Source code for rubin_sim.maf.batches.common

__all__ = (

import rubin_sim.maf.metrics as metrics

def combine_info_labels(info1, info2):
    if info1 is not None and info2 is not None:
        info = info1 + " " + info2
    elif info1 is not None:
        info = info1
    elif info2 is not None:
        info = info2
        info = None
    return info

[docs] def filter_list(all=True, extra_sql=None, extra_info_label=None): """Return a list of filters, plot colors and orders. Parameters ---------- all : `bool`, optional Include 'all' in the list of filters and as part of the colors/orders dictionaries. extra_sql : `str`, optional Additional sql constraint to add to constraints returned per filter. extra_info_label : `str`, optional Substitute info_label to add to info_label strings composed per band. Returns ------- filterlist : `list` [`str] colors : `dict` {`str`: `str`} orders : `dict` {`str`: int} sqls : `dict` {`str`: `str`} info_labels : `dict` {`str`: `str} """ if all: filterlist = ("all", "u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y") else: filterlist = ("u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y") colors = {"u": "cyan", "g": "g", "r": "orange", "i": "r", "z": "m", "y": "b"} orders = {"u": 1, "g": 2, "r": 3, "i": 4, "z": 5, "y": 6} if all: colors["all"] = "k" orders["all"] = 0 sqls = {} info_labels = {} if extra_info_label is None: if extra_sql is None or len(extra_sql) == 0: md = "" else: md = "%s " % extra_sql else: md = "%s " % extra_info_label for f in filterlist: if f == "all": sqls[f] = "" info_labels[f] = md + "all bands" else: sqls[f] = 'filter = "%s"' % f info_labels[f] = md + "%s band" % f if extra_sql is not None and len(extra_sql) > 0: for s in sqls: if s == "all": sqls[s] = extra_sql else: sqls[s] = "(%s) and (%s)" % (extra_sql, sqls[s]) return filterlist, colors, orders, sqls, info_labels
[docs] def standard_summary(with_count=True): """A set of standard summary metrics, to calculate Mean, RMS, Median, #, Max/Min, and # 3-sigma outliers. Parameters ---------- with_count : `bool`, optional Include the "Count" metric in the set of summary metrics or not. Returns ------- standardSummary : `list` [`maf.BaseMetric`] List of metrics appropriate to use to summarize the results from another metric. """ standardSummary = [ metrics.MeanMetric(), metrics.RmsMetric(), metrics.MedianMetric(), metrics.MaxMetric(), metrics.MinMetric(), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(metric_name="N(+3Sigma)", n_sigma=3), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(metric_name="N(-3Sigma)", n_sigma=-3.0), ] if with_count: standardSummary += [metrics.CountMetric()] return standardSummary
[docs] def extended_summary(): """An extended set of summary metrics, to calculate all that is in the standard summary stats, plus 25/75 percentiles. Returns -------- extendedSummary : `list` [`maf.BaseMetric`] List of metrics appropriate to use to summarize the results from another metric. """ extendedStats = standard_summary() extendedStats += [ metrics.PercentileMetric(metric_name="25th%ile", percentile=25), metrics.PercentileMetric(metric_name="75th%ile", percentile=75), ] return extendedStats
def lightcurve_summary(): lightcurveSummary = [ metrics.SumMetric(metric_name="Total detected"), metrics.CountMetric(metric_name="Total lightcurves in footprint"), metrics.CountMetric(metric_name="Total lightcurves on sky", mask_val=0), metrics.MeanMetric(metric_name="Fraction detected in footprint (mean)"), metrics.MeanMetric(mask_val=0, metric_name="Fraction detected of total (mean)"), ] return lightcurveSummary
[docs] def standard_metrics(colname, replace_colname=None): """A set of standard simple metrics for some quantity. Typically would be applied with unislicer. Parameters ---------- colname : `str` The column name to apply the metrics to. replace_colname: `str` or None, optional Value to replace colname with in the metric_name. i.e. if replace_colname='' then metric name is Mean, instead of Mean Airmass, or if replace_colname='seeingGeom', then metric name is Mean seeingGeom instead of Mean seeingFwhmGeom. Returns ------- standardMetrics : `list` [`maf.BaseMetric`] List of appropriate MAF metrics to evaluate a distribution. """ standardMetrics = [ metrics.MeanMetric(colname), metrics.MedianMetric(colname), metrics.MinMetric(colname), metrics.MaxMetric(colname), ] if replace_colname is not None: for m in standardMetrics: if len(replace_colname) > 0: ="%s" % colname, "%s" % replace_colname) else: =" %s" % colname) return standardMetrics
[docs] def extended_metrics(colname, replace_colname=None): """An extended set of simple metrics for some quantity. Typically applied with unislicer. Parameters ---------- colname : `str` The column name to apply the metrics to. replace_colname: `str` or None, optional Value to replace colname with in the metric_name. i.e. if replace_colname='' then metric name is Mean, instead of Mean Airmass, or if replace_colname='seeingGeom', then metric name is Mean seeingGeom instead of Mean seeingFwhmGeom. Returns ------- extendedMetrics : `list` [`maf.BaseMetric`] List of appropriate MAF metrics to evaluate a distribution. """ extendedMetrics = standard_metrics(colname, replace_colname=None) extendedMetrics += [ metrics.RmsMetric(colname), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(colname, metric_name="N(+3Sigma) " + colname, n_sigma=3), metrics.NoutliersNsigmaMetric(colname, metric_name="N(-3Sigma) " + colname, n_sigma=-3), metrics.PercentileMetric(colname, percentile=25), metrics.PercentileMetric(colname, percentile=75), metrics.CountMetric(colname), ] if replace_colname is not None: for m in extendedMetrics: if len(replace_colname) > 0: ="%s" % colname, "%s" % replace_colname) else: =" %s" % colname) return extendedMetrics
