Source code for rubin_sim.maf.maf_contrib.lss_obs_strategy.galaxy_counts_with_pixel_calibration

# Purpose: Calculate the galaxy counts for each Healpix pixel directly.
# Necessary when accounting for pixel-specific calibration errors
# (as they modify the magnitude limit
# to which incompleteness-corrected galaxy LF is integrated over).
# Similar to GalaxyCountsMetric_extended but does the analysis on each
# HEALpix pixel individually,
# without communicating with the slicer. Like a psuedo-metric.
# Accommodates individual redshift
# bins; galaxy LF powerlaws based on mock catalogs from Padilla et al.
# Need to import the power law constants
# and the normalization factor.
# Humna Awan:

__all__ = ("galaxy_counts_with_pixel_calibration",)

import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy

from rubin_sim.maf.maf_contrib.lss_obs_strategy.constants_for_pipeline import (

[docs] def galaxy_counts_with_pixel_calibration( coaddm5, upper_mag_limit, nside=128, filter_band="i", redshift_bin="all", cfhtls_counts=False, normalized_mock_catalog_counts=True, ): """Estimate galaxy counts for a given HEALpix pixel directly (without a slicer). Parameters ---------- coaddm5 : `float` coadded 5sigma limiting magnitude for the pixel. upper_mag_limit : `float` upper limit on the magnitude, used to calculate num_gal. nside: `int`, opt HEALpix resolution parameter. Default: 128 filter_band : `str`, opt Any one of 'u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'. Default: 'i' redshift_bin : `str`, opt options include '0.<z<0.15', '0.15<z<0.37', '0.37<z<0.66, '0.66<z<1.0', '1.0<z<1.5', '1.5<z<2.0', '2.0<z<2.5', '2.5<z<3.0','3.0<z<3.5', '3.5<z<4.0', 'all' for no redshift restriction (i.e. 0.<z<4.0) Default: 'all' cfhtls_counts : `bool`, opt set to True if want to calculate the total galaxy counts from CFHTLS powerlaw from LSST Science Book. Must be run with redshift_bin= 'all' Default: False normalized_mock_catalog_counts: `bool`, opt set to False if want the raw/un-normalized galaxy counts from mock catalogs. Default: True """ # Need to scale down to indivdual HEALpix pixels. # Galaxy count from the Coadded depth is per 1 square degree. # Number of galaxies ~= 41253 sq. degrees in the full sky # divided by number of HEALpix pixels. scale = 41253.0 / (int(12) * nside**2) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # calculate the change in the power law constant based on the band # colors assumed here: (u-g)=(g-r)=(r-i)=(i-z)= (z-y)=0.4 band_correction = -100 if filter_band == "u": # dimmer than i: u-g= 0.4 => g= u-0.4 => i= u-0.4*3 band_correction = -0.4 * 3.0 elif filter_band == "g": # dimmer than i: g-r= 0.4 => r= g-0.4 => i= g-0.4*2 band_correction = -0.4 * 2.0 elif filter_band == "r": # dimmer than i: i= r-0.4 band_correction = -0.4 elif filter_band == "i": # i band_correction = 0.0 elif filter_band == "z": # brighter than i: i-z= 0.4 => i= z+0.4 band_correction = 0.4 elif filter_band == "y": # brighter than i: z-y= 0.4 => z= y+0.4 => i= y+0.4*2 band_correction = 0.4 * 2.0 else: print("ERROR: Invalid band in GalaxyCountsMetric_withPixelCalibErrors. Assuming i-band.") band_correction = 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # check to make sure that the z-bin assigned is valid. if (redshift_bin != "all") and (redshift_bin not in list(power_law_const_a.keys())): print( "ERROR: Invalid redshift bin in GalaxyCountsMetric_withPixelCalibration. " "Defaulting to all redshifts." ) redshift_bin = "all" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set up the functions for the integrand # when have a redshift slice def gal_count_bin(apparent_mag, coaddm5): dn_gal = np.power( 10.0, power_law_const_a[redshift_bin] * (apparent_mag + band_correction) + power_law_const_b[redshift_bin], ) completeness = 0.5 * scipy.special.erfc(apparent_mag - coaddm5) return dn_gal * completeness # when have to consider the entire z-range def gal_count_all(apparent_mag, coaddm5): if cfhtls_counts: # LSST power law: eq. 3.7 from LSST Science Book # converted to per sq degree: # (46*3600)*10^(0.31(i-25)) dn_gal = 46.0 * 3600.0 * np.power(10.0, 0.31 * (apparent_mag + band_correction - 25.0)) else: # full z-range considered here: 0.<z<4.0 # sum the galaxy counts from each individual z-bin dn_gal = 0.0 for key in list(power_law_const_a.keys()): dn_gal += np.power( 10.0, power_law_const_a[key] * (apparent_mag + band_correction) + power_law_const_b[key], ) completeness = 0.5 * scipy.special.erfc(apparent_mag - coaddm5) return dn_gal * completeness # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # some coaddm5 values come out really small (i.e. min= 10**-314). # Zero them out. if coaddm5 < 1: coaddm5 = 0 # Calculate the number of galaxies. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") # set up parameters to consider individual redshift range if redshift_bin == "all": num_gal, int_err = scipy.integrate.quad(gal_count_all, -np.inf, upper_mag_limit, args=coaddm5) else: num_gal, int_err = scipy.integrate.quad(gal_count_bin, -np.inf, upper_mag_limit, args=coaddm5) if normalized_mock_catalog_counts and not cfhtls_counts: # Normalize the counts from mock catalogs to match up to # CFHTLS counts fori<25.5 galaxy catalog # Found the scaling factor separately. num_gal = normalization_constant * num_gal # coaddm5=0 implies no observation. Set no observation to zero to num_gal. if coaddm5 < 1.0: num_gal = 0.0 if num_gal < 1.0: num_gal = 0.0 # scale down to individual HEALpix pixel num_gal *= scale return num_gal