dict_g = {}
# Simulate a range from M_B=-10 to M_B=+5 in 0.1-mag increments.
tmp_mb = -10.0
for i in range(151):
mbkey = f"MB{tmp_mb:.2f}"
i_l_fmags, i_l_fcounts = make__fake_old_galaxy_lf(tmp_mb, 0.0, "i")
lf_dict_i[mbkey] = (np.array(i_l_fmags), np.array(i_l_fcounts))
g_l_fmags, g_l_fcounts = make__fake_old_galaxy_lf(tmp_mb, 0.0, "g")
lf_dict_g[mbkey] = (np.array(g_l_fmags), np.array(g_l_fcounts))
tmp_mb += 0.1
return lf_dict_g, lf_dict_i
def _sum_luminosity(l_fmags, l_fcounts):
Sum the luminosities from a given luminosity function.
Uses the first bin's magnitude as a reference, sums luminosities
relative to that reference star,
then converts back to magnitude at the end.
l_fmags : `np.array,` `float`
Magnitude bin values from the simulated LF.
l_fcounts : `np.array`, `int`
Number of stars in each magnitude bin.
magref = l_fmags[0]
totlum = 0.0
for mag, count in zip(l_fmags, l_fcounts):
tmpmags = np.repeat(mag, count)
totlum += np.sum(10.0 ** ((magref - tmpmags) / 2.5))
mtot = magref - 2.5 * np.log10(totlum)
return mtot
def _dwarf_sblimit(glim, ilim, nstars, lf_dict_g, lf_dict_i, distlim, rng):
Calculate the surface brightness limit given the g- and i-band limiting
magnitudes and the number of stars required to detect the dwarf of
glim : `float`
Limiting magnitude (coaddM5) in g-band.
ilim : `float`
Limiting magnitude (coaddM5) in i-band.
nstars : `int`
Number of stars required to be able to detect the dwarf.
lf_dict_g, lf_dict_i : `dict`
Dicts of computed luminosity functions for artificial dwarfs, as
calculated by the function make_LF_dicts.
distlim : `float`
Distance limit (in Mpc) for which to calculate the limiting
surface brightness for dwarf detection.
rng : `np.random.Generator`
Random noise generator for poisson random number use.
distance_limit = distlim * 1e6 # distance limit in parsecs
distmod_lim = 5.0 * np.log10(distance_limit) - 5.0
if (glim > 15) and (ilim > 15):
# print(glim, ilim, nstars)
fake_mb = -10.0
ng = 1e6
ni = 1e6
while (ng > nstars) and (ni > nstars) and fake_mb < 5.0:
# B_fake = distmod_limit+fake_mb
mbkey = f"MB{fake_mb:.2f}"
i_l_fmags0, i_l_fcounts0 = lf_dict_i[mbkey]
g_l_fmags0, g_l_fcounts0 = lf_dict_g[mbkey]
i_l_fcounts = rng.poisson(i_l_fcounts0)
g_l_fcounts = rng.poisson(g_l_fcounts0)
# Add the distance modulus to make it apparent mags
i_l_fmags = i_l_fmags0 + distmod_lim
# Add the distance modulus to make it apparent mags
g_l_fmags = g_l_fmags0 + distmod_lim
gsel = g_l_fmags <= glim
isel = i_l_fmags <= ilim
ng = np.sum(g_l_fcounts[gsel])
ni = np.sum(i_l_fcounts[isel])
fake_mb += 0.1
if fake_mb > -9.9 and (ng > 0) and (ni > 0):
gmag_tot = _sum_luminosity(g_l_fmags[gsel], g_l_fcounts[gsel]) - distmod_lim
imag_tot = _sum_luminosity(i_l_fmags[isel], i_l_fcounts[isel]) - distmod_lim
# S = m + 2.5logA, where in this case things are in sq. arcmin,
# so A = 1 arcmin^2 = 3600 arcsec^2
sbtot_g = distmod_lim + gmag_tot + 2.5 * np.log10(3600.0)
sbtot_i = distmod_lim + imag_tot + 2.5 * np.log10(3600.0)
mg_lim = gmag_tot
mi_lim = imag_tot
sbg_lim = sbtot_g
sbi_lim = sbtot_i
if ng < ni:
flag_lim = "g"
flag_lim = "i"
mg_lim = 999.9
mi_lim = 999.9
sbg_lim = 999.9
sbi_lim = 999.9
flag_lim = None
mg_lim = 999.9
mi_lim = 999.9
sbg_lim = -999.9
sbi_lim = -999.9
flag_lim = None
return mg_lim, mi_lim, sbg_lim, sbi_lim, flag_lim
class LVDwarfsMetric(BaseMetric):
Estimate the detection limit in total dwarf luminosity for
resolved dwarf galaxies at a given distance.
This metric class uses simulated luminosity functions of dwarf galaxies
with known (assumed) luminosities to estimate the detection limit
(in total dwarf luminosity, M_V) for resolved dwarf galaxies at a
given distance. It can be applied to either known galaxies with their
discrete positions and distances, or an entire survey simulation with
a fixed distance limit.
In the default use (with the KnownLvDwarfsSlicer),
it returns detection limits for a catalog of known local volume dwarfs,
from the Karachentsev+ catalog of nearby galaxies.
radius : `float`
Radius of the field being considered (for discrete fields only).
