Source code for rubin_sim.maf.batches.srd_batch

"""Metrics to investigate quantities related to SRD.
Potentially could diverge from versions in scienceRadar.

__all__ = ("fOBatch", "astrometryBatch", "rapidRevisitBatch")

import warnings

import healpy as hp
import numpy as np

import rubin_sim.maf.metric_bundles as mb
import rubin_sim.maf.metrics as metrics
import rubin_sim.maf.plots as plots
import rubin_sim.maf.slicers as slicers
import rubin_sim.maf.stackers as stackers

from .col_map_dict import col_map_dict
from .common import standard_summary

[docs] def fOBatch( colmap=None, run_name="run_name", extra_sql=None, extra_info=None, slicer=None, benchmark_area=18000, benchmark_n_visits=825, min_n_visits=750, ): """Metrics for calculating fO. Parameters ---------- colmap : `dict` or None, opt A dictionary with a mapping of column names. run_name : `str`, opt The name of the simulated survey. extra_sql : `str` or None, opt Additional sql constraint to apply to all metrics. extra_Info : `str` or None, opt Additional info_label to apply to all results. slicer : `rubin_sim.maf.slicer.HealpixSlicer` or None, opt This must be a HealpixSlicer or some kind, although could be a HealpixSubsetSlicer. None will default to HealpixSlicer with nside=64. benchmark_area : `float`, opt Area to use when calculating fO_Nvis, for design. benchmark_n_visits : `float`, opt Nvisits minimum to use when calculating fO_Area, for design. min_n_visits : `float`, opt Nvisits minimum to use when calculating fO_Area, for minimum. Returns ------- metric_bundleDict : `dict` of `maf.MetricBundle` """ if colmap is None: colmap = col_map_dict() bundleList = [] sql = "" info_label = "All visits" # Add additional sql constraint (such as wfdWhere) and info_label if (extra_sql is not None) and (len(extra_sql) > 0): sql = extra_sql if extra_info is None: info_label = extra_sql.replace("filter =", "").replace("filter=", "") info_label = info_label.replace('"', "").replace("'", "") if extra_info is not None: info_label = extra_info subgroup = info_label raCol = colmap["ra"] decCol = colmap["dec"] degrees = colmap["raDecDeg"] # Set up fO metric. if slicer is None: nside = 64 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lat_col=decCol, lon_col=raCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) else: try: nside = slicer.nside except AttributeError: warnings.warn("Must use a healpix slicer. Swapping to the default.") nside = 64 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lat_col=decCol, lon_col=raCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) displayDict = {"group": "SRD FO metrics", "subgroup": subgroup, "order": 0} # Configure the count metric which is what is used for f0 slicer. metric = metrics.CountExplimMetric(metric_name="fO", exp_col=colmap["exptime"]) plotDict = { "xlabel": "Number of Visits", "asky": benchmark_area, "n_visits": min_n_visits, "x_min": 0, "x_max": 1500, } summaryMetrics = [ metrics.FOArea( nside=nside, norm=False, metric_name="fOArea", asky=benchmark_area, n_visit=benchmark_n_visits, ), metrics.FOArea( nside=nside, norm=True, metric_name="fOArea/benchmark", asky=benchmark_area, n_visit=benchmark_n_visits, ), metrics.FONv( nside=nside, norm=False, metric_name="fONv", asky=benchmark_area, n_visit=benchmark_n_visits, ), metrics.FONv( nside=nside, norm=True, metric_name="fONv/benchmark", asky=benchmark_area, n_visit=benchmark_n_visits, ), metrics.FOArea( nside=nside, norm=False, metric_name=f"fOArea_{min_n_visits}", asky=benchmark_area, n_visit=min_n_visits, ), ] caption = "The FO metric evaluates the overall efficiency of observing. " caption += ( "foNv: out of %.2f sq degrees, the area receives at least X and a median of Y visits " "(out of %d, if compared to benchmark). " % (benchmark_area, benchmark_n_visits) ) caption += ( "fOArea: this many sq deg (out of %.2f sq deg if compared " "to benchmark) receives at least %d visits. " % (benchmark_area, benchmark_n_visits) ) displayDict["caption"] = caption bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, plot_dict=plotDict, display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=summaryMetrics, plot_funcs=[plots.FOPlot()], info_label=info_label, ) bundleList.append(bundle) # Set the run_name for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.set_run_name(run_name) return mb.make_bundles_dict_from_list(bundleList)
