Source code for rubin_sim.maf.batches.time_batch

"""Sets of metrics to look at time between visits/pairs, etc.

__all__ = ("intraNight", "interNight", "timeGaps", "seasons")

import numpy as np

import rubin_sim.maf.metric_bundles as mb
import rubin_sim.maf.metrics as metrics
import rubin_sim.maf.plots as plots
import rubin_sim.maf.slicers as slicers

from .col_map_dict import col_map_dict
from .common import filter_list, standard_summary

[docs] def intraNight( colmap=None, runName="opsim", nside=64, extraSql=None, extraInfoLabel=None, slicer=None, display_group="IntraNight", subgroup="Pairs", ): """Generate a set of statistics about the pair/triplet/etc. rate within a night. Parameters ---------- colmap : `dict` or None, optional A dictionary with a mapping of column names. runName : `str`, optional The name of the simulated survey. nside : `int`, optional Nside for the healpix slicer. extraSql : `str` or None, optional Additional sql constraint to apply to all metrics. extraInfoLabel : `str` or None, optional Additional info_label to apply to all results. slicer : `maf.BaseSlicer` or None Optionally use something other than a HealpixSlicer Returns ------- metric_bundleDict : `dict` of `maf.MetricBundle` """ if colmap is None: colmap = col_map_dict() info_label = extraInfoLabel if extraSql is not None and len(extraSql) > 0: if info_label is None: info_label = extraSql raCol = colmap["ra"] decCol = colmap["dec"] degrees = colmap["raDecDeg"] bundleList = [] standardStats = standard_summary() if slicer is None: slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lat_col=decCol, lon_col=raCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) # Look for the fraction of visits in gri where there are pairs # within dtMin/dtMax. displayDict = { "group": display_group, "subgroup": subgroup, "caption": None, "order": 0, } if extraSql is not None and len(extraSql) > 0: sql = '(%s) and (filter="g" or filter="r" or filter="i")' % extraSql else: sql = 'filter="g" or filter="r" or filter="i"' md = "gri" if info_label is not None: md += " " + info_label dtMin = 10.0 dtMax = 60.0 metric = metrics.PairFractionMetric( mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], min_gap=dtMin, max_gap=dtMax, metric_name="Fraction of visits in pairs (%.0f-%.0f min)" % (dtMin, dtMax), ) displayDict["caption"] = ( "Fraction of %s visits that have a paired visit" "between %.1f and %.1f minutes away. " % ( md, dtMin, dtMax, ) ) displayDict["caption"] += "If all visits were in pairs, this fraction would be 1." displayDict["order"] += 1 bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=md, summary_metrics=standardStats, display_dict=displayDict, ) bundleList.append(bundle) dtMin = 20.0 dtMax = 90.0 metric = metrics.PairFractionMetric( mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], min_gap=dtMin, max_gap=dtMax, metric_name="Fraction of visits in pairs (%.0f-%.0f min)" % (dtMin, dtMax), ) displayDict["caption"] = ( "Fraction of %s visits that have a paired visit" "between %.1f and %.1f minutes away. " % ( md, dtMin, dtMax, ) ) displayDict["caption"] += "If all visits were in pairs, this fraction would be 1." displayDict["order"] += 1 bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=md, summary_metrics=standardStats, display_dict=displayDict, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Look at the fraction of visits which have another visit within dtMax gri. dtMax = 60.0 metric = metrics.NRevisitsMetric( mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], d_t=dtMax, normed=True, metric_name="Fraction of visits with a revisit < %.0f min" % dtMax, ) displayDict["caption"] = "Fraction of %s visits that have another visit " "within %.1f min. " % ( md, dtMax, ) displayDict["caption"] += "If all visits were in pairs (only), this fraction would be 0.5." displayDict["order"] += 1 bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=md, summary_metrics=standardStats, display_dict=displayDict, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Intranight gap map, all filters. Returns value in hours. metric = metrics.IntraNightGapsMetric( metric_name="Median Intra-Night Gap", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], reduce_func=np.median, ) displayDict["caption"] = "Median gap between consecutive visits within a night, all bands" if info_label is None or len(info_label) == 0: displayDict["caption"] += ", all visits." else: displayDict["caption"] += ", %s." % info_label displayDict["order"] += 1 plotDict = {"percentile_clip": 95} bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, extraSql, info_label=info_label, display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Max Timespans (in each night) # Run in all filters, u+g, g+r, r+i, i+z and z+y filters, # and individual filters metric = metrics.NightTimespanMetric(percentile=75, night_col=colmap["night"], mjd_col=colmap["mjd"]) displayDict["caption"] = "75th