By default, UserPointSlicer uses a 2.45-deg field radius.
distlim : `float`
Distance threshold in Mpc for which to calculate the limiting
dwarf detection luminosity. Only needed for healpix slicers,
but *required* if healpix is used.
cmd_frac : `float`
Fraction of the total area of the color-magnitude diagram
that is spanned by the tracer selection criteria. (e.g.,
the size of a box in color and magnitude to select RGB-star candidates)
stargal_contamination : `float`
Fraction of objects in CMD selection region that are actually
unresolved galaxies that were mis-classified as stars.
nsigma : `float`
Required detection significance to declare a simulated
dwarf "detected."
def __init__(
self.radius = radius
self.filter_col = "filter"
self.m5_col = "fiveSigmaDepth"
self.cmd_frac = cmd_frac
self.stargal_contamination = stargal_contamination
self.nsigma = nsigma
if distlim is not None:
# If the distance limit was set on input, extract that info:
self.distlim = distlim
# If no distance limit specified, assume the intention is to search
# around known Local Volume host galaxies.
self.distlim = None
filename = os.path.join(get_data_dir(), "maf/lvdwarfs", "lsst_galaxies_1p25to9Mpc_table.fits")
lv_dat0 = fits.getdata(filename)
# Keep only galaxies at dec < 35 deg.,
# and with stellar masses > 10^7 M_Sun.
lv_dat_cuts = (lv_dat0["dec"] < 35.0) & (lv_dat0["MStars"] > 1e7) & (lv_dat0["MStars"] < 1e14)
lv_dat = lv_dat0[lv_dat_cuts]
sc_dat = SkyCoord(
ra=lv_dat["ra"] * u.deg,
dec=lv_dat["dec"] * u.deg,
distance=lv_dat["dist_Mpc"] * u.Mpc,
self.sc_dat = sc_dat
self.lf_dict_g, self.lf_dict_i = make_dwarf_lf_dicts()
# Set up already-defined metrics that we will need:
self.exgal_coaddm5 = ExgalM5(m5_col=self.m5_col, filter_col=self.filter_col)
# The StarDensityMetric calculates the number of stars in i band
self.star_density_metric = StarDensityMetric(filtername="i")
# The galaxy counts metric calculates the number of galaxies in i band
self.galaxy_counts_metric = GalaxyCountsMetricExtended(
m5_col=self.m5_col, filter_band="i", include_dust_extinction=True
# Set the scale for the GalaxyCountMetric_extended to 1, so it returns
# galaxies per sq deg, not n galaxies per healpixel
self.galaxy_counts_metric.scale = 1
cols = [self.m5_col, self.filter_col]
# GalaxyCountsMetric needs the DustMap,
# and StarDensityMetric needs StellarDensityMap:
maps = ["DustMap", "StellarDensityMap"]
super().__init__(col=cols, metric_name=metric_name, maps=maps, units="M_V limit", **kwargs)
# Set up a random number generator,
# so that metric results are repeatable
self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
def run(self, data_slice, slice_point=None):
# Identify observations in g and i bandpasses
gband = data_slice[self.filter_col] == "g"
iband = data_slice[self.filter_col] == "i"
# if there are no visits in either of g or i band, exit
if len(np.where(gband)[0]) == 0 or len(np.where(iband)[0]) == 0:
return self.badval
# calculate the dust-extincted coadded 5-sigma limiting mags
# in the g and i bands:
g5 = self.exgal_coaddm5.run(data_slice[gband], slice_point)
i5 = self.exgal_coaddm5.run(data_slice[iband], slice_point)
if g5 < 15 or i5 < 15:
# If the limiting magnitudes won't even match the
# stellar density maps, exit
return self.badval
# Find the number of stars per sq arcsecond at the i band limit
# (this is a bit of a hack to get the starDensityMetric to
# calculate the nstars at this mag exactly)
star_i5 = min(27.9, i5)
self.star_density_metric.magLimit = star_i5
nstar_sqarcsec = self.star_density_metric.run(data_slice, slice_point)
# Calculate the number of galaxies per sq degree
ngal_sqdeg = self.galaxy_counts_metric.run(data_slice, slice_point)
# GalaxyCountsMetric is undefined in some places. These cases return
# zero; catch these and set the galaxy counts in those regions to a
# very high value. (this may not be true after catching earlier
# no-visits issues)
if ngal_sqdeg < 10.0:
ngal_sqdeg = 1e7
# Convert from per sq deg and per sq arcsecond
# into #'s per sq arcminute
ngal_sqarcmin = ngal_sqdeg / 3600
nstar_sqarcmin = nstar_sqarcsec * 3600
if ngal_sqarcmin < 0 or nstar_sqarcmin < 0:
f"Here be a problem - ngals_sqarcmin {ngal_sqarcmin} or nstar_sqarcmin {nstar_sqarcmin} "
f"are negative. depths: {g5}, {i5}. "
f'{slice_point["ra"], slice_point["dec"], slice_point["sid"]}'
# The number of stars required to reach nsigma is
# nsigma times the Poisson fluctuations of the background
# (stars+galaxies contamination):
nstars_required = self.nsigma * np.sqrt(
(ngal_sqarcmin * self.cmd_frac * self.stargal_contamination) + (nstar_sqarcmin * self.cmd_frac)
if self.distlim is not None:
# Use the distlim if a healpix slicer is input
distlim = self.distlim
# Use discrete distances for known galaxies if a
# UserPointSlicer:
distlim = slice_point["distance"] * u.Mpc
# Calculate the limiting luminosity and surface brightness
# based on g5 and i5:
mg_lim, mi_lim, sb_g_lim, sb_i_lim, flag_lim = _dwarf_sblimit(
if flag_lim is None:
mv = self.badval
# To go from HSC g and i bands to V, use the conversion
# from Appendix A of Komiyama+2018, ApJ, 853, 29:
# V = g_hsc - 0.371*(gi_hsc)-0.068
mv = mg_lim - 0.371 * (mg_lim - mi_lim) - 0.068
# sbv = sb_g_lim - 0.371 * (sb_g_lim - sb_i_lim) - 0.068
return mv