[docs] def astrometryBatch( colmap=None, run_name="opsim", extra_sql=None, extra_info=None, slicer=None, ): """Metrics for evaluating proper motion and parallax. Parameters ---------- colmap : `dict` or None, optional A dictionary with a mapping of column names. run_name : `str`, optional The name of the simulated survey. extra_sql : `str` or None, optional Additional sql constraint to apply to all metrics. extra_info : `str` or None, optional Additional info_label to apply to all results. slicer : `rubin_sim.maf.slicer` or None, optional Optionally, specify something other than an nside=64 healpix slicer. Returns ------- metric_bundleDict : `dict` of `maf.MetricBundle` """ if colmap is None: colmap = col_map_dict() bundleList = [] sql = "" info_label = "All visits" # Add additional sql constraint (such as wfdWhere) and info_label if (extra_sql is not None) and (len(extra_sql) > 0): sql = extra_sql if extra_info is None: info_label = extra_sql.replace("filter =", "").replace("filter=", "") info_label = info_label.replace('"', "").replace("'", "") if extra_info is not None: info_label = extra_info subgroup = info_label raCol = colmap["ra"] decCol = colmap["dec"] degrees = colmap["raDecDeg"] rmags_para = [22.4, 24.0] rmags_pm = [20.5, 24.0] # Set up parallax/dcr stackers. parallaxStacker = stackers.ParallaxFactorStacker( ra_col=raCol, dec_col=decCol, date_col=colmap["mjd"], degrees=degrees ) dcrStacker = stackers.DcrStacker( filter_col=colmap["filter"], alt_col=colmap["alt"], degrees=degrees, ra_col=raCol, dec_col=decCol, lst_col=colmap["lst"], site="LSST", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], ) # Set up parallax metrics. if slicer is None: slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=64, lon_col=raCol, lat_col=decCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) subsetPlots = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] displayDict = { "group": "SRD Parallax", "subgroup": subgroup, "order": 0, "caption": None, } # Expected error on parallax at 10 AU. plotmaxVals = (5.0, 18.0) good_parallax_limit = 11.5 summary = [ metrics.AreaSummaryMetric( area=18000, reduce_func=np.median, decreasing=False, metric_name="Median Parallax Uncert (18k)", ), metrics.AreaThresholdMetric( upper_threshold=good_parallax_limit, metric_name="Area better than %.1f mas uncertainty" % good_parallax_limit, ), ] summary.append(metrics.PercentileMetric(percentile=95, metric_name="95th Percentile Parallax Uncert")) summary.extend(standard_summary()) for rmag, plotmax in zip(rmags_para, plotmaxVals): plotDict = {"x_min": 0, "x_max": plotmax, "color_min": 0, "color_max": plotmax} metric = metrics.ParallaxMetric( metric_name="Parallax Uncert @ %.1f" % (rmag), rmag=rmag, seeing_col=colmap["seeingGeom"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], normalize=False, ) bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=info_label, stacker_list=[parallaxStacker], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=summary, plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Parallax normalized to 'best possible' # This separates the effect of cadence from depth. for rmag in rmags_para: metric = metrics.ParallaxMetric( metric_name="Normalized Parallax Uncert @ %.1f" % (rmag), rmag=rmag, seeing_col=colmap["seeingGeom"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], normalize=True, ) bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=info_label, stacker_list=[parallaxStacker], display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=standard_summary(), plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Parallax factor coverage. for rmag in rmags_para: metric = metrics.ParallaxCoverageMetric( metric_name="Parallax Coverage @ %.1f" % (rmag), rmag=rmag, m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], seeing_col=colmap["seeingGeom"], ) bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=info_label, stacker_list=[parallaxStacker], display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=standard_summary(), plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Parallax