percentile value of the maximum intra-night timespan, on each night" # individual and all filters filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, info_labels = filter_list( all=True, extra_sql=extraSql, extra_info_label=info_label ) for f in filterlist: if info_labels[f] is None or len(info_labels[f]) == 0: displayDict["caption"] += ", all visits." else: displayDict["caption"] += ", %s." % info_labels[f] displayDict["order"] = orders[f] plotDict = {"percentile_clip": 98} bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls[f], info_label=info_labels[f], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # subsets of adjacent filters filtersubsets = { "ug": '(filter = "u" or filter = "g")', "gr": '(filter = "g" or filter = "r")', "ri": '(filter = "r" or filter = "i")', "iz": '(filter = "i" or filter = "z")', "zy": '(filter = "z" or filter = "y")', } sqls = [extraSql] if extraSql is not None and len(extraSql) > 0: for fi in filtersubsets: sqls.append(f"{extraSql} and {filtersubsets[fi]}") else: for fi in filtersubsets: sqls.append(f"{filtersubsets[fi]}") md = [info_label] if info_label is not None: for fi in filtersubsets: md.append(f"{info_label} {fi} bands") else: for fi in filtersubsets: md.append(f"{fi} bands") for sql, info in zip(sqls, md): if info_label is None or len(info_label) == 0: displayDict["caption"] += ", all visits." else: displayDict["caption"] += ", %s." % info_label displayDict["order"] += 1 plotDict = {"percentile_clip": 98} bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=info, display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Histogram the number of visits per night. countbins = np.arange(0, 10, 1) metric = metrics.NVisitsPerNightMetric( night_col=colmap["night"], bins=countbins, metric_name="NVisitsPerNight" ) plotDict = {"bins": countbins, "xlabel": "Number of visits each night"} displayDict["caption"] = "Histogram of the number of visits in each night, per point on the sky" if info_label is None or len(info_label) == 0: displayDict["caption"] += ", all proposals." else: displayDict["caption"] += ", %s." % info_label displayDict["order"] = 0 plotFunc = plots.SummaryHistogram() bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, extraSql, plot_dict=plotDict, display_dict=displayDict, info_label=info_label, plot_funcs=[plotFunc], ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Histogram of the time between revisits (all filters) within two hours. binMin = 0 binMax = 120.0 bin_size = 5.0 bins_metric = np.arange(binMin / 60.0 / 24.0, (binMax + bin_size) / 60.0 / 24.0, bin_size / 60.0 / 24.0) bins_plot = bins_metric * 24.0 * 60.0 metric = metrics.TgapsMetric(bins=bins_metric, times_col=colmap["mjd"], metric_name="DeltaT Histogram") plotDict = {"bins": bins_plot, "xlabel": "dT (minutes)"} displayDict["caption"] = ( "Histogram of the time between consecutive visits to a given point " "on the sky, considering visits between %.1f and %.1f minutes" % (binMin, binMax) ) if info_label is None or len(info_label) == 0: displayDict["caption"] += ", all proposals." else: displayDict["caption"] += ", %s." % info_label displayDict["order"] += 1 plotFunc = plots.SummaryHistogram() bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, extraSql, plot_dict=plotDict, display_dict=displayDict, info_label=info_label, plot_funcs=[plotFunc], ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the run_name for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.set_run_name(runName) return mb.make_bundles_dict_from_list(bundleList)
[docs] def interNight( colmap=None, runName="opsim", nside=64, extraSql=None, extraInfoLabel=None, slicer=None, display_group="InterNight", subgroup="Night gaps", ): """Generate a set of statistics about the spacing between nights with observations. Parameters ---------- colmap : `dict` or None, optional A dictionary with a mapping of column names. runName : `str`, optional The name of the simulated survey. nside : `int`, optional Nside for the healpix slicer. extraSql : `str` or None, optional Additional sql constraint to apply to all metrics. extraInfoLabel : `str` or None, optional Additional info_label to use for all outputs. slicer : `maf.BaseSlicer` or None Optionally use something other than a HealpixSlicer Returns ------- metric_bundleDict : `dict` of `maf.MetricBundle` """ if colmap is None: colmap = col_map_dict() bundleList = [] raCol = colmap["ra"] decCol = colmap["dec"] degrees = colmap["raDecDeg"] filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, info_label = filter_list( all=True, extra_sql=extraSql, extra_info_label=extraInfoLabel ) if slicer is None: slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lat_col=decCol, lon_col=raCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) displayDict = { "group": display_group, "subgroup": subgroup, "caption": None, "order": 