Created on Tue Sep 18 13:35:41 2018
@author: rstreet
__all__ = ("calculate_lsst_field_visibility", "calculate_lsst_field_visibility_fast")
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, SkyCoord, get_sun
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from rubin_scheduler.utils import Site, approx_ra_dec2_alt_az
def calculate_lsst_field_visibility(
ra, dec, start_date, end_date, min_alt=30.0, sun_alt_limit=18.0, sample_rate=0.0007, verbose=False
"""Method to calculate the visibility of a given RA and Dec from LSST
over the course of a year
Adapted from an example in the Astropy docs.
ra : `float`
RA in decimal degrees.
dec : `float`
Declination in decimal degrees
start_date : `astropy.time.Time`
Start date for calculations
end_date : `astropy.time.Time`
End date for calculations
min_alt : `float`, optional
Minimal altitude for field
sun_alt_limit : `float`, optional
Maximum sun altitude to consider for visibility
sample_rate : `float`, optional
Time spacing between visibility tests (days)
verbose : `bool`, optional
Output extra information, including debugging
field = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame="icrs", unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
lsst_site = Site("LSST")
lsst = EarthLocation(
lat=lsst_site.latitude * u.deg,
lon=lsst_site.longitude * u.deg,
height=lsst_site.height * u.m,
total_time_visible = 0.0
dates = np.arange(start_date, end_date, TimeDelta(1, format="jd", scale="tai"))
target_alts = []
hrs_visible_per_night = []
hrs_per_night = []
for d in dates:
intervals = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, sample_rate)
dt = TimeDelta(intervals, format="jd", scale="tai")
ts = d + dt
frame = AltAz(obstime=ts, location=lsst)
altaz = field.transform_to(frame)
alts = np.array((altaz.alt * u.deg).value)
idx = np.where(alts >= min_alt)[0]
sun_altaz = get_sun(ts).transform_to(frame)
sun_alts = np.array((sun_altaz.alt * u.deg).value)
jdx = np.where(sun_alts < sun_alt_limit)[0]
# Hours available in the sun
hrs_per_night.append(sample_rate * len(sun_alts[jdx]) * 24.0)
# The indexes where sun down and target above min_alt
idx = list(set(idx).intersection(set(jdx)))
# The highest altitude for the target, when the sun is down
if len(idx) > 0:
ts_vis = ts[idx]
tvis = sample_rate * len(ts_vis)
total_time_visible += tvis
if verbose:
print("Target visible from LSST for " + str(round(tvis * 24.0, 2)) + "hrs on " + d.isot)
# Hours of visibility of the target on this night
hrs_visible_per_night.append((tvis * 24.0))
# target_alts.append(-1e5)
if verbose:
print("Target not visible from LSST on " + d.isot)
return np.array(total_time_visible), np.array(hrs_visible_per_night)
def calculate_lsst_field_visibility_fast(
"""Method to calculate the visibility of a given RA and Dec from LSST
over the course of a year
Skips astropy calculation of alt/az which is slow and uses
approximate transform from rubin_scheduler.
ra : `float`
RA in decimal degrees.
dec : `float`
Declination in decimal degrees
start_date : `astropy.time.Time`
Start date for calculations
end_date : `astropy.time.Time`
End date for calculations
min_alt : `float`, optional
Minimal altitude for field
sun_alt_limit : `float`, optional
Maximum sun altitude to consider for visibility
cadence : `float`, optional
Time spacing between visibility tests (days)
tvisible : `float`
Total time target is visible (days)
dates_visible : `np.ndarray`, (N,)
Dates that target is above min_alt and sun is below sun_alt_limit,
within start_date to end_date.
lsst_site = Site("LSST")
dates = np.arange(start_date.mjd, end_date.mjd + sample_rate / 2.0, sample_rate)
alts, _ = approx_ra_dec2_alt_az(ra, dec, lsst_site.latitude, lsst_site.longitude, dates)
# where is the target above the minimum altitude
target_high = np.where(alts >= min_alt)[0]
# when is the sun above the sun_alt_limit
dates = dates[target_high]
sun_locs = get_sun(Time(dates, format="mjd", scale="utc"))
sun_alts, _ = approx_ra_dec2_alt_az(
sun_locs.ra.deg, sun_locs.dec.deg, lsst_site.latitude, lsst_site.longitude, dates
sun_low = np.where(sun_alts <= sun_alt_limit)[0]
dates = dates[sun_low]
# total amount of time target is visible, in days
tvisible = len(dates) * sample_rate
return tvisible, dates