problems can be caused by HA and DCR degeneracies. # Check their correlation. for rmag in rmags_para: metric = metrics.ParallaxDcrDegenMetric( metric_name="Parallax-DCR degeneracy @ %.1f" % (rmag), rmag=rmag, seeing_col=colmap["seeingEff"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], ) caption = "Correlation between parallax offset magnitude and hour angle for a r=%.1f star." % (rmag) caption += " (0 is good, near -1 or 1 is bad)." bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=info_label, stacker_list=[dcrStacker, parallaxStacker], display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=standard_summary(), plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Evaluate y-band-only parallax uncertainty # Approximate "10sigma sources" as y=21.33 ymag = 21.33 if info_label == "All visits": yinfo = "y band visits" else: yinfo = f"{info_label} y band only" if len(sql) == 0: ysql = "filter == 'y'" else: ysql = f"{sql} and filter == 'y'" plotDict = {"x_min": 0, "x_max": 15, "color_min": 0, "color_max": 15} metric = metrics.ParallaxMetric( metric_name="Parallax Uncert @ %.1f" % (ymag), rmag=ymag, seeing_col=colmap["seeingGeom"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], normalize=False, ) bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, ysql, info_label=yinfo, stacker_list=[parallaxStacker], display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=summary, plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 metric = metrics.ParallaxMetric( metric_name="Normalized Parallax Uncert @ %.1f" % (ymag), rmag=ymag, seeing_col=colmap["seeingGeom"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], normalize=True, ) bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, ysql, info_label=yinfo, stacker_list=[parallaxStacker], display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=summary, plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Proper Motion metrics. displayDict = { "group": "SRD Proper Motion", "subgroup": subgroup, "order": 0, "caption": None, } # Proper motion errors. plotmaxVals = (1.0, 5.0) summary = [ metrics.AreaSummaryMetric( area=18000, reduce_func=np.median, decreasing=False, metric_name="Median Proper Motion Uncert (18k)", ) ] summary.append(metrics.PercentileMetric(metric_name="95th Percentile Proper Motion Uncert")) summary.extend(standard_summary()) for rmag, plotmax in zip(rmags_pm, plotmaxVals): plotDict = {"x_min": 0, "x_max": plotmax, "color_min": 0, "color_max": plotmax} metric = metrics.ProperMotionMetric( metric_name="Proper Motion Uncert @ %.1f" % rmag, rmag=rmag, m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], seeing_col=colmap["seeingGeom"], normalize=False, ) bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=info_label, display_dict=displayDict, plot_dict=plotDict, summary_metrics=summary, plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Normalized proper motion. for rmag in rmags_pm: metric = metrics.ProperMotionMetric( metric_name="Normalized Proper Motion Uncert @ %.1f" % rmag, rmag=rmag, m5_col=colmap["fiveSigmaDepth"], mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], filter_col=colmap["filter"], seeing_col=colmap["seeingGeom"], normalize=True, ) bundle = mb.MetricBundle( metric, slicer, sql, info_label=info_label, display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=standard_summary(), plot_funcs=subsetPlots, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Set the run_name for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.set_run_name(run_name) return mb.make_bundles_dict_from_list(bundleList)