[docs] def standard_angle_metrics(colname, replace_colname=None): """A set of standard simple metrics for a wrap-around angle quantity. Parameters ---------- colname : `str` The column name to apply the metrics to. replace_colname: `str` or None, optional Value to replace colname with in the metric_name. i.e. if replace_colname='' then metric name is Mean, instead of Mean Airmass, or if replace_colname='seeingGeom', then metric name is Mean seeingGeom instead of Mean seeingFwhmGeom. Returns ------- standardAngleMetrics : `list` [`maf.BaseMetric`] List of appropriate MAF metrics for angle distributions. """ standardAngleMetrics = [ metrics.MeanAngleMetric(colname), metrics.RmsAngleMetric(colname), metrics.FullRangeAngleMetric(colname), metrics.MinMetric(colname), metrics.MaxMetric(colname), ] if replace_colname is not None: for m in standardAngleMetrics: if len(replace_colname) > 0: ="%s" % colname, "%s" % replace_colname) else: =" %s" % colname) return standardAngleMetrics
[docs] def summary_completeness_at_time(times, h_val, h_index=0.33): """A simple list of summary metrics to be applied to the Discovery_Time or PreviouslyKnown metrics. (can be used with any moving object metric which returns the time of discovery). Parameters ---------- times : `np.ndarray `or list` [`float`] The times at which to evaluate the completeness @ Hval. h_val : `float` The H value at which to evaluate the completeness (cumulative and differential). h_index : `float`, optional The index of the power law to integrate H over (for cumulative completeness). Returns ------- summaryMetrics : `list` [`maf.MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric`] List of completeness metrics to be evaluated at the specified times. """ summaryMetrics = [ metrics.MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric(times=times, hval=h_val, hindex=h_index, cumulative=False), metrics.MoCompletenessAtTimeMetric(times=times, hval=h_val, hindex=h_index, cumulative=True), ] return summaryMetrics
[docs] def summary_completeness_over_h(requiredChances=1, Hindex=0.33): """A simple list of summary metrics to be applied to the Discovery_N_Chances metric. Parameters ---------- requiredChances : `int`, optional Number of discovery opportunities required to consider an object 'discovered'. Hindex : `float`, optional The index of the power law to integrate H over (for cumulative completeness). Returns ------- summaryMetrics : `list` [`maf.MoCompletenessMetric`] List of moving object MoCompleteness metrics (cumulative and differential) """ summaryMetrics = [ metrics.MoCompletenessMetric(threshold=requiredChances, cumulative=False, hindex=Hindex), metrics.MoCompletenessMetric(threshold=requiredChances, cumulative=True, hindex=Hindex), ] return summaryMetrics
[docs] def fraction_population_at_threshold(thresholds, optnames=None): """Creates a list of summary metrics to be applied to any moving object metric which reports a float value, calculating the fraction of the population above X. Parameters ---------- thresholds : `list` [`float`] The thresholds at which to calculate what fraction of the population exceeds these values. optnames : `list` [`str`], optional If provided, these names will be used instead of the threshold values when constructing the metric names. This allows more descriptive summary statistic names. Returns ------- fracMetrics : `list` [`maf.MoCompletenessMetric`] List of moving object MoCompleteness metrics (differential fractions of the population). """ fracMetrics = [] for i, threshold in enumerate(thresholds): if optnames is not None: o = optnames[i] else: o = threshold m = metrics.MoCompletenessMetric( threshold=threshold, cumulative=False, metric_name=f"FractionPop {o}" ) fracMetrics.append(m) return fracMetrics
[docs] def microlensing_summary(metric_type, npts_required=10, Fisher_sigmatE_tE_cutoff=0.1): """Calculate summary metrics for the microlensing population metrics. Parameters ----------- metric_type : `str` Identify whether the metric is "Npts" or Fisher" npts_required : `int`, optional Count the fraction of microlensing events with more than npts_required observations Fisher_sigmatE_tE_cutoff : `float`, optional Count the fraction of microlensing events with characterization uncertainty less than this Returns ------- microlensingSummary : `list` [`maf.BaseMetric`] List of appropriate MAF metrics for this type of microlensing metric with the specified threshold values. """ if metric_type != "Npts" and metric_type != "Fisher": raise Exception('metric_type must be "Npts" or "Fisher"') if metric_type == "Npts": microlensingSummary = [ metrics.FracAboveMetric( cutoff=npts_required, metric_name=f"Fraction w/ at least {npts_required} points", ), metrics.CountMetric(metric_name="Total lightcurves in footprint"), metrics.CountMetric(metric_name="Total lightcurves on sky", mask_val=0), metrics.MeanMetric(metric_name="Mean number of points per lightcurves in footprint"), metrics.MeanMetric(mask_val=0, metric_name="Mean number of points per lightcurves in total"), ] elif metric_type == "Fisher": microlensingSummary = [ metrics.FracBelowMetric( cutoff=Fisher_sigmatE_tE_cutoff, metric_name=f"Fraction w/ sigma_tE/tE < {Fisher_sigmatE_tE_cutoff}", ), metrics.CountMetric(metric_name="Total lightcurves in footprint"), metrics.CountMetric(metric_name="Total lightcurves on sky", mask_val=0), metrics.RealMeanMetric(metric_name="Mean sigma_tE/tE in footprint (mean)"), metrics.RealMeanMetric(mask_val=0, metric_name="Mean sigma_tE/tE of total (mean)"), ] return microlensingSummary