0, } # Histogram of the number of nights between visits. bins = np.arange(1, 20.5, 1) metric = metrics.NightgapsMetric(bins=bins, night_col=colmap["night"], metric_name="DeltaNight Histogram") plotDict = {"bins": bins, "xlabel": "dT (nights)"} displayDict["caption"] = ( "Histogram of the number of nights between consecutive visits to a " "given point on the sky, considering separations between %d and %d" % (bins.min(), bins.max()) ) if info_label["all"] is None or len(info_label["all"]) == 0: displayDict["caption"] += ", all proposals." else: displayDict["caption"] += ", %s." % info_label["all"] plotFunc = plots.SummaryHistogram() bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls["all"], plot_dict=plotDict, display_dict=displayDict, info_label=info_label["all"], plot_funcs=[plotFunc], ) bundleList.append(bundle) standardStats = standard_summary() # Look at the total number of unique nights with visits metric = metrics.CountUniqueMetric(col=colmap["night"], metric_name="N Unique Nights") displayDict["caption"] = "Number of unique nights with visits" bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls["all"], info_label=info_label["all"], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict={"color_min": 0, "color_max": 500}, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Median inter-night gap (each and all filters) metric = metrics.InterNightGapsMetric( metric_name="Median Inter-Night Gap", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], reduce_func=np.median, ) for f in filterlist: displayDict["caption"] = "Median gap between nights with observations, %s." % info_label[f] displayDict["order"] = orders[f] plotDict = {"color": colors[f], "percentile_clip": 95.0} bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls[f], info_label=info_label[f], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # 20th percentile inter-night gap (each and all filters) - # aimed at active rolling years def rfunc(simdata): return np.percentile(simdata, 20) metric = metrics.InterNightGapsMetric( metric_name="20thPercentile Inter-Night Gap", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], reduce_func=rfunc, ) for f in filterlist: displayDict["caption"] = "20th percentile gap between nights with observations, %s." % info_label[f] displayDict["order"] = orders[f] plotDict = {"color": colors[f], "percentile_clip": 95.0} bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls[f], info_label=info_label[f], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Maximum inter-night gap (in each and all filters). metric = metrics.InterNightGapsMetric( metric_name="Max Inter-Night Gap", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], reduce_func=np.max ) for f in filterlist: displayDict["caption"] = "Maximum gap between nights with observations, %s." % info_label[f] displayDict["order"] = orders[f] plotDict = {"color": colors[f], "percentile_clip": 95.0, "bin_size": 5} bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls[f], info_label=info_label[f], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the run_name for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.set_run_name(runName) return mb.make_bundles_dict_from_list(bundleList)
[docs] def timeGaps( colmap=None, runName="opsim", nside=64, extraSql=None, extraInfoLabel=None, slicer=None, display_group="Time Coverage", subgroup=None, ): """Generate a set of statistics about the spacing between nights with observations. Parameters ---------- colmap : `dict`, optional A dictionary with a mapping of column names. runName : `str`, optional The name of the simulated survey. nside : `int`, optional Nside for the healpix slicer. extraSql : `str`, optional Additional sql constraint to apply to all metrics. extraInfoLabel : `str`, optional Additional info_label to use for all outputs. slicer : `rubin_sim.maf.slicer.BaseSlicer`, optional Optionally use something other than a HealpixSlicer Returns ------- bundle_dict : `dict` of `rubin_sim.maf.MetricBundle` """ if colmap is None: colmap = col_map_dict() bundleList = [] raCol = colmap["ra"] decCol = colmap["dec"] degrees = colmap["raDecDeg"] filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, info_label = filter_list( all=True, extra_sql=extraSql, extra_info_label=extraInfoLabel ) if slicer is None: slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lat_col=decCol, lon_col=raCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) displayDict = { "group": display_group, "subgroup": subgroup, "caption": None, "order": 0, } # Logarithmically spaced gaps from 30s to 5 years tMin = 30 / 60 / 60 / 24.0 # 30s tMax = 5 * 365.25 # 5 years tgaps = np.logspace(np.log10(tMin), np.log10(tMax), 100) for f in filterlist: m1 = metrics.TgapsMetric(bins=tgaps, all_gaps=False) plotDict = { "bins": tgaps, "xscale": "log", "y_min": 0, "figsize": (8, 6), "ylabel": "Number of observation