[docs] def rapidRevisitBatch( colmap=None, run_name="opsim", extra_sql=None, extra_info=None, slicer=None, ): """Metrics for evaluating proper motion and parallax. Parameters ---------- colmap : `dict` or None, optional A dictionary with a mapping of column names. run_name : `str`, optional The name of the simulated survey. extra_sql : `str` or None, optional Additional sql constraint to apply to all metrics. extra_info : `str` or None, optional Additional info_label to apply to all results. slicer : `rubin_sim_maf.slicers.HealpixSlicer` or None, optional Optionally, specify something other than an nside=64 healpix slicer. (must be a healpix slicer) Returns ------- metric_bundleDict : `dict` of `maf.MetricBundle` """ if colmap is None: colmap = col_map_dict() bundleList = [] sql = "" info_label = "All visits" # Add additional sql constraint (such as wfdWhere) and info_label. if (extra_sql is not None) and (len(extra_sql) > 0): sql = extra_sql if extra_info is None: info_label = extra_sql.replace("filter =", "").replace("filter=", "") info_label = info_label.replace('"', "").replace("'", "") if extra_info is not None: info_label = extra_info subgroup = info_label raCol = colmap["ra"] decCol = colmap["dec"] degrees = colmap["raDecDeg"] if slicer is None: nside = 64 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lon_col=raCol, lat_col=decCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) else: try: nside = slicer.nside except AttributeError: warnings.warn("Must use a healpix slicer. Swapping to the default.") nside = 64 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, lat_col=decCol, lon_col=raCol, lat_lon_deg=degrees) subsetPlots = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] displayDict = { "group": "SRD Rapid Revisits", "subgroup": subgroup, "order": 0, "caption": None, } # Calculate the actual number of revisits within 30 minutes. dTmax = 30 # time in minutes m2 = metrics.NRevisitsMetric( d_t=dTmax, mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], normed=False, metric_name="NumberOfQuickRevisits", ) plotDict = {"color_min": 400, "color_max": 2000, "x_min": 400, "x_max": 2000} caption = "Number of consecutive visits with return times faster than %.1f minutes, " % (dTmax) caption += "in any filter, all proposals. " displayDict["caption"] = caption bundle = mb.MetricBundle( m2, slicer, sql, plot_dict=plotDict, plot_funcs=subsetPlots, info_label=info_label, display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=standard_summary(with_count=False), ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Better version of the rapid revisit requirements: # require a minimum number of visits between # dtMin and dtMax, but also a minimum number of visits # between dtMin and dtPair (the typical pair time). # 1 means the healpix met the requirements (0 means did not). dTmin = 40.0 / 60.0 # (minutes) 40s minimum for rapid revisit range dTpairs = 20.0 # minutes (time when pairs should start kicking in) dTmax = 30.0 # 30 minute maximum for rapid revisit range nOne = 82 # Number of revisits between 40s-30m required nTwo = 28 # Number of revisits between 40s - tPairs required. pix_area = float(hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)) scale = pix_area * hp.nside2npix(nside) m1 = metrics.RapidRevisitMetric( metric_name="RapidRevisits", mjd_col=colmap["mjd"], d_tmin=dTmin / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0, d_tpairs=dTpairs / 60.0 / 24.0, d_tmax=dTmax / 60.0 / 24.0, min_n1=nOne, min_n2=nTwo, ) plotDict = { "x_min": 0, "x_max": 1, "color_min": 0, "color_max": 1, "log_scale": False, } cutoff1 = 0.9 summaryStats = [metrics.FracAboveMetric(cutoff=cutoff1, scale=scale, metric_name="Area (sq deg)")] caption = "Rapid Revisit: area that receives at least %d visits between %.3f and %.1f minutes, " % ( nOne, dTmin, dTmax, ) caption += "with at least %d of those visits falling between %.3f and %.1f minutes. " % ( nTwo, dTmin, dTpairs, ) caption += ( 'Summary statistic "Area" indicates the area on the sky which meets this requirement.' " (SRD design specification is 2000 sq deg)." ) displayDict["caption"] = caption bundle = mb.MetricBundle( m1, slicer, sql, plot_dict=plotDict, plot_funcs=subsetPlots, info_label=info_label, display_dict=displayDict, summary_metrics=summaryStats, ) bundleList.append(bundle) displayDict["order"] += 1 # Set the run_name for all bundles and return the bundleDict. for b in bundleList: b.set_run_name(run_name) return mb.make_bundles_dict_from_list(bundleList)