pairs", "xlabel": "Time gap between pairs of visits (days)", "color": colors[f], } plotFuncs = [plots.SummaryHistogram()] displayDict["caption"] = ( f"Summed Histogram of time between visits at each point in the sky, " f"in {f} band(s)." ) displayDict["order"] = orders[f] bundleList.append( mb.MetricBundle( m1, slicer, constraint=sqls[f], info_label=info_label[f], run_name=runName, plot_dict=plotDict, plot_funcs=plotFuncs, display_dict=displayDict, ) ) gaps = [3.0, 7.0, 24.0] for gap in gaps: summary_stats = [] summary_stats.append( metrics.AreaSummaryMetric( area=18000, reduce_func=np.median, decreasing=True, metric_name="Median (top 18k)" ) ) summary_stats.append( metrics.AreaSummaryMetric( area=18000, reduce_func=np.mean, decreasing=True, metric_name="Mean (top 18k)" ) ) summary_stats.append(metrics.MeanMetric()) summary_stats.append(metrics.MedianMetric()) m2 = metrics.GapsMetric(time_scale=gap, metric_name=f"Gaps at {gap: .1f} hr") plotFuncs = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] plotDict = {"color_min": 0, "color": colors[f], "percentile_clip": 95} displayDict["subgroup"] = "Gaps Sampling" displayDict["caption"] = ( f"Number of times the timescale of ~{gap: .1f} hours is sampled in {f} band(s)." ) displayDict["order"] = orders[f] bundleList.append( mb.MetricBundle( m2, slicer, constraint=sqls[f], info_label=info_label[f], run_name=runName, summary_metrics=summary_stats, plot_dict=plotDict, plot_funcs=plotFuncs, display_dict=displayDict, ) ) return mb.make_bundles_dict_from_list(bundleList)
[docs] def seasons( colmap=None, runName="opsim", nside=64, extraSql=None, extraInfoLabel=None, slicer=None, ): """Generate a set of statistics about the length and number of seasons. Parameters ---------- colmap : `dict` or None, optional A dictionary with a mapping of column names. runName : `str`, optional The name of the simulated survey. nside : `int`, optional Nside for the healpix slicer. extraSql : `str` or None, optional Additional sql constraint to apply to all metrics. extraInfoLabel : `str` or None, optional Additional info_label to use for all outputs. slicer : `maf.BaseSlicer` or None` Optionally use something other than a HealpixSlicer Returns ------- metric_bundleDict : `dict` of `maf.MetricBundle` """ if colmap is None: colmap = col_map_dict() bundleList = [] # Set up basic all and per filter sql constraints. raCol = colmap["ra"] decCol = colmap["dec"] degrees = colmap["raDecDeg"] filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, info_label = filter_list( all=True, extra_sql=extraSql, extra_info_label=extraInfoLabel ) if slicer is None: slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lat_col=decCol, lon_col=raCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) displayDict = { "group": "IntraSeason", "subgroup": "Season length", "caption": None, "order": 0, } standardStats = standard_summary() metric = metrics.SeasonLengthMetric( metric_name="Median Season Length", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], reduce_func=np.median ) for f in filterlist: displayDict["caption"] = "Median season length, %s." % info_label[f] displayDict["order"] = orders[f] maxS = 250 if f == "all": minS = 90 else: minS = 30 plotDict = { "color": colors[f], "color_min": minS, "color_max": maxS, "x_min": minS, "x_max": maxS, } bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls[f], info_label=info_label[f], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # 80th percentile season length - # aimed at finding season length during rolling or long years def rfunc(simdata): return np.percentile(simdata, 80) metric = metrics.SeasonLengthMetric( metric_name="80thPercentile Season Length", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], reduce_func=rfunc, ) for f in filterlist: displayDict["caption"] = "80th percentile season length, %s." % info_label[f] displayDict["order"] = orders[f] maxS = 350 if f == "all": minS = 90 else: minS = 30 plotDict = { "color": colors[f], "color_min": minS, "color_max": maxS, "x_min": minS, "x_max": maxS, } bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls[f], info_label=info_label[f], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Number of seasons metric = metrics.CampaignLengthMetric( metric_name="NSeasons", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], exp_time_col=colmap["exptime"], min_exp_time=15, ) displayDict["caption"] = "Number of seasons, any filter." displayDict["order"] = 0 plotDict = {"color": "k", "color_min": 0, "color_max": 11, "x_min": 0, "x_max": 11} bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sqls["all"], info_label=info_label["all"], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=standardStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the run_name for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.set_run_name(runName) return mb.make_bundles_dict_from_